
Im mentally on board with recording what I eat but I seem to still not eat what I should and haven't seemed to get the energy or at least it's always my I'm so busy excuse to not workout I feel sometimes like I'm eating things so fast like they won't count or something! But I still record them and when I see it I just get so frustrated with myself!


  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    Sarah you need to give yourself a break first of all! Simple to say this is but do what you know is true with the information you have and feel good about yourself!
  • WritingMyLife
    WritingMyLife Posts: 57 Member
    Forgive yourself and start fresh. Focus on right now, one meal, one snack, at a time. I try to plan most of my food for the day so the healthy stuff is right in front of me.

    I really think feeling guilty and angry is the enemy. I believe in moderation and relaxing into this. Positive self talk gets me much further than negative. Start small and build.
  • csingleton80
    Don't get mad at yourself at all, my first few weeks I just couldn't keep under my goals and was still eating fairly badly, but seeing my numbers like that got me motivated to do better. Planning your meals ahead of time can help with the being busy. I like to cook extra portions of healthy foods and freeze them so I can take them to work or any time I need something quick. Take this one day at a time, we didn't gain in a day and we sure won't lose it in a day, head up you can do this!!
  • meghanmarsh
    I know how you feel. I am a foodie and most of what I like is in the no-no category. I have been doing really well this time though ( like many, I do this every year) and I think it is because I have to be accountable and watch those numbers add up. I have been doing this a little over a month and most days I am good about doing some exercise and staying within my daily calories, but there have been days when I totally blew it. You have to get back on the horse and not give up, just do the best you can every day. Don't give up. Keep telling yourself that you are worth it and you CAN do this. It will become easier if you remain dedicated and stay positive about yourself and your ability to change your habits.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    You don't want it bad enough. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I am being honest and blunt. When you really want it, you will stop making excuses and move forward with your diet and exercise routine.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I found planning ahead really helps me. Sometimes there are bumps in the road, but if you plan what to eat, you tend to stay on target. At first. I made myself workout, now I really miss it, if I don't. Do baby steps. My first "work out" was a half mile walk and I thought I would die. Now I can run 5k, not world class, but it is working. Don't make your goals so high at first that they aren't attainable. Relax and giver yourself a break. Good luck.
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    My first week on MFP I just recorded everything I ate

    Then after a week I did an analysis and started tackling each issue separately ie giving up chips so my sodium intake was normal, then giving up chocolate to bring my sugar levels down,,,although I love fruit and still find my sugar levels a bit high I am still not giving up and working thru it with the support from MFP boards and people here

    I have been a junk food addict for 20 yrs and knew it would take time for things to fall in place

    So don't get frustrated. There is always a healthier tomorrow
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Maybe you're trying to do too much at once. Try starting slow, like take a 30min walk everyday, without changing your diet, or change your diet but don't start exercising yet. I did no exercise for the first 6 weeks, and I started out eating to my calorie goal but a lot of processed/packaged foods. But one healthy change led to another.

    Good luck!
  • silentviolet
    Hello, I took a look at your diary and I hope you don't mind, but I would like to give you some tips

    - Replace all (well besides the calorie free iced tea) liquids with water

    - loose the chips, if your still hungry have more oranges or something else along the fruit and veggie lines

    - cookies are okay, but try to only eat them once a week

    - eat slowly, not fast. That way you are full faster and do not eat as much.

    - Eat more things at breakfast and less at dinner. You will burn off your breakfast through out the day, but after dinner you lay there for at least 8 hours sleeping.\

    - overall just replace a lot with healthy stuff, like fruits and vegetables.

    - also think about the stuff you are eating it. Are you eating it because it tastes good or because you need it? Eat to live, don't live to eat.

    - exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes a day

    I hope I helped. Stay strong, and you WILL reach your goal. Good luck :D
  • sagsign86
    One step at a time. First recording what you eat is super important. It allows you to see what your eating and helps you make better decisions. Exercise is the next most important, I think. I find that no matter how tiired I feel after work I am always able to walk for at least 20-30 mins. You don't even have to walk fast 2.5-3 mph is good. To me, thats an average walking speed. Try not to worry too much about what your eating as long as you stay within your calorie range. Once you've got these things down, then you can focus on making your meals healthier. For now don't take on too much, like I said: one thing at a time.
  • Jgen62
    Jgen62 Posts: 66
    Ou got some great advice here so far. I like to post what I am going to. Eat for breakfast and snacks and lunch before hand. I try to eat every three hours. I bought the lenders everything bagels and have eggs on it. I love dannon vanilla yogurt with strawberries and topped with a handful of chex honey nut cereal yummy! I do try to motivate myself to walk every day. Choose smaller portions and try not to eat to feel good but to feel healthy. I don't always achieve this but when I stumble I pick myself back up and start again. I love frozen grapes ( red ones) seedless. They are so good to watch tv with lol good luck and take one day at a time:)))