Help please - Am I getting enough calories??

I have been at this for about 8 weeks and have followed the MFP calories guidelines and have had pretty good results. Recently, I have been reading that I may not be getting enough calories and this concerns me (although some say it is perfectly okay too). I am allowed 1230 per day. I usually hit that pretty close on non-workout days. When I exercise, I eat back about half the calories I burned. My net is usually right around 1000.

I have felt a little sluggish the past week, but still have enough energy to workout 3-4 times a week (mostly running). I haven't hit a plateau or anything, just generally concerned and I don't know too much about dieting or calorie intake as this is the first time I have ever intentionally lost weight. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am also concerned about upping calories and still staying on track to lose weight.

Just to note: 25 yr. female, 5'5, sedentary, pescetarian, don't always add my water, but I get about 8 cups a day, and I am usually full and satisfied after my meals and all day long, also, I eat all day long (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, snack)

My diary is open to all, so feel free to take a look and add me as a friend if you'd like! Thank you for the help!


  • snowangl317
    snowangl317 Posts: 9 Member
    Thought this may help: I started at 145 lbs and am currently 137. My goal is 125. Also, just calculated my BMR and it is 1,383.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    i'm not an expert, but sounds and looks good to me -- between the base amount and the amount you've earned with exercise. I'm also eating back about 1/2 to 2/3 my exercise calories.

    Perhaps your body is fighting off a cold, allergies or some other stressor? See what feels better to you. Check your nutrition... although I like this site for many things (tracking here is easier than many places, the social support, the exercise calories), there are other sites, like the USDA's which will do additional nutritional analysis. Getting enough vitamin Bs? Anyway, you could make a temporary change for while you're feeling sluggish. Whether or not you continue the change for longer depends on how it works for you and whether you feel that this is a temporary need or a good adjustment to your strategy.

    Good luck figuring it out!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    You asked a good question. Sorry to see you aren't getting more, good answers. But this topic comes up often in various forms, so take a look at some of the other similar topics about eating enough, eating back exercise calories, 1200 calories or less...
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Thought this may help: I started at 145 lbs and am currently 137. My goal is 125. Also, just calculated my BMR and it is 1,383.

    With only 12lb to go you should consider setting your goal at 0.5lb per week.
    your body will fight you for those last few lbs.