Not new but need motivation and support

I joined this site January 2011 I lost 25lbs and fell off the wagon and gained it all back plus 2 pound. Hope I can stick with it this time around to get this weight off for health reasons.


  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hope so... good luck!
  • Locasio1
    Locasio1 Posts: 1
    I started good too. I lost seventeen pounds in my first two weeks then I went on vaca and fell off the wagon and now I am having a difficult time getting back to my diet. Any suggestions??
  • jennyjennbug
    jennyjennbug Posts: 101 Member
    I choose not to diet this time but eat smaller portions and add fruit and veggies. Maybe this time I can stick with it longer.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I think it's great that you're making a commitment to yourself while your kids are still young enough to appreciate and benefit from it (i.e. don't wait until they go to college to spend some time on yourself).

    If you're looking for friends, feel free to add me. I try to keep my comments positive, but I will comment if you're eating too little or if you don't log in for a while.

    Good luck on your journey. All the best,
  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    Welcome back! Add me if you like! :)
  • judybrim
    judybrim Posts: 82 Member
    hello, JJ! So glad to hear you're coming back! This is the place to be! I started in Sep '11 and love it! This is my first weight loss journey and I love the clear picture you get on mfp of what's happening in your body! I've lost 45 lbs so far and am close to my goal weight. I'd love to cheer you on as so many have done that for me! We're in this together, through thick or thin! We can do this! If you'd like to add me, that would be great! Let's keep it coming! Until next time, happy days to you! :D ... Judy
  • Hey there. I'm pretty new to this site but I have high hopes. How about you and I stick together for motivation and accountability and we will get through this thing together. I'll do my best to keep you motivated and honest. Feel free to add me. I have a long way to go to reach my goal. And the more friends I have helping me through it the better.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    After a year Ive come back to mfp and have finally got down to the weight I was a year ago. Sigh.

    so I feel your pain. :D speaking of which, I have discovered an amazing idea: plan meals for tomorrow. I know, I'm probably reinventing the wheel, but it's a kind of food porn. i just sat here and planned tomorrow based upon all the things i want to eat. I went over so I thought "I'll add in my exercise then" which I don't really think about. 500 cals! So I get to eat 2000 cals tomorrow! I'm having eggs for breakfast, and vogels toast and tomatoes for lunch with a yoghurt. Then the tramp - and then yummy dinner and a packet of smarties. Yes, that walk equates to a packet of smarties. Do I look bovvered? Heh. I wish I had worked this out ages ago.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Welcome back!

    Today marked 455 days of me logging in, paying attention to what I eat, and exercising intently. I started January 1, 2011 and in a year I lost 25 pounds, 8 inches off my waist and went from a size 14 to a 4/6!
    That may not sound like a lot , I wasn't that big to begin with. I decided that at 177 pounds and having to buy size 14 because NONE of my pants fit I had to get serious about my health and fitness.

    I do what I can to motivate but am pretty busy, so comments are usually short. On the weekends I sometimes have a bit more time.

    Feel free to add me! :-)
  • d_89
    d_89 Posts: 30 Member
    I choose not to diet this time but eat smaller portions and add fruit and veggies. Maybe this time I can stick with it longer.

    This ^ Welcome back! I too have been on Mfp for a while but chose to 'diet' instead of just making healthy lifestyle choices and fell off the wagon several times. This time around I've lost more inches and lbs than I ever had before (6lbs so far , but ALOT of inches) i can guarantee that this time around you'll make it happen for good because of your new approach.

    feel free to add me btw :)
  • jennyjennbug
    jennyjennbug Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks guys for all the invites and advice you can never have to much support the more the better.:flowerforyou: