feeling sad, my weight went up.



  • No worries at all! I fluctuate between 2-6 lbs on a day to day basis. Just make up for it and go veggie crazy today :D
  • StateOfActivity
    StateOfActivity Posts: 6 Member
    Yikes, don't weigh yourself everyday! Your weight will fluctuate on a day to day basis, I've seen an almost 10lb difference in my own numbers like that! If you can, restrict yourself to weighing in once a week, and just be happy about a general downward trend, as opposed to stressing over the tiny daily changes.
  • I agree fluctuations are normal. You should be proud of yourself that you are still watching what you eat. Your on the right track. Its not easy sometimes, but I am sure you can reach your goals. Anyone who wants another friend for support feel free to friend me :-)
  • lainiegee
    lainiegee Posts: 23 Member
    I am so glad i am not the only one that weighs every day! Please dont be disheartened, your weight WILL come off! Just stick with it! We all have a 'blip' from time to time, heck, thats why we are all on MFP! I KNOW how you feel, i really do, DONT GIVE UP! Just write that bit off and start again! We are all 'rooting for you' here on MFP!
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 232 Member
    so yesterday I was 222. and this morning i'm 224.8 pounds... Y.Y" I did have a coke and some cookies last night. and I knew I wouldn't be happy with myself if I kept having them,,but there I was eating it... Y.Y" I'm really starting to not like myself even more.....

    It's totally normal for your weight to fluctuate by a couple pounds, don't get down. Mine went up 3 lbs yesterday and I had actually netted less calories than any other day this week. Just maintain a consistent calorie deficit as best you can and stay positive!!
  • bshephe2
    bshephe2 Posts: 21
    Do not weigh yourself daily or you WILL be disappointed! Weight goes up & down with multiple factors, but if you stick to diet & exercise you will see a trend line moving downwards. I know it is hard when you want to lose weight soooo badly, but weigh yourself only once a week or once a fortnight. Otherwise you run the risk of getting upset and using that as an excuse for falling off your diet. Good luck with your weigh loss...Take care