What order does the fat come off?



  • heavensshadow
    heavensshadow Posts: 264 Member
    Last hired, first fired.

    Women usually lose thighs/butt last; boobs, waists, face, arms, chest first.

    Guys usually keep gut fat/back fat till last.

    truth! the longer you've had the weight there, the longer it will take to get it off.
  • With my my weight comes off in the following order-stomach, face, thighs, butt, arms and boobs last. I have always found that I lost weight in my stomach quickly for some reason.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I tend to lose stomach/back fat first. Everything below my waist holds on for dear life until it can't anymore.
  • Katetmay
    Katetmay Posts: 54 Member
    Most of mine came of my fack, back and waist. I look abit silly as the top of me is sliming down but the bottom seems to stay the same. I would really love my legs to slim down so I can wear shorts with confidence this summer but I am giving up hope.
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    Haven't really noticed a change yet. I do know that I generally lose in my back and chest last. I don't have a butt so not really paying attention there yet. Will be interesting to see. I have been taking measurements every week and haven't noticed anything major yet.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Where I lost it first.
    1. my face.
    2. Chest
    3. Stomach
    4. Thighs
    5. Arms

    But it is all gradual. I had the most to lose in my stomach so, of course that will take the longest to remove. One day at a time, one lb at a time, one % at a time.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Most of mine came of my fack, back and waist. I look abit silly as the top of me is sliming down but the bottom seems to stay the same. I would really love my legs to slim down so I can wear shorts with confidence this summer but I am giving up hope.

    NOOO don't give up.. They will slim down. My legs have always been large. I has swimmers legs.. at least that was what i called them lol.. They shrink, and they probably already have. It's not a dramatic loss but it adds up. Keep at it and your legs will def slim down.
  • Hamptoj
    Hamptoj Posts: 1
    I always loose boobs first and belly last. Dangit!:smile:
  • RachelK40
    RachelK40 Posts: 17
  • davcro
    davcro Posts: 11
    I used to work for a weight loss doctor who said you lose fat from your organs first so you might notice a difference from losing water weight initially but then there's a period of time where you don't see a change until you start slimming on your face or ankles, for instance. You should feel better, even 10lbs off the body helps your heart work a lot easier, I can't remember the specific medical statistics but you get the general idea. A lot of the people on the program would joke that they seemed to lose in reverse order of where they gained, it came off their stomaches and hips last if that's where they put it on first!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I lost a lot of stomach fat.. Hips neck/upper chest and face.. I suppose thighs too. My breasts haven't shrank much but I still have more stomach and thighs to burn off
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