OH the Guilt! It HURTS!


Sorry for the dramatic entrance... BUT I ATE A CINNABON CINNA-BUN! It was only a mini one... and it tasted DELISH! it was only 170 Cals... but... Why do I feel like I have been caught with my pants down* (just an expression which is literally how I feel)? I'm feeling depressed... The Sugar, Cinnamon, and the Fluffy Baked Dough (*pecans were added for some nutrition*) . Should I use this guilt-trip to do extra exercise tonight? I usually say no to temptation but I just don't know what happened!


  • marvelousmindy9
    I know how you feel! I went to Applebee's last night and ordered the spinach artichoke dip. I still came in under calories for the day but I knew even when I ordered it that I shouldn't have done it. I'm really going to have to work harder at controlling what I eat when we go out to eat! don't beat yourself up too much over it because todays a new day which means a new chance at doing better with our choices!!
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    Wow, if you're going to do it you may as well enjoy it! You can eat whatever you want just be sure to log it and ENJOY IT! No guilt should be felt as long as you're logging it.
  • sarahldee
    sarahldee Posts: 15 Member
    Enjoy it!! I am of the opinion that if you want a healthy lifestyle to last forever you need to eat what you want sometimes! As you said it was 170kcals (or you had enough cals for the dip) don't worry about it, enjoy and then work it off! 95% healthy + 5% what you want + exercise = happy healthy you!?
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    Enjoy it!! I am of the opinion that if you want a healthy lifestyle to last forever you need to eat what you want sometimes! As you said it was 170kcals (or you had enough cals for the dip) don't worry about it, enjoy and then work it off! 95% healthy + 5% what you want + exercise = happy healthy you!?

    This exactly!
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Ohhh Krispy cream donuts...any pastries yummm. I bow down to them about once a month and I KNOW i have to excerise that day for sure to burn some off. I relish every bite but log it and excerise. The high sugar content in these goodies can certainly add fat if you don't rid of it that day.I feel if we totally deny what we like , for me it leads to bingeing and going off track to losing focus=gaining more weight. Be accountable for it and excerise for those extra sin calories you just ate, You will no longer feel guilty because you counter acted the slip with a positive action.:bigsmile:
  • guamSUPERgirl90
    I know how you feel! I went to Applebee's last night and ordered the spinach artichoke dip. I still came in under calories for the day but I knew even when I ordered it that I shouldn't have done it. I'm really going to have to work harder at controlling what I eat when we go out to eat! don't beat yourself up too much over it because todays a new day which means a new chance at doing better with our choices!!

    !!! *HUGS* !!! Thank you for understanding! And you are absolutely right!
  • guamSUPERgirl90
    Wow, if you're going to do it you may as well enjoy it! You can eat whatever you want just be sure to log it and ENJOY IT! No guilt should be felt as long as you're logging it.

    OH and I DID ( as I licked every last sugary icing and grain of cinnamon off my finger tips)!!!! Thanks for making me feel better!
  • guamSUPERgirl90
    Enjoy it!! I am of the opinion that if you want a healthy lifestyle to last forever you need to eat what you want sometimes! As you said it was 170kcals (or you had enough cals for the dip) don't worry about it, enjoy and then work it off! 95% healthy + 5% what you want + exercise = happy healthy you!?

    Thank you ! I feel so much better you guys at MFP can help me!
  • guamSUPERgirl90
    Ohhh Krispy cream donuts...any pastries yummm. I bow down to them about once a month and I KNOW i have to excerise that day for sure to burn some off. I relish every bite but log it and excerise. The high sugar content in these goodies can certainly add fat if you don't rid of it that day.I feel if we totally deny what we like , for me it leads to bingeing and going off track to losing focus=gaining more weight. Be accountable for it and excerise for those extra sin calories you just ate, You will no longer feel guilty because you counter acted the slip with a positive action.:bigsmile:

    I Got up this morning, did some extra running and I feel GREAT! Thank you!
  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    Everyone has to give in sometimes...I did yesterday, just had to have a Reese's PB Cup, but I did log it, and never felt a bit of guilt about it. Take a walk, it will help with the guilt...LOL
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    No reason to feel guilty for this. This is a lifestyle change and not a "perfect eating plan"... Eat and splurge some. Don't feel guilty about it. That being said it is very possible that your diet has changed to the point that you don't tolerate the sugars like you used to. There are things that I used to really "have to have" that don't appeal to me like they once did. Back to the guilt thing... Don't dwell on it... Want to exercise it off? Do it.... But guilt will only bring you down... not edify you.
  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    Don't feel quilty! You have to have some of these kinds of foods. It's a life style and if you don't treat yourself every once in a while you will fail. So, I say Good for You because you only ate one and didn't eat 4 or 5!
  • whoiskat23
    whoiskat23 Posts: 103 Member
    No reason to feel guilty for this. This is a lifestyle change and not a "perfect eating plan"... Eat and splurge some. Don't feel guilty about it. That being said it is very possible that your diet has changed to the point that y:laugh: ou don't tolerate the sugars like you used to. There are things that I used to really "have to have" that don't appeal to me like they once did. Back to the guilt thing... Don't dwell on it... Want to exercise it off? Do it.... But guilt will only bring you down... not edify you.

    Yep. My taste has also changed a little, but I eat whatever I want, in moderation and logged, cause I refuse to live the rest of my life without cinnamon buns or spinach dip. :laugh: I sometimes make not good choices, but no guilt. Deprivation is one of the biggest reasons people don't succeed.
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    Everything in moderation, including guilty pleasures!! Enjoy!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member

    Sorry for the dramatic entrance... BUT I ATE A CINNABON CINNA-BUN! It was only a mini one... and it tasted DELISH! it was only 170 Cals... but... Why do I feel like I have been caught with my pants down* (just an expression which is literally how I feel)? I'm feeling depressed... The Sugar, Cinnamon, and the Fluffy Baked Dough (*pecans were added for some nutrition*) . Should I use this guilt-trip to do extra exercise tonight? I usually say no to temptation but I just don't know what happened!

    They're only 170 calories? A big glass of milk is double that. Man, I should stop drinking so much milk.

    Sure, you can work it off if you want to, or skip 170 calories of something else.
  • guamSUPERgirl90