

  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    Count me in. 10 miles a week is a good start.
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    I need to do this! please include me!
  • Annadrews
    Annadrews Posts: 93 Member
    I'll do it, I just joined a 100 miles a month challenge, However, I'm not logging any miles for that challenge until next month because I've been sick for the last 2.5 weeks so, I only have 10 miles in for this month.
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    My first week total is 12 miles, would have been more but didn't walk on two days due to schedule.
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    Week 2 14 miles. Hope spring is here to stay, sure makes it a lot easier to get out there and walk.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I`ve done 67 miles from the 25th march till the 31st..According to my fitbit site..
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    Count me in for the 10 miles a week, if that is what the final decision is for. Let me know please. Thanks.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    The 'Experts' say we should all walk 10,000 steps per day, this based on average stride length equates to 5 miles or 9Km.

    So if you base your fitness on this, we should all try for at least 35 miles per week..
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    Week 3-15 miles
    Joined a walking group on Wednesdays and Deliver a weekly paper on a walking route that really helped me increase my miles.:happy:
    70,570 Total steps for the week ending today, which includes work and daily activity which would come out to just over 28 miles if I count that using 2500 steps for a mile.
  • AngelsheriHackley
    AngelsheriHackley Posts: 67 Member
    I am in starting tomorrow
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    I love the 3 mile walk! I use the DVD during the week, when I'm too tired to make it the gym after a 10+ hour day. I know all the dialogue now and you really break into a sweat.
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 244 Member
    I am all for this! My personal goal is 3 miles a day so that equates to 18miles a week.

    I will start tomorrow.
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    Since last time I checked in I have 33 miles. I got a new pedometer and programmed it for actual step length so now miles are more accurate.
  • gogidget
    gogidget Posts: 70 Member
    me & 3 coworkers have done 3 miles a day/5 days a week/for the past 3 months (probably only missed 1 day) and are going strong. Do you have someone to walk with? it makes all the difference:smile:
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    Week 4 30 miles. Keep moving everyone!:laugh: