Tips for weight loss that people take for granted.



  • tracymarie2012
    tracymarie2012 Posts: 164 Member
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Bump for later
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    When I first started on this journey, I simply cut calories (averaging about 1500 a day, but I zig zag), and I only lost about a half pound a week. Then I added exercise (2-3 times a week for about an hour), and I started losing about a pound a week. Then I added cayenne capsules, at 100,000 IHU (international heat units), some of the hottest you can get, twice a day, and suddenly my weight loss jumped to 2-3 pounds a week! Even if I don't exercise, I can still lose a pound or two a week, just from watching my calories and taking the cayenne pills.

    I LOVE spicy food - Thai, chili, buffalo wings, all of it! But spicy food never helped me lose weight like these cayenne pills do.

    I wish I could drink green tea more often, but with my high blood pressure I'm wary of it. Maybe once I get down to 160 or so I can add it, since the blood pressure is weight related.

    Thanks for the tips! :happy:
  • Def bump.
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    I agree with all your little tips and info you have gotten together thanks!!!

    The Sleep and Stress may be the most important out of all of these. People need to relax more (BE HAPPY PEOPLE)....and sleep more.

    I have something to say in response to Mrs.Agi(tated) :wink:

    I have a daughter with disabilities; physical and cognitive delays and it makes me angry that you would use someone's disabilities as an excuse for anything. If I did that how would I ever get anything done or do or take my family anywhere???
    I also watch my twin 4 yr. old nieces 40 hours a week. I have a house and a husband and a step-son as well to take care of.....and I get my exercise and sleep done just fine due to the way I schedule my day.

    Everyone has something unpleasant to deal with in their lives. Having a spouse with disabilities must be tough to deal with, but having a child that has disabilities - believe me...I have been kept up at night worrying, crying, hating the world, about my daughter's future, friends, boyfriends, jobs, living independently, who will look after her when my husband and I get old, will she need assistance etc.. blah, blah, blah....So please don't use disabilities as an excuse for anything...Let it empower you and if you can deal with disabilities how ever severe they may or may not be you can deal with anything. I will spend the rest of my life helping my daughter and my family live an ABLE and happy life. :bigsmile:

    Thanks for that helpful thought - actually I also have two disabled children - one physical one neurological. I was not using them a s an excuse, I was explaining that there are often good reasons our lives don't quite fit exactly the schedule we would like

    *sigh* I should know better than to try to use ironic humour on a forum - the post was supposed to say that all these tips are just that - nice ideas but not very doable for a lot of people, and certainly not the "solution" to weight loss

    I'm sure you will all be delighted to know that I cut the stress out of my life years ago - like you I learned that crying and worrying doesn't help solve the problems. And therefore the unnecessarily personal insults have gone completely over my head.

    have a nice day y'all, I certainly shall, but not on mfp forums

    Hmmm, I am not sure where I personally insulted you, I actually mentioned you should be feeling empowered...sooo??? I guess that may be just how you take things?????:ohwell:

    It just pushes my buttons when I see someone using disabilities as a reason for inhibiting anything. Which is how it sounded in your original post quoted here

    "you just forgot to add in the most important tip: DON'T HAVE ANY BABIES/SMALL CHILDREN/A DISABLED PARTNER"

    This makes it sound like what you have listed here is what is keeping you from sleeping and living stress free. I just responded to how it reads.......
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • Great tips! I can rarely get a full nights undisturbed sleep because of my husbands shift work, but I do try to go to bed early enough to get at least 7 1/2 hours even if it is disturbed.

    I buy Two Hills Organic Matcha Lemon flavour, it is delicious hot or cold. You can also get cocoa and coconut flavour. I tried the coconut, didn't like it, but my son loves the cocoa match tea.

    Oh and I do have two sons in wheelchairs, one has Cerebral Palsy and the other Muscular Dystrophy , but they don't keep me up at night.....but they do drive me crazy, but not as crazy as my 2 able bodied teenage sons :laugh:
    JK....great kids!
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 313 Member
    Bump :)
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member

    Oh and I do have two sons in wheelchairs, one has Cerebral Palsy and the other Muscular Dystrophy , but they don't keep me up at night.....but they do drive me crazy, but not as crazy as my 2 able bodied teenage sons :laugh:
    JK....great kids!

    Awesome! I will tell my daughter "You're driving me crazy" and she totally breaks from her naughty-ness to use her hands like she driving a car "vroooom" oh my it's too cute.
  • r3d13
    r3d13 Posts: 139
    bump. Thank you for the tips. I will read them all later. :)
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Note to self....GET MORE SLEEP!

    Thank you for posting!!
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    Bump!! Thanks for this! These kinds of tips one can never be reminded of too much. :smile:
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    will read later
  • tisamg
    tisamg Posts: 62 Member
    bump for later. Thanks!
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    I have always suspected spicy food did something to my appetite. just didnt eat it enough to have proof.

    When I first started on this journey, I simply cut calories (averaging about 1500 a day, but I zig zag), and I only lost about a half pound a week. Then I added exercise (2-3 times a week for about an hour), and I started losing about a pound a week. Then I added cayenne capsules, at 100,000 IHU (international heat units), some of the hottest you can get, twice a day, and suddenly my weight loss jumped to 2-3 pounds a week! Even if I don't exercise, I can still lose a pound or two a week, just from watching my calories and taking the cayenne pills.

    I LOVE spicy food - Thai, chili, buffalo wings, all of it! But spicy food never helped me lose weight like these cayenne pills do.

    I wish I could drink green tea more often, but with my high blood pressure I'm wary of it. Maybe once I get down to 160 or so I can add it, since the blood pressure is weight related.

    Thanks for the tips! :happy:

    I also wanted to know if it helped you lose more a week because it suppressed your appetite or if it just boosted your metabolism and you continued to eat the same way as you had prior to taking them. thanks!
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
    Thanks for sharing!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I have always suspected spicy food did something to my appetite. just didnt eat it enough to have proof.

    When I first started on this journey, I simply cut calories (averaging about 1500 a day, but I zig zag), and I only lost about a half pound a week. Then I added exercise (2-3 times a week for about an hour), and I started losing about a pound a week. Then I added cayenne capsules, at 100,000 IHU (international heat units), some of the hottest you can get, twice a day, and suddenly my weight loss jumped to 2-3 pounds a week! Even if I don't exercise, I can still lose a pound or two a week, just from watching my calories and taking the cayenne pills.

    I LOVE spicy food - Thai, chili, buffalo wings, all of it! But spicy food never helped me lose weight like these cayenne pills do.

    I wish I could drink green tea more often, but with my high blood pressure I'm wary of it. Maybe once I get down to 160 or so I can add it, since the blood pressure is weight related.

    Thanks for the tips! :happy:

    I also wanted to know if it helped you lose more a week because it suppressed your appetite or if it just boosted your metabolism and you continued to eat the same way as you had prior to taking them. thanks!

    I've never taken any pills like that. It'd be interesting to get peoples opinions on them.
  • EmeriaDewes
    EmeriaDewes Posts: 73 Member
  • EmeriaDewes
    EmeriaDewes Posts: 73 Member
    I have trader joe's green tea, I can feel the different, it is control my appetite