i'm new and i need help



  • HIITTheChallenge
    HIITTheChallenge Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I saw your post. Are you sure you should only be eating 1310 calories? Do you have a gym membership? I also have 100lbs to go and have already lost 100lbs. I can tell you that it would be a really good idea to go to a gym and have them do a body composition of you! I had mine done and I found out my body burns 1900 calories a day if I do absolutely nothing and in order for me to even lose weight I have to eat those calories or my body will go into starvation mode and I will not lose anything. I am not sure how much you weigh, but I can tell you tons of stories of people who start at 300-400lbs and have to eat 2-3000 calories a day to lose weight and then it falls off! If you go to body building.com and find an exercise plan it will help you I am currently doing the Jamie Easton fit plan and it starts pretty easy just helping you build muscle before you add in cardio. One mistake a lot of people make is they start doing a ton of cardio. Cardio will NOT help you lose FAT if that is all you do. You need a platform to start from and you need to build muscle. For each pound of muscle you have you will burn 65 extra calories a day and it will boost your metabolism. It is best to do weight lifting and supplement with cardio. I also take protein meal replacements that are scientifically proven to build lean muscle and work even for people who don't do any exercise. 70% of the way our body looks comes from what we eat not our workouts. I have started a blog about my weight loss and I also have a fan page on fb where I help others struggling. I just started it the end of January. Feel free to add me and check out my blog and fb page feel free to message me I would love to help you however I can. There is also a video of me on my blog and on my youtube channel and I show my pictures of what I looked like 16 months ago.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello and welcome! I have been on this site since March 2011 and successfully have lost 40lbs with MFP's help ( 18lbs previously after having baby #2 Dec 2010 so 58lbs total.......not a whole lot but slow and steady....I log on faithfully everyday and exercise 5-6x per week at home. Losing weight is frustrating especially if you have a lot to lose and it is not coming off fast! Everybody is different! I have learned you have to do what works for YOU! Keep changing things up....workouts and food! I have adjusted my calorie intake a million times and if you have 100lbs to lose 1300 calories is definately NOT enough! I have 35lbs left to go to be at goal and I eat 1650 calories per day...I watch my sodium and have lowered my carbs. Drink your 8-10 cups water a day too! I am no expert but have been doing this a while! Don't give up....you will go thru many plateaus in your journey!
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    Hi Hun - My heart goes out to you! I am taking things really slow (I've lost 10 pounds since the first of the year) and sometimes have been frustrated by my friends who do more aggressive diets and drop 10 pounds in a week. But I have also watched them gain it all back and more. Make sure you make good food choices and get maximum nutrition for each calorie you consume. If you've been eating a lot of unhealthy items previously or not exercising at all don't set yourself up for failure by thinking you are going to eat well and exercise everyday. Instead committ to changing your life one day at a time and concentrate on how much better you are feeling. For example create a simple healthy breakfast that is your go to breakfast everyday during the week if you can. If you haven't exercised regularly and then try doing it 2x a day of course you will get burned out an stop. Instead set mini goals that you cannot fail at. My original exercise goal was 10 sit ups a day. I could always do more if I wanted to but I could NEVER do less. No matter how tired, busy, or sick I was I could always take a minute to do it even if I was not motivated that day. Often on my bad days I would do it and then continue working out knowing I could stop at anytime because I had already exceeded my goal. I also found myself using the sit ups as a way to start my day if I could feel myself giving up before I got out of bed. Funny how such a small thing made me decide to have a glass of water and eat a good breakfast. Another goal was to have a 16oz glass of water when I woke up, before, a went to bed, and at lunch. By focusing on small goals like 10 sit ups and 3 glasses of water it took the pressure off and I wound up being more successful. I kept it off for many decades successfully. Then a series of things happened and I gained weight. A few months ago I decided I was finally ready to committ to losing weight. Recently I discovered zero calorie food lists on the internet. So I am going to try to eat more of them whenever possible. Feel free to send me a friend request if you like. I wish you well in your journey. I hope you remember you are a lovely woman worthy of the gift of health. You deserve the best life has to offer so enjoy treating your body like the temple it is. Many blessings on your journey.......
  • graciemom828
    I think the 1300 calories is too low as well - I started out less than you and it gave me 1270 b/4 exercise. I have gained and lost at least 1 or 2 people throughout my life plus having multiple belly surgeries, including a C-section. There is no quick fix - sadly. I did Phen-Fen back in the day and dropped 50 pounds quickly and gained it all back. I read somewhere a person should have 150 minutes of exercise per week - it is good for your heart. So that is sort of my informal goal. I would be happy to support/friend you as I have lived my entire 59 years with a weight problem. Hang in there - but do exercise! Especially cardio. :smile:
  • MaryMacTree
    Hello! You are doing Fine with the Lose of .6 in 5 days.. Think about it, if you lose .6 in 5 days, thats 3.6 month which equals 21.6 in 6mths. WOW!! it has taken me 33 weeks to lose 25 pounds...And a Total of 38 inches.. Seven inches from my Chest. Please don't give up on yourself.. Also it takes time for the Skin to shrink back up..
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I am turning 55 next month and FINALLY have gotten to my goal weight of 135! I went from 205 pounds and a size 16 to a size 4 - 6! And I am 1- "old", 2- did it passing through menopause, 3- work at home behind a desk, and 4- have had hypothyroid disease since age 19 and on medication for it. 5 - not an exercise maniac; I mostly walk just twice a day. I lost 70 pounds!

    What has been most beneficial to me? In a nutshell: eating better calories such as those from whole foods - real veggies and fruits, whole grains, and eating very few things from boxes, jars, and cans. I eliminated junk food (obviously they call it junk food for a reason!), saturated fats, sugar, and white flours, white rice, white pasta, all refined grains. When i got rid of the white flour and sugar my cravings went way down low. Instead of food driving me to it it uncontrollably, I was able to pass it by with just the desire to eat it but I could live without eating it. My eating habits didn't change overnight, but I did get an epiphany from People Magazine - How they Lost Half of Their Size issue. The upshot of the articles secret? They never gave up. I had always given up. This time I knew I wouldn't.

    My best tips for you are:
    1 -Make manageable changes in your diet and life. Change things slowly one by one. The object is to succeed, not to set yourself up for failure. (think of it as learning anything new. You don't learn math by starting in calculus. You don't learn to exercise by running a marathon. You don't set your calories for 1000 and eat just celery and water, either. DO FOLLOW the MFP calorie guidelines including eating your calories. Whatever amount you are eating NOW is way more than the amount MFP will tell you to eat so you will lose. Also be prepared to have nothing or little happen for a month or so while your body is in revolt! It doesn't know what is happening so it wont lose. But have faith. IT WILL!

    2- Make a list for yourself of what you are WILLING TO DO versus what you are NOT WILLING TO DO to succeed. My examples are: Diet: I will not join Weight Watchers or anything like that. I will not do and Atkins diet, that doesn't mentally work for me. I would rather cut out all junk food, white flour and sugars. I would rather do the Dr. Oz book YOU; ON a Diet. I will eat real food. For Exercise: I will not run - EVER. I will not join a gym - EVER. I will take walks around the neighborhood and I got a dog just for that purpose. He needs to walk and will give me company to make me walk. I will find some exercise videos to do at home in my own time. I will also ride my bike and take opportunities for occasional hikes or other active things like that.

    3 - Your past performance (like the stock market!) does not necessarily predict your future performance. I have failed at every attempt I ever made to lose weight for the long run. Might have had weeks or months of success, but never years. I waited until I was 49 looking at 50 to finally get serious. I got serious. I still had to learn how to keep it off. I lost 53 pounds steadily over 8 months, but then thought I didnt' need to COUNT CALORIES anymore and gained back almost 20 pounds in a couple of years. It is possible to succeed at this if you approach it as a lifestyle change. Any "temporary" changes in your eating habits will have temporary results. You have to mean it when you want to lose weight to keep it off. I started my diet and exercise lifestyle changes 5 years ago. FIVE YEARS AGO! I just hit my goal last week. FIVE YEARS you may say? SO what? Five years passes anyway. Might as well put the time to good use. And guess what else? After you lose the weight now you have to keep it off. It doesn't magically stay off. You'll need to work at that, too. By the way, I only lost 1.1 pound per week ON AVERAGE when I first started. The last 30 came off but took OVER 1 solid year of hard effort. 1 solid year. Don't be in a hurry. Any loss is good!

    4- YOU CAN DO IT. but the real key is to NEVER GIVE UP. EVER. If you backslide, fine. Everyone does and they are lying if they said it was easy. If it were easy, everyone would be thin. For whatever reasons your plan isn't working, REFINE YOUR PLAN. DON'T GIVE UP! That is the best way to fail - by giving up. You already know how that works! You are not stupid. You have the internet at your fingertips. Read success stories right here if nothing else! These people have already done it! They are experts. They all went about it a different way. Pick and choose things that will work for you that make sense for you.

    Best of luck to you. Success is yours if you don't give up!
  • BreakfastSunFitness
    Hi pretty new on here myself been on here about 20 days.In only 20 days .So far for me what has helped me is to plan my foods ahead of time .Also get my water and exercise in first thing. I am the kind of person that likes to get it out of the way so i dont have to think about it later.It helps to add pals also so you can encourage each other!
  • betterchoices4me
    betterchoices4me Posts: 4 Member
    Hi hun, this is my first week and I lost 4lb. Are you sure you have your daily activity level set correctly? Can I ask how much you currently weigh? I started at 207lb and have a calorie allowance of 1320 (working to ratio of 2lb a week)... So question number one, are you eating enough?

    Number 2, with the calories given for exercise, if you feel they are too high (some sites are) and you feel that your daily activity level is right, perhaps just eat half of your cals earned through exercise?

    Calorie counting is really dieting basics, if you have things set correctly then you cannot fail to lose weight if you stick to it.

    x x

    Great job! This is my first week I hope I do as well.
  • shella5
    shella5 Posts: 4
    well to start my day i made my first post and had no friends on this site. i go out for a while and log in to find 29 messages and 15 friend requests! it made me cry to realize i'm not alone in this battle and all the great words of support and encourgement you have all given me. for the first time i don't feel like i'm alone in my struggles. i can't thank you all enough. i am at a turning point in my life because i just don't want to be fat anymore! i am sure i will be calling on all of you for help and your wisdom along the way, this has been a lifelong battle for me and i really want and need to win this war! . please keep the tips coming i need them.