Couch-2-5k program anyone??



  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    I really wanna start this but I cannot run for very long so I'm kind of worried I won't be able to keep up with the program but I'm willing to give it a shot,have awesome weather here to start with :)

    When I started 3 weeks ago I could barely run 1 minute and that was hard for me. I truly was a couch potato and I'm carrying 50 extra pounds. Today I ran a total of 16 minutes in 3 minute and 5 minute stretches. If I can do this, you can! Just take it a bit at a time and you can get there. :)
  • I'm just starting the program as well. On day three of week one. I've heard great things about C25K! There are several 5k runs I would like to take part in, one being the zombie infested "Run For Your Life" event. There's nothing like the undead chasing you for motivation!! I'd also like to take part in a 5k for Psoriasis and one called Color Me Rad.
  • fluecok
    fluecok Posts: 52
    mines in 2.5 weeks and the shin splints are killing me!
    hope i surpass it before then!!!!

    good luck to ya!
  • jennied314
    jennied314 Posts: 16 Member
    I just started the couch 2 5k this week! Anyone with similar goals feel free to add! Good luck all!
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    I started today, I found this podcast useful:

    I like the music, and he tells you when to walk and run.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I am on week 5, and I love it.

    I use an iphone app for it - plays my own music and prompts me when to run. I also go at my own pace - if I am not ready to move on to the next workout or the next week, I don't.
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    I am on week 5, and I love it.

    I use an iphone app for it - plays my own music and prompts me when to run. I also go at my own pace - if I am not ready to move on to the next workout or the next week, I don't.
    Agreed. Week 5 day 2 had me go from 8 minutes to 20! I knew I was not ready for that, so I just increased it a few minutes each day until I know I can do 20 minutes.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Dude. I have yet to get to 8, so :drinker: to you.
  • e_NV_y
    e_NV_y Posts: 100 Member
    Im on week 2 now.. it is a challenge but still very do-able. I check back in a few weeks though..haha ;) Feel free to add me!
  • JonesA26
    JonesA26 Posts: 3 Member
    I started Couch 2 5K back in December. I took almost 2 months off (ya, bad time to start it with the holidays, vacations, etc) but I did periodically run in those 2 months. So I started at week 3 in Feb and I just completed my first 5k on March 24 at only week 5 in the program. I have to repeat some days but the program REALLY helps! I just completed week 5 yesterday and can't decide if I want to move on to week 6 or repeat Day 3 of week 5 because it's a continuous 20 min run and I was SOO surprised that I actually completed it yesterday. Like most people who do this program, I HATED to run. Now, I'm finding that I enjoy running and look forward to pushing myself each time! I highly recommend it to anyone thinking of starting it!
  • JonesA26
    JonesA26 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't be scared to do day 3!!! I was so scared of going from 8 mins twice to a straight 20 mins and I totally did it yesterday, on my first try!!! And I felt like I could have kept going! But I, too, did repeat day 2 4 or 5 times :)
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Im doing the C25k Treadmill version (, next week is going to be the start of week 2 for me. I am not a runner but I want to be, I have a 5k mud run on May 18th.
  • nvanhar
    nvanhar Posts: 3 Member
    Just started Couch 2-5-K. Have never been a runner. Couldn't run 3 miles if my life depended on it right now. Can't wait to see if this works! I'm on week two day two. I'm now scared about the transition from week 5 to 6!
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    After months on the elliptical I wanted to start running too... So I downloaded the app and while I still use the timers to help with intervals I didn't find it that helpful because I didn't start out on the couch, I was in shape already so I always wanted a more difficult workout.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I just did my first day of week one. It was good. I like how the lady (mine sounds british) tells you what to do. The music is kind of lame so I may look for a new app (using my sons I touch). I was so proud of myself for doing it. I have so much trouble breathing in a good pattern. I guess all this will come in time and practice.
  • jbaa88
    jbaa88 Posts: 9 Member
    I started this program too! i absolutely hate(d) running but i wanted to run so i started this. i started week 4 yesterday and hesitated about running the 5 minutes but i made it through. for he last 5 minutes of running, i added an extra 30 seconds too! I'm somewhat dreading week 5 but if i'll take the advice of having to repeat wk. 5 day2 if needed... 20mins YIKES!