How many calories burned during Insanity?!



  • Hey tell your wife to request me on here. Not sure how to word that, she and I are similer. I'm 5'9 but weigh more and I sweat alot myself but can't figure out calories burned so I'm almost afraid I'm under eating. THanks

    Orlando, FL.:smile:
  • osubuks92
    osubuks92 Posts: 10
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Hi. I am starting week 7 today. Only 2 more weeks! I am in pretty good cardio health except that I am carrying around this extra lbs. I have a HRM.

    I am 5'3 and my starting weight was 159. I am now down to 147. WOOT WOOT! I love me some Shaun T!

    On the month 1 videos, I burned about 350 calories, sometimes more and sometimes less.

    On the month 2 videos, I burn about 450, again sometimes more/less.

    Good Luck, if you stick with it, you will be amazed at the changes in your body. Dig deeper!
  • jlrowland
    jlrowland Posts: 15 Member
    Way to go on your wt loss! I am glad to see people are still using this program for weight loss. It's totally kicking my butt, but not ready to give up- (only on my 2nd week) any encouragement would be great! Did you follow the diet plan as well? I am a very busy mom & work full time, the only time i can exercise is late at night, but hey- i figure it's better than nothing.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 221 Member
    My wife and I just started yesterday. We did the fit test and I'm already sore today! She did the second day workout today and I'll be doing it tonight and yes, I'm already loving it!
  • cjmas
    cjmas Posts: 63
    Hi everyone,

    I just started insanity last night with my husband. Boy did we sweat! I sweated more than when I run for an hour! My core is the weakest part of my body, hence why I wanted to give this a try. I must say, I didn't complete as many reps as I would have liked within a minute, but I'm proud of myself for trying. I just need to dig deep today.

    Question, for those of you that run, do you run and do the insanity? I'm not sure at this moment if I can do both. I run about 2-3x a week but Insanity requires you to work out 6 days a week. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    When I actually wake up early enough to do Insanity in the morning before work, my schedule is: Insanity in the morning, and an easy run in the afternoon. When I first started Insanity, I was doing an easy elliptical workout in the evenings; I figured it would help get the lactic acid moving around so I'd be less sore.

    Good luck! It's a GREAT workout. :)
  • cjmas
    cjmas Posts: 63
    In terms of calories burned, I'm figuring inbetween 300-400. Of course, I bought a cheap HRM that only tells me time, average heart rate and peak heart rate. I then go to an online calculator. I'm pretty sure I'm underestimating for the circuit training, (aren't you supposed to burn more?), but I'm with the other poster who said it's better to underestimate calories burned than overestimate them!

    I'm on the first month, (last week before recovery), and eager to start the second month. I want to lose about 30 pounds.
  • tbolashana
    tbolashana Posts: 2,707 Member
    i started doing insanity 5/1/12 and just purchased a HRM and am now realizing that i was probably underestimating my cal burned. i hit a plateau so that is probably why. i probably wasn't eating enough. i am in recovery week. now that i have a HRM i will definitely know what i am burning.

    my HRM is a MIO and costed 49.99 at best buy.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I burned over 450 in plyo, and i am 5'6'', 142lbs and close to my goal. i have a polar ft40, and basically, at least 10 cals per minute, usually more with insanity...
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i burn between 320-370 cals per workout! most challenging thing ive done so far. i can start to see some belly fat disappearing. hmm prob too soon but i can see it working. completed day 11 today.
  • cperretti
    cperretti Posts: 1
    Best post ever. Well played
  • outlaw5353
    outlaw5353 Posts: 50
    I just started this my fit thing but im doing the second month of insanity and on the the max pylo i burned 1002 calories my hr said whew was i sweating
  • I am on day 2, week 2 of Insanity and burn around 450 cals each time. Hoping that with time and endurance, I can get that number higher. LOVE Insanity!!
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I'm on my first day of week 3. Woohoo for fit test day lol. My girl and I have both lost about 10lbs. Cleaned up the eating at the same time. Tons and tons of sweat! I feel like quadzilla
  • jmg6884
    jmg6884 Posts: 1
    On day 2 for the second time. Hopefully I keep it up this time. I did learn don't do intense chest workout before day 2. Pretty sure I completed maybe half of the pushups. I always figure on the low side with my Cardio, so I log 350 per insanity until I can get through with less breaks.
  • I use a HRM every Insanity workout and I would say I average burning around 325 calories per workout. When I do Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs it's usually around 400. I found that if you use "Aerobics-High Impact" it's relatively close to what is burned during Insanity, not 100% accurate, but fairly close.

    I was actually surprised, I thought I would be burning way more calories, but there is so much muscle work during the workouts that it increases your calories burned throughout the day as well.

    Good luck!
  • tbolashana
    tbolashana Posts: 2,707 Member
    i started doing insanity 5/1/12 and just purchased a HRM and am now realizing that i was probably underestimating my cal burned. i hit a plateau so that is probably why. i probably wasn't eating enough. i am in recovery week. now that i have a HRM i will definitely know what i am burning.

    my HRM is a MIO and costed 49.99 at best buy.

  • thoess
    thoess Posts: 16
    I don't have a HRM - but sometimes I wish that I did

    But anyway, I just figure that
    a) Really hard exercise is 10 calories / minute
    So, a regular insanity is roughly 350 calories

    Exercises like walking - so maybe 5 calories / minute? Depends on how hard you are walking?
    Leisurely walking is say 4 calories / minute?

    That is how I do it - if I walk for 40 minutes x 5 calories / Minute = 200 calories
    Insanity workout - 40 minutes x 10 calories / minute = 400 calories
    P90x workout - maybe 6 / 7 calories / minute - depends on which one or how hard you are working

    I just can't give more than 10 calories / minute for exercise - so if you think that you are burning 1000 calories in an insanity workout, I really doubt it
  • nikkih715
    nikkih715 Posts: 1
    Has anyone found a way to log it on here? Do you just create your own exercise and put the cals off your HRM? Or can you find it in the database? I really want to try to keep the RIGHT amount of Calories in my "bank" that way I'm not over/under eating...
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I never burn anymore than 580! First month I burned anywhere from 350-450 and on month 2 now I burn anywhere from 400-580. Wish I could burn more and believe me I dig deeper and push it!
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