32 newly single female from ohio

Hey y'all!! So yes I'm 32 & newly single... Don't know if I like that feeling or not but I'm trying to make the best of it!!

A short version of why I'm on the site is... (so I can get the dull part out of the way lol)
One day my weight suddenly slapped me in the face and woke me up. I'm defintely not where I need to be still and I don't have all the determination that I should have but I am certainly getting there. I started slow... eating smaller portions and stopping the evening snacking. I never used to eat breakfast (I'm one of those people who sleep until the very last second) so I started drinking the Walmart Equate weight loss drinks in the morning (a knock off of Slim Fast) and let me tell you what a difference it makes!! Plus it helps give me all the vitamins that I need. Not only does it help curb my appetite in the morning but it helps me feel more awake and alive through out the day.
I'm really bad on exercising -- so if anyone has any motivation tips, please feel free to post!! I have realized how out of shape my muscles are when the simplest exercises like lunges and running in place have them screaming at me. So I know that I need to start slow... I just need to get my brain in gear!! I'd love to find some friends on here and be able to hold each other accountable and inspire each other -- plus this site is just full of great tips and fun things!!

So more about me... I am single -- never married -- no kids but I have 2 dogs and a cat that are my babies!! I'm a huge dog lover -- I really don't know what I would do without my pets. It's a great feeling to come home to unconditional love. Especially when I'm coming out of a 5 year relationship.
I work for an electrical supply company in the office. I love my job and I think I'm pretty good at it!!
Family is one of the most important things to me (right behind God). I'm lucky to still have both of parents, who are still married for over 30 years!! I have a beautiful sister who has 2 beautiful children who bring me so much joy and fun in life.
I don't have a lot of friends but the ones that I have are true, faithful, and loyal people and that's enough for me!!

I'm pretty easy going and simple. I don't need to be rich or have expensive things in my life. Just fun and love!!

If you wanna know more about me -- go to my profile or friend request me!!

Best of luck to all of you -- no matter why you are here or what your journey is -- YOU CAN DO IT!!!


  • guamSUPERgirl90
    YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT HERE! I have already been on here for a week and I do! The SUCCESS forum is actually the first place to see how inspiring everyone is! WE can do it too! I'll tell you what? How about you meet me there and save me a spot? LOL! I hate exercising! I used to be the girl in the gym class that made excuses to not run and sat on the bleachers instead of taking laps! With all MFP's support I am now a brisk-walking queen! Trust me! The BURN feels so good! It's a great stress reliever!
  • nikkirojo
    nikkirojo Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome to my MFP!! I joined about a month ago and I'm already seeing results. It's very helpful. I had a huge snacking problem, especially on the weekends and my logs helped me to see that I was consuming to many calories just on snacks. Now, I cut back on some of my favorite snacks and mix in really healthy ones as well. Ex, I LOVE sweets so instead of having four or five pieces of chocolate, I'll have two pieces along with something else like fruit. Or on instead of having the high-cal sweets, I'll find an alternative like Special K chocolatey chocolate bars. With the exercise, just the little things you do really adds up. Instead of taking the elevator, you can use the stairs if the floor is not to high. My little things I do: I walk up the four flights to my job, I walk to and from the grocery store (10 mins total), and 20 or 30 mins of house work as well as doing the gym. The great thing about this site is you can add any kind of walking you do so if you go to the mall and you're there for an hour that's walking at a slow or leisurely pace. Just start out small and build up from there. Trust me, I know YOU CAN DO IT. Good luck!!