I HATE working out...help!

Hello all.

I am on my first week of counting calories. Let me tell you, I hate working out. I just am not good at it.

I tried joining a gym, getting a trainer, and doing classes. It just never worked.

I lost a bunch of weight doing the HCG diet, but gained it back due to poor eating. The diet,although it works, is too restrictive. I decided to try to monitor my eating and get exervise. My weighg goal is to lose 20 pounds.

I'm joining a yoga class 2x a week and trying to commit to taking nh dog on a 30 minute walk 3x a week.

I just work full time and go to grad school so it's really difficult to find time. Aldo, I truly hate the gym!!!

Suggestions? Thoughts?


  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Do u like to dance? Find a Zumba class or get the Dvd's or even the video game I have the xbox one.
    Classes are best but I don't even feel like I am ex excising.

    Lots of the dance video games are also good calorie burners

    Good luck!
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Could you join some sort of activity that would provide exercise or a rec. sport?? I know I can't stand running but if there is a ball involved I'll chase it around all day (and no I'm not a dog, lol).
  • mfanyafujo
    mfanyafujo Posts: 232 Member
    Can you pinpoint exactly what it is you hate about working out?

    For example, if it's going to the gym (getting ready, driving over there, etc), then you can work around that by exercising at home. If you hate the exercises you are doing, then keep changing your routine until you find something you like. Exercising should be somewhat fun and entertaining, not torture!
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    Hello all.

    I am on my first week of counting calories. Let me tell you, I hate working out. I just am not good at it.

    I tried joining a gym, getting a trainer, and doing classes. It just never worked.

    I lost a bunch of weight doing the HCG diet, but gained it back due to poor eating. The diet,although it works, is too restrictive. I decided to try to monitor my eating and get exervise. My weighg goal is to lose 20 pounds.

    I'm joining a yoga class 2x a week and trying to commit to taking nh dog on a 30 minute walk 3x a week.

    I just work full time and go to grad school so it's really difficult to find time. Aldo, I truly hate the gym!!!

    Suggestions? Thoughts?

    I never liked working out in the past either. Once I went past one month of working out 5/6 times a week, that started to change, especially when I started seeing results. I now enjoy going to the gym and working out. Just stick with it longer. IMO
  • cjack19
    cjack19 Posts: 158 Member
    I was the same way .... started walking, then hiking and now even started running! Find something you love to do.... I LOVE hiking, we are lucky that there are lots of places to go close to home.... Once I found that thing that I loved to do, I am out there getting active and it started with just walking the dogs.

    Stick to the walking and as your cardio starts to improve you will start to crave other things!

    Good luck!

    (oh .... and I also second the Zumba thing.... that is a FUN workout!)
  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member
    I hate to exercise too, but I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred because it's only 20 minutes a day.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I hate working out too but i'm trying to suck it up and just do it. I am working with a PT twice a week and i love her, although i do refer to her as Demon Spawn from Hell. But lately i have found that i just really need to mix it up a bit. I get too bored doing the same machines at the gym. So a couple of times a week i have to walk a few miles, swim, or even take the stairs up to my apartment - on the 18th floor. Anything different.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Kettlebells....Lots of fun... no matter what kind of shape your in.. anyone can do it!! Doesn't require much space or equipment.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    change your attitude towards it. if you keep telling yourself you hate you will hate it. dont think of it as something you have to do.

    start slowly and develop a routine as to when you work out. set some small goals. like getting up to 20 push ups and 50 jumping jacks, etc.

    when you start feeling and seeing the results you will not "HATE" it. Attitude is 99% of success....or failure. Your choice.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    I used to HATE working out.. I actually lost the first 50lbs without working out.. you will lose weight but you will get WAY better results if you work out.. I to this day sometimes have to drag my *kitten* to the gym! sad to say it but you really have to find a way to get some sort of exercise.. what works for me is I bring my head phones and they have tvs on the machines at my gym so I just forcus on the tv or listening to music and just work my hardest while im there ...now that I have been working out the weight is coming of wayyyyyy faster then it was before...as some people suggested try joining a dance class or zumba.. as you see results from working out it will get easier and easier.
  • tyoung4
    tyoung4 Posts: 30
    I'm not a big fan of working out but I know it is good for me. Just purchased a new pair of NB so I will start w/o on Monday!
  • szyja
    szyja Posts: 42
    I can totally understand how you hate working out. I do too! In fact, I failed highschool gym class! My advice to you is to find the workout that makes you happy. For me, I discovered, sort of by accident really, that I LOVE lifting weights. The heavier the better. But I tried about 20 different sets of DVD's. Tried the gym, tried swimming, tried jogging, tried walking. None of them excited me. If you like dancing but aren't particularly fond of latin, try Shaun T's Rockin' Body DVD's. Try TurboFire DVD's. Try ChaLean Extreme DVD's for weight training. There are a ton of options out there, just don't give up and keep looking for whatever movement makes you excited! There really is something for everyone...even the girl who failed highschool gym! DON'T GIVE UP!!!! :wink:
  • szyja
    szyja Posts: 42
    Oh...and just in case you don't know where to start looking...try Beachbody.com. They have about 30 different sets of DVD's...I own most of them...and all of them are wonderful programs! :smile:
  • tcat2012
    tcat2012 Posts: 60 Member
    I hated working out too. And never thought I had the time for it. Then I got the 30 day shred dvd; figuring that 20 minutes a day was do-able (and bearable). After seeing results within 2 weeks (inches lost, not many pounds) I actually started looking forward to the workouts. Now, 2 months later, I've completed 30 ds, I am half way through ripped in 30 and I've also added extra cardio and weight sessions (also from DVDs--Amy Dixon Breathless for cardio and Kelly Coffey Meyer 30 minutes with weights--for both I just select the segments that I want depending on the time I've got to spare..tacking them on at the end of my scheduled workout on the days that I have the time) I think if you just mentally commit to 20 minutes a day to start, and do something that will let you see relatively quick results, you'll change your mind about working out. I know that now (and it's only been 2 months) I wouldn't think of now working out. I even ordered a longer cardio dvd that I plan on adding at least a day or two a week (banish fat, boost metabolism). Not only that, I got an HRM and try to make sure I burn a minimum of 300 a day (and it usually ends up being closer to 400.) Honestly, when I first joined MFP I read threads about HRMs and always thought no, that's not me--I'm not that hard core. Seeing my inches go down, my muffin top go away, my core get stronger, my legs getting more toned...all these things have made me start loving working out.
  • All my life I have hated working out too. Six months ago I tried out a Zumba 'Gold' class (to learn the steps at a less manic pace than the 'standard' Zumba). It was hard to keep up to begin with, but I went once a fortnight, then once a week, and then I became addicted to the music and the exercise and felt like I wanted to do it more than once a week, so I went to two 'Gold' classes a week, then started to include a 'standard' class, now (six months later) I'm doing it 4 - 5 times ' a week. Since then, (and with a 1200 calorie diet) I have lost nearly 40lbs and gone from a size 20 to a 12. Some of my friends were so impressed that they've started doing it too (and have also fallen for it and kept doing it!). The classes worked better for them than doing it at home, so....
    Give it a try .. you won't know until you try.... :-)
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    all I can say is exercise should be fun! if you hate something then your never going to stick at it, you need to find what works for you, gyms are not the be all and end all bab.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I did Turbo Jam and I thought that was fun...

    I've always hated working out. I think I'm starting to like it. I'm doing the couch to 5k now and I look forward to doing it. I also do a little strength training and although it's not fun, I still enjoy doing it because I know it's changing my body and making it look better. Which is a good thing lol.

    Try playing a sport. Maybe take a Zumba class? Swimming? Pole dancing? LOL. Yoga, Pilates... It might be a little trial and error but you have to find something that you enjoy or you wont do it.
  • Kotasmommy
    Kotasmommy Posts: 124 Member
    change your attitude towards it. if you keep telling yourself you hate you will hate it. dont think of it as something you have to do.

    start slowly and develop a routine as to when you work out. set some small goals. like getting up to 20 push ups and 50 jumping jacks, etc.

    when you start feeling and seeing the results you will not "HATE" it. Attitude is 99% of success....or failure. Your choice.
    Well said
  • I also hate working out. Definitely not fond of going to the gym at all. And some times its just hard cause I am such a procrastinator. BUT I found something that works for me!

    Hula hooping. I know sounds childish but it is actually really fun. You can buy a weighted hoop at sporting goods store strictly for fitness or purchase online from people like you and me. Its super fun, can be done in a dance fashion where you just turn on music and let your creativity flow through the hoop.

    In April i am going to do a 30 day challenge, 30 minutes a day of hula hooping. In that 30 minutes you can burn around 210 calories if you're going at a moderate intensity.

    I'm gonna throw you some links so you can check it out for yourself. I hope it works for you.. :]

    and then just go to youtube.com and search... "hooping" "hoopdance" "hula hooping" and you'll see tons of amazing videos of people doing tricks to music and burning calories while having tons of fun.

    Hope this helps.

    Britt. :]
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    there's also roller blading. That would be fun!