Fluidity or Tracy Andersons Musculostructure sequences...has



  • tifftaffy
    tifftaffy Posts: 141 Member
    I just wanted to pop in and give my 2 cents!

    I have done both 30 day bootcamp and p57.

    I did do the 30d bc as suggested, muscle structure followed by cardio. I used Petra Kolbers 321 dance dvd ( which is easy to follow and 55 minutes long) for cardio. I did not follow her gnarly diet, although I was going through a mostly vegan stint at the time. I got point blank the BEST results I have EVER gotten doing this program. I have been working out consistently since I was 18yrs and never got any where near the results I got from TAM. I am short and tend toward a stocky appearance and the bootcamp changed all that. People actually called me teeny tiny. I am gearing up to do this program again actually.

    p57 is a circuit training style bar workout. If you have been to any bar studio it is basically the same as this video. It is aerobic and strength at the same time so that is a plus when you want to lower your bodyfat. It IS very quad intensive and you will go through a period of time where your muscles will swell before they slim down. You also get a great after burn from this workout.

    Really curious- You mentioned that with Physique 57 there will be a period of time where the muscles will swell before they slim down... I know that results are different for every person- but how long did it take for you to notice the "slim down" after the swell of the quads/legs?
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    So I ended up buying the tracy anderson mat method dvd instead of the physique 57. I started monday and So far so good, I like her dvd and am even thinking about buying the tracy anderson metamorphasis next! =)
  • tifftaffy
    tifftaffy Posts: 141 Member
    I found two different dvds that I'm going to try in lieu of Physique 57 (sold it on ebay- luckily got what I spent on it), I had considered Tracy Anderson- but these two others looked interesting too:

    The Dailey Method


    Burn at the Barre (got it on ebay)

    From what I read, The Dailey Method is great because she gives a lot better focus and attention on trying to explain form- which is huge to me, considering that I don't have access to an actual instructor explaining the move to me or where I should stand in relation to the barre, etc.

    Once I get them, I'll try to write a good review on it.

    There's another dvd system (ballet based) that's coming out soon by Leah Sarago, and I'll probably give that a try too.
  • joymarino
    joymarino Posts: 23 Member
    Just got my Fluidity Bar yesterday and am going to start with it today. We looked at reviews online from 3rd party sites (didn't think to check here) and am stoked about it.

    My question is: HOW DO YOU LOG IT HERE ON MFP? Ballet? Yoga? I don't know what to use because Fluidity isn't in the database.

