T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) TEAM - Week 26



  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Lulu: Hi hun!:heart: The wedding date is September 26th, and next Monday we get possession of our townhouse we just bought!! Yayyy. How's life with you?

    Button: Thanks! Big hugs back!

    Indiana: Thanks on the good luck, it is a lot of planning...:yawn:
  • Buttonnose
    GoodDay everyone....
    I am with Lorann - what is it with weekends....I get totally off on everything. Then when the work week comes around I can get back on track. Think it is just that...weekends..no schedulized life therefore you do as you wish and before you know you are off track...soon as the week comes around though - at least for me..I go back to work and I am able to get back on track. But that isn't working so I have to figure out something different here.

    Was really upset this morning...was looking at some pic's of my grandsons first b/day that my daughter in law posted and when I seen one with me in it...I was just devastated...I had no idea that I looked that big. Took me by surprised and I am a bit upset with myself. But on that note - looking at that picture also told me...time to do something about this...I have to. The reality though really hit home, and I cried. :cry: Enough of the boohooing though, I did this to myself and I am the only one who can change it.

    I wanted to add just in case someone is interested...a really cool snack that I really like and is low in calories...is dill pickles believe it or not. Now for those who have to watch their salt intake...could be tricky. But I love Dill Pickles and they really aren't that high in calories. So for those of you who can...munch away on a dill pickle for a neat tasty little treat.

    Take care all.

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    I'm kinda the opposite about weekends - now I am using weekends to stay on track because I really have the time to, AND to plan my week ahead somewhat. It's during the week I have trouble now that I'm working full time again. I have to MAKE myself come home and prepare something healthy, cuz almost everyday I think, "I could just stop and pick up burgers, pizza, chicken... whatever". And every morning I think, "I'm not in the mood to pack my lunch, I could just run out at lunch and pick up a burger, pizza, chicken, etc.". Maybe if we shook us all up together, we'd come out with the perfect healthy eater!! Either that, or the unhealthiest eater EVER! Yikes!!:noway:

    I had to go to the Dr. the other day because I had a really bad allergic reaction to something ~ my left forearm covered in blisters ~ and I hadn't been to my regular doc in about 19 months ~ and I had lost 26 pounds according to their records!!!! I'm still sticking with my 21 though, cuz that what my scale reads at home~

    Kristi - I'll be looking for you to check in everyday now! I've missed you!:love:

    Lorann ~ If we couldn't enjoy them, they wouldn't be holidays!! No guilt, just back on track soon.:drinker:

    Buttonnose ~ Sorry for you feeling bad about yourself. That's usually what brings us to this place though, so no looking back, just forward to the new you that you are becoming! I can't wait til I see pictures of myself that I like! We are in this together girl!

    Chantyyyy! You are only a little more than a month away from wedding day!!! Sooooo excited for you and WOW! Big congratulations on the new home! That's fantastic!!

    k, later gaters!!
  • healthymom2009
    Just posting to let you know I was here ... reading. Sorry, no time to comment to everyone. I'm drinking and eating healthy... only 2 weeks til the family wedding and 7 lbs to reach my goal for that day. Don't know if my body will cooperate in time. Only 40 min. of exercise today becasue I was waiting for somebody and they didn't show up:angry: I hate interviewing for more daycare kids:ohwell:

    Keep up the good work team...I miss you when I don't check in!:blushing:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Sorry for MIA.. But today is the first day I ate ok on calories and drank all my water. Whew. It is totally about the routine for me, and my routine is shot right now. Today other relatives rolled into town from Tucson, AZ and will be staying a few days. Scared to introduce my boys to any relatives right now, seriously, but they came a long way and wanted to meet them, and couldn't really punish them for the acts of our parents (his and mine). My aunt said "They are the most beautiful and well behaved boys..." was worried about the race thing but it seems that it's not a race thing as much as a going out of country to adopt thing, of course people think adopting in the US is easy especially from foster care, well, after 11 years and being foster adopt approved in 3 different states - we never adopted a child from state foster care. So it's not that easy! With international, it's easy - pay the money, get a kid.... which is all we really wanted. Anyway, glad I brought it up to her, helps clarify things a bit, at least on her side, there's no consideration of race, maybe on his side, don't know, but as long as he keeps his opinions to himself, well...

    Working on getting hubby to the right doctor, we think his tumor did come back, but it's at a place where it's hard to see unless you are an expert on that type of tumor, so trying to get in with the doctor who did his surgery 3 years ago. It "shouldn't" be cancer, and it's a brain tumor he had removed 3 years ago, so all in all it shouldn't be too much of a big deal, but we need to get confirmation on what is really going on there and not something else, or worse. Grrr. Nothing like a bit of stress in life...

    Hungry, starving right now, this is my bad time of night lately. Having trouble sleeping, got my sleep cycle messed up, so late night snacking on stuff I shouldn't be. So far, no snacking, and I'm drinking a big ole glass of water to try and not be hungry. I'm under calories for a change, I need to stay under!!

    Did a bit of school shopping - 3 kids!!! OMG! Hit two of the office places for their 1 cent sales, did pretty good. Picked up my prescription at Walgreens and they had $9 backpacks, buy one get one free. Cool, already got a free one from the office place for spending $10. Backpacks - check. It's fun and yet kinda sad to get their school supplies, the kids are old enough for school! - but I'm also looking forward to having individual time with Nate, he's been acting out since we were in Iowa, so I think he feels insecure. Since he's only going 2-3 days per week, depending on the week, I'll get a good 2 days with him alone. Been working on spending time alone with the littlest one this summer, which has helped our bonding, and also seems to have helped him try harder to use words and not be so babyish - now time to shift focus on the oldest. Zack will probably always get his 1x1 time with me because he's my little shopper, loves to shop with me and get clothes, loves to watch me try on clothes, always says, "That's perfect momma! It's beautiful!" Well how can you NOT take that one shopping with you, LOL. The other 2 HATE shopping, so I don't feel guilty about taking just one with me.

    Still not back at the gym, with relatives popping in and the vacation and all that... feel guilty about it only because I was overeating and the gym could have saved me in that. But, this is a lifestyle change, and right now, I can't seem to get my routine in, but I am working on it. And when school starts, I am totally back at the gym every day! I can't wait!

    Water didn't work (24 oz) so may have to break even on cals and eat a banana yet. But still - breaking even is better than going over!!!

    What shocks me about my current eating is that - I did so good for six months or more. Then, went on vacation, got my routine messed up that I had established, and suddenly all bets are off. I thought I had it down, I was doing so good, so now I know I need an absolute routine to be successful at this. Good to know. That can certainly work in my favor. Also has shown me how easy it is to fall back into old habits and traps - even if they are no longer successful coping tools - and that routine will keep that from happening.

    I'm possibly up 4 pounds but since I haven't been doing my water for weeks and tom and all that - I may or may not be up 4 pounds. If I am, I am, I certainly ate enough to gain 4 pounds over the past month, but I'm hoping at least half of it is water weight. I'm also hoping that because I've fallen off the wagon for so long that when I get back in the gym and really eat right that the weight will come off fast like it did in the beginning... If I could lose 10 pounds a month or even 8 or 2 months... that would be awesome. I'm so close to completely shopping in the "regular" stores and regular sizes... so close!! Well at least all the new clothes I've gotten aren't too small with the weight gain, so that's good. Not too much damage yet. And truthfully the lessons I've learned during this time, with my coping and eating and routine and stuff - is actually worth the 4 pound gain to me. That's nothing compared to what I've learned to be successful long-term.

    Oh for newbies and not so newbies - I'm reminded of a post Banks did on the cycle you go thru during this. Will post the link as soon as I find it. A Must Read for all of us.
  • Buttonnose
    Morning All....well proud of myself today. Not even 9 AM and I have gone for my walk, showered, ready for work and breakfast into me. Now that is a record for me. Went out at 7 AM for my walk...so seems to have kicked me in gear. Now I can sit at the computer for about 1/2 hour then off to work for 10. Sort of depressing there right now...my bosses mother-in-law passed away on Saturday. So he is kind of down in the dumps, which makes it hard for me...as here I am getting all pumped for vacation (starting tomorrow), but trying to keep my excitement subdued for him. Oh well, we will get through this...his wife is pretty destroyed though...as not only did her mom pass away, but her dad is hospitalized too and they think he has cancer but can't determine what kind as of yet. So, she is having a rough time. Anyways, enough about them. Will just do my best to be supportive to them both.

    Lulu...that is funny how we are opposite regarding staying on track. Weekends mess me up completely. I find it much easier with my schedule of work and stuff to stay on track, even when it comes to eating. Got a suggestion for you when you want to buy your lunch. Go to Subway - they make a great salad. I always get the regular salad with double grilled chicken. Lots of veggies in it...and then I ask for the Honey Mustard dressing on the side. That way I am in control of how much of that I eat. Usually way too much for me to eat...but that is okay...better than a hamburger. But if you must have a hamburger..make it a chicken one instead of the beef pattie. Fries..make it small or switch it up for a salad. That is how I handle my fast food eating. Just readjust what I get. That picture..yeah it was pretty upsetting to me...like I said never realized what I really looked like till I seen it...took me by surprise so big time...Broke my heart to see where I have allowed myself to get...but like you said it is okay...cause I am now in control and going to make that all go away. Already feeling better in life, because of my changes.

    Adopt4...glad to hear that some of your family has dropped in and have been great with your children. Know you are having a rough time of it...and it is great that they have been so open and honest with you and supportive of you. You are a very special lady and I know I have told you that before. Opening your heart and loving these kids is something very precious...HUGS....just can't give you enough of them. Also thanks for the link to Banks post...I have copied it and printed it and going to put in on my fridge..not only for me but for my daughters too...as they are both struggling with weight gain too.
    As far as getting off track...my suggestion is do the best you can right now and once the kids are back into school..really work at getting on track. Sometimes when there are other things going on around you it is easy to get distracted..especially with children...so once they are in school..time for yourself and time to get more focused again. You will do it...I know you can...
    Hope all goes okay with your hubby...keep us posted.

    HealthyMom - some exercise is better than no exercise. Good luck with your 7 lbs....you have done great so far...and I think you can do it. You have such great stamina. You go girl!!

    To the rest of you....hope you are all doing well....
    Still no volunteers to post my loss this week on Friday....Will send my information on thursday morning to who ever is willing to post it as I won't be around computer or scales at that time. Mind you I could always take my scales with me...hmmm...food for thought. Going to take my podemeter for sure...so I can get an idea of how many calories I burn in the day. As it will help me to gear what I eat and don't eat. Going to wear it all the time. :smile:

    Well that is it...take care all.

  • Buttonnose
    Real quick here. First off, my request for someone to post for me on Friday has been filled. Indiannagranny has stepped up to do the job.
    Next...sent an email off to Cindeebee this morning to check on her. She sent me a quick one back...she has been really sick with some sort of flu/cold bug. Has had her down and out now for about 2 weeks. She sends her support and love to you all and will be back when she is better, but right now she needs her rest.
    Other than that...that's all I have to add.

  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Lulu - I hope the blisters are gone!! Poor you! But good on the unknown weight loss! I haven't weighed myself in a really long time, but I feel like my stomach is getting a little bigger, but yesterday I weighed myself on a friend's scale and it said 130...but I think it is not very good! I know the wedding is close...ahh so much to plan and pay for still!! Thanks Lulu :heart: lots of good stuff is happening all around!

    Healthymom - Hii!! Good job on being so close to your goal!

    Adopt4 - Holy seems like a lot on your plate! Hope there is no tumor :(
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Man, those eggo waffles are saving me big time right now. If I eat one with berries in it, then I don't need anything else on top of it, keeps the calories down. And I add a filled one (almost as many calories as 2 berry ones) so that I feel full and have "sweets" and yet keep calories low. I also eat them for snacks or after dinner if I feel I'm starving... yeah probably not great nutritional value, but easier to control and makes me feel full. And they taste good!

    Today is the earliest I've gotten up in a month - 8. Which isn't early, but with hubby home, I didn't have to get up as early. That will help with getting to the gym and all that, plus youngest son will be getting an early bus so we'll REALLY have to get up early in Sept!

    For those of you with kids - Office Max has 1 cent tablets, 70 pages. I use them for drawing paper for the kids. Limit 3 - so me and the kids file thru, each buy 3, then stop by later in the day and get 3 more each... definitely a cheap way to keep kids in drawing paper. We're going there next to get more. And the kids think it's such a blast to "buy their own" stuff. Makes me think it might be time for an allowance if they do certain chores - 25 cents if they clean up all the toys by themselves, etc. Money is a great motivator, heck, if someone paid me 25 cents each time I picked up the toys, well, I wouldn't need a job! LOL
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi team, just checking in. Getting back on track seems to be a process, not an event. Did great yesterday before about 3:00 - had a good sized breakfast, worked out, drank water, etc. All good. Then, I knew I was planning to go out with friends yesterday evening for sushi. So, I didn't have lunch (saving calories, really stupid, I know. Throw a slipper at me someone!) Then had all you can eat sushi at 8:00 pm. Ok, from 8:00 to 9:45. It was great, but all you can eat are three words I should really avoid. Lets just say I get my money's worth! :embarassed: Oh, I just realized, its four words. :blushing: Geesh!

    So, this morning, worked out, worked in the garden, breakfast, and am now gonna get ready for work.

    Oh, Kelli - I've been thinking about you and the family thing a lot. One thing that seems to have been eclipsed in the family dysfunction is how much better you look and feel over the last six month. Also, being able to show your brother and sister how great you look and feel. Did any of that happen? It seems like your accomplishments have been sort of swallowed up in your family dynamics. Screw that!! They miss out on a relationship with you and your great kids. Their loss. I get the emotional side of eating, and comforting ourselves. But we need to remember the real comfort is in feeling better, looking better and feeling so good about ourselves. Lets get back on track before Lulu beats us up with that slipper of hers! Love you!!! Oh, and thanks for posting the link to the Banks post. GREAT information. Everyone should check it out.

    Well everyone, take care. Love you guys!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Fingers crossed, still eating good today, have drank half my water and working on the second half. Still have enough calories left to have churchs chicken (they just opened down the street!) as long as I don't eat any desserty stuff or rolls. Going to keep chugging the water and try to stay under cals again today.

    Wrote an email to my mom I'm having a few people review so I can at least explain some of the issues were misunderstandings. It probably won't be taken right but hey, I tried. Helps to get it off your chest.

    Kristi, no I never saw my bro or sis. Which in retrospect is good, there was enuf drama as is. Sis hates me (now she'll have more to hate me for since there's less of me) and bro hasn't been in contact with the family for 25 years or more. Don't know where he is or if he's still alive, although he was alive a few years ago when a PI found him. Oh about all you can eats? We NEVER do that anymore, even Sweet Tomatoes because they have too much bad stuff too. We used to do HomeTown Buffet fairly frequently... no more!

    Saw a show called X Weighted today. The woman was about an inch shorter than me and about 4 pounds heavier when she started. The measurements were dang close too. So it was nice to get an idea of how I look, REALLY. And I'm not nearly as big as I thought I was. Although I am still obviously very fat... Although her face is skinnier than mine and she doesn't have the chin issues I have. I was jealous. :wink:

    You're right, getting back on track is a process the same as getting on track was a process. And I'm learning to be ok with that. I definitely "earned" the weight that came back, I have no one to blame or no reason to whine, I did it to myself. And I am fixing it myself as well, no magic pill or magic butt reducer cream - just good healthy eating and exercise (hopefully soon).

    Night all, may post after dinner or later if I'm struggling with wanting food. Just finished my second round of water for the day, and I'm full of water but still hungry (waiting for hubby to come home for dinner) so at least I know it's hunger and not thirst.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry Ive been MIA lately. Have had alot going on. For those of you on facebook, you know what Ive been up too.. for those of you who arent.. Ive been baking cakes again. My sons 16th birthday was on the 1st but he was gone to his dads so I ended up making his cake this last Sunday night, along with my youngest daughters 13th birthday cake since she turned 13 on the 7th. Both cakes turned out good. Allies was a frog and Travis's was a butt with a thong...needless to say I had 1 piece of butt cake and as usual the thought of eating any more cake made me sick.... either that or I got the stomach flu from allie who came down with it Sunday night during her sleepover party with 6 of her friends. (poor kid!)

    Anywho...Today was my 36th birthday (again thanks to all you facebookers and your wishes!) Didnt do much of anything during the day. I babysat until 5:30 then hubby took me to get dinner and some sangria up the street for dinner. No party this year, I didnt want one. Dont feel like spending the $$ to have a bunch of people over. Im actually pretty glad I skipped it since not one of them has even called me today...:ohwell:

    Ive been doing really well with maintaining for now. Been eating good and I couldnt remember where I was at for my weigh in here and just went to check in and Ive lost 3 ounces in the past month.:laugh: I see this as a great personal success for me since my last check in was 7-17. I havent been exercising outside of working 9 hour shifts at work 3-4 days a week. There are days I feel guilty for NOT working out and I end up telling myself "Shut up...you get plenty of walking in at work.. you need a break!" So... to get out of the "guilty mode"...I wore my pedometer to work the other day and it said I had walked 32000 steps in 1 shift!!!! :noway: Not for the day... just for my 9 hour shift!! LOL Yeah, Id say Im getting my workouts in!!

    Im off to retire to bed with my new book....hoping tomorrow I can get some errands done since I have the day off...

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Allies Frog Cake

    Travis's Thong Cake
  • Buttonnose
    Morning all

    LosingIt - those cakes look good. What a tease. LOL. YOu do a great job on making cakes - I am impressed. Oh - Happy Birthday, know it is late, but better late than never.

    Adopt4 - stay strong in your life change and focus on the positive things around you.

    Well that is about it for me. Got a busy day - last day before we head out of here.

    Drink :drinker: Drink :drinker: Drink :drinker: - water that is. :wink:

    Take care all,

  • prayerfulmom
    a quick check in. Been down with my disease.:cry: I wanted to bring in my last year of my 30's with a metric century but the body failed me. feeling better today.
    Hope your all doing well.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Good morning...

    Did you miss me? I certainly missed you. Like button said, I've been really sick. Sometimes I can rouse myself enough to check into Facebook, but I haven't spent much time at the computer lately. Especially Saturday...when it crashed...

    I'm still recovering, but at least I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Absolutely the WORST flu bug I've had in a long, long time...

    I haven't even tried to track my calories. I've been eating when I'm hungry, drinking lots of water and juice, and even though I've been living off of carbs, I'm still losing/maintaining. I guess my body needs the fuel.

    Anyway...That's it for now...
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Morning team - how is everyone? I've been in the garden this morning, I am thinking of getting on the bike, but thats all for a work out today. Need to rest the muscles! :noway: Everything is a little sore after two days back at it. I was really surprised to see I hadn't logged any exercise since June 3rd. I can't believe that. Time flies when life gets crazy.

    Am still struggling with late night hunger. Gotta work on something for that. Well, see you all later.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    HI all,

    Hope all is well. I've been sick the last couple of days. Yesterday with a headache and today with an upset stomach and back door trots! Yesterday I called in sick and told them I'd try to sleep off the headache and work the afternoon. I went in about 2pm and they took one look at me and sent me back home. Today I went to work on time but my stomach was real upset. I came home for lunch and told them I wasn't coming back. Gonna try to eat something small and go take a nap.

    I'm still not logging food. I just can't seem to get into it. I am not over eating though. I didn't drink my water yesterday but I've been pretty good up until then. I am on my second glass today.

    Adopt I totally understand about adopting out of country. It's hard to do in the US. I wish it were easier. Would be nice if you could help out a child in our own country , black, white, handicapped or not...doesn't matter, but the US makes it so hard.

    Kristi, are you really hungry at night or bored? mine is usually boredom, something to do while watching tv. I found that 100 calorie popcorn fills me up then. Gives me something to munch on that fills me up with little calories.

    Great looking cakes Cyndi. Too good to cut into. Maybe you should work in Safeways bakery!.

    Cindybee I've missed you. Sorry you've been so sick. I finally called a dr here that is a fibromyalgia specialist. Gonna give him a try and see if I can feel better.

    Button; have a great vacation. I go to vegas in 35 days I am so excited.

    Well off to eat and take a nap. Take care all
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Get well soon, Debbie...:flowerforyou: