
Well, Im still debating whether to by the P90X still or not..........I would love peoples input that have tried it. Pros AND Cons would be a great help

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  • eaglesgirl
    eaglesgirl Posts: 3 Member
    It depends on what you're looking to do. There are lots of people, like myself, who are coaches for BeachBody. They have so many different programs...for some P90X might be too intense. What specifically are you looking to achieve?
  • banji_scott
    Well I'm already at my ideal weight.......just want to tone up. But this one girl I know tried it and she's smaller than me, did it religously and saw barely any results.....im just kinda of weary about spending that kind of money if you cant even see a difference

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  • mythos23
    mythos23 Posts: 15
    I agree, it's intense, in fact it took me three tries to get past the third week. However that third time I found that I just couldn't stop. I even started doing more running and quickly found myself needing between 2500 and 3000 calories per day.

    Bottom line is if you can bring a matching intensity (and humor) then you can get through.
  • banji_scott
    Did or are you seeing results??

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  • mythos23
    mythos23 Posts: 15
    I personally did. Now there's probably many people out there who will tell you that there is a difference in how men and women build muscle but for myself as a man I very quickly saw a difference in my upper arms (the first part that shows changes on me) and chest as well as the thigh area. now the rest of my body is seemingly playing catch up.

    I should also point out that since I ran the P.A.R.E. for the RCMP last week I've been taking it easy with an extended recovery week. Some people get discouraged on the recovery weeks as they feel that their weight lifting ability diminishes. I think the recovery week is a good thing since the weight exercises will change in the next week.

    Honestly I may be lighter now and I need to buy some new pants, or at least a new belt but I'm not measuring the results based solely on size and weight differences. I can jump higher, run farther and faster and I can lift and do more. That is what real results should me measured as.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    My husband bought the program, and I decided to give it a go. And let me tell you, it is HARD! It's basically for people that are moderatly in shape and wanna kick it up a notch. Definately not for people just starting out. Its itense on all levels, and you need to have good/excellent flexability to be able to keep up. If you're considering it, I would first start with P90 and that move my way to P90X.

    Overall, it's an awesome workout for those that can keep up with the butt-whipping that Tony Horton brings.
  • smartinez06360
    smartinez06360 Posts: 83 Member
    I recently finished P90X and I had awesome results. P90X really isn't a weight loss program, but I lost 14 pounds and 14 inches. At first you'll feel discouraged, but before long you'll see improvements and that is a great motivator. The only con is that the workouts are 1 hour and 1 1/2 hours for YogaX.

    I'm going to do another round of P90X after I finish Insanity.

    Bottom line is it's worth the money and if you bring it every day you will see results.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I started in the last week of December 2008. I'm finishing up the 3rd week of my 3rd round of P90X. My starting measurements were:

    288 lbs
    34% bodyfat
    size 48 jean

    My current measurements are:

    220 lbs (guestimate...haven't weighed myself in 4 weeks)
    8% bodyfat
    size 31 jean (with a 50ish inch chest)

    This program isn't easy but it is habit forming. I've trained bodybuilders/powerlifters/athletes/etc for 20+ years and this is the best program I've ever experience.

    This is not in reference to anyone on this board but this program is "idiot proof." You WILL get amazing results if you follow it to the letter.
  • jessie1
    jessie1 Posts: 46
    Ive been doing it for about 3 weeks now and I love it. I am in a healthy weight range for my body so I didnt really care too much about losing weight I just wanted to tone up. If you do the workouts consistenly and properly you will see results. I can really tell in my abs already. It is well worth the money if you stick with it.
  • banji_scott
    I recently finished P90X and I had awesome results. P90X really isn't a weight loss program, but I lost 14 pounds and 14 inches. At first you'll feel discouraged, but before long you'll see improvements and that is a great motivator. The only con is that the workouts are 1 hour and 1 1/2 hours for YogaX.

    I'm going to do another round of P90X after I finish Insanity.

    Bottom line is it's worth the money and if you bring it every day you will see results.

    I was lookin into Insanity as well, what do you think of it so far?

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  • smartinez06360
    smartinez06360 Posts: 83 Member
    I recently finished P90X and I had awesome results. P90X really isn't a weight loss program, but I lost 14 pounds and 14 inches. At first you'll feel discouraged, but before long you'll see improvements and that is a great motivator. The only con is that the workouts are 1 hour and 1 1/2 hours for YogaX.

    I'm going to do another round of P90X after I finish Insanity.

    Bottom line is it's worth the money and if you bring it every day you will see results.

    I was lookin into Insanity as well, what do you think of it so far?

    It's totally INSANE! The program is really heavy on the Cardio, which I need to work on :happy: I must say that I can't wait to get back to P90X, I really miss the variety that program offers.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    I have gone thru 1 complete round of p90x and have started my second round. Absolutely a great workout, but it takes dedication and time. I have lost 30 lbs and lots of inches. Went from a 40 waist to a 32. I think the results are different for everybody, but most people will see great results even if they don't lose weight. The diet is also very important because it keeps you energized and gets rid of the junk food. The whole process was a change of lifestyle more than anything. I purchased a used set of dvd's just to try and then found the diet and workout guide. I have only about $60 invested plus some dumbbells and yoga mat. The hardest part is finding the time to workout 7 days a week. As far as insanity. From what I have read, that is exactly what it is. If at all possible, try and get a hold of plyo x and try that. I guess plyo x (which is hard) is a walk in the park compared to the routines in insanity.