Why would you lie to your food log

I just read two similiar post about 'lying' to your food log....why would you do that?

I assume your journals are either public or you get a message everyday when you complete your journal that says you stayed under. You lie because of how others will perceive you.

I keep my log private and I removed that message from showing on my profile feed so I don't feel tempted to make this about what other's think versus this being my journey that will only benefit or sabotage ME.

Your not lying to your food journal, your lying to yourself and presumably others. Umm how does this benefit you?

This is about you taking care of you, watching your patterns, the good the bad and the ugly, so you can learn from them and change them if desired.


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    "everyone lies" Dr. Greg House
  • Vikingmiss
    Vikingmiss Posts: 22 Member
    I've thought about this pretty thoroughly actually. I feel like the days you overeat you just need to be real to yourself. Whenever I overeat I plan to log it, so it will be a reminder that I need to focus up. People you befriend online are on the same exact journey, who better to understand the pitfalls and hurdles of the weightless journey?
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    I also turned off those settings -- what is odd is everyone agrees on the boards that you should eat your exercise calories, yet *everyone* comes in under on their daily calories.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    I don't really get this either. all it does is mess you up. sometimes you go over, sometimes you're under. as long as you're smart, your weekly total should be pretty decent. sometimes I forget to log, but on those days I obviously am not clicking "complete food diary" either lol. also, I don't really like how it announces you're under your calories. that's good for some people but what about that day last week I ONLY consumed a coffee? ...don't high five me for that! lol
  • HittingHerStride
    I ate nachos for lunch, one of my favorite dishes, 590 calories, I logged it, even if I go over the day, why because it is a reality, my life is real, everyday and some days that reality sucks, my goal is to have more better days then crap days, in the end I hope it all balances out.

    I also did Jillian Michaels kick boxing work out this morning. I didn't eat the nachos because I "deserved" them after such a workout, I ate them because I wanted them, the workout just helps bring balance to the choices I made for the day.
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    I am brutally honest on my diary. I weigh and measure everything at home, and if I go out, I try my best to err on the side of "too many" as opposed to "too few".

    To me, this isn't about what other people think of what I eat or whatever. It's about caring about and for myself,

    I don't understand why someone would lie on their food diary either. It's a tool, and like any tool, if it isn't used properly, not only will it not do the job it's designed to do, but it can end up hurting the user for improper use.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've done it a few times. When I'm too embarrassed to log what I actually ate because I know it was a screw up and a mistake. I know I'm only hurting myself though. I don't assume because I don't log it properly that it won't effect me.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    I just had Hot Cheeto's...... DON'T JUDGE ME! (grabs bag and takes another bite)

    but yeah, I hear you....you shouldn't lie about what you put down cause you are only lying to yourself in the end, really if its that important to you, make your diary private.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I log everything I eat in my food diary and it is open but it's because I want to be honest with myself, not really for the approval of others. I think that some people (and I have noticed this on some diaries I see) don't log things when they have a bad day because they think if they don't log it "that it really didn't happen" which is a big no no if you ask me. If someone is constantly not logging all the alcohol and foods they eat and they over exaggerating on exercise then of course results won't be seen. I agree with what the others on here posted though, those people are only hurting themselves. For anyone that has seen my food diary you know I eat all sorts of stuff (including hot Cheetos last night hee hee) because I am tracking it for me :)
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I just read two similiar post about 'lying' to your food log....why would you do that?

    I assume your journals are either public or you get a message everyday when you complete your journal that says you stayed under. You lie because of how others will perceive you.

    I keep my log private and I removed that message from showing on my profile feed so I don't feel tempted to make this about what other's think versus this being my journey that will only benefit or sabotage ME.

    Your not lying to your food journal, your lying to yourself and presumably others. Umm how does this benefit you?

    This is about you taking care of you, watching your patterns, the good the bad and the ugly, so you can learn from them and change them if desired.
    This is well written and I couldn't have said it better :)
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    I also turned off those settings -- what is odd is everyone agrees on the boards that you should eat your exercise calories, yet *everyone* comes in under on their daily calories.

    For the record...eating your exercise calories still allows you to come in under (or meet) your daily calories. Your deficit remains the same as if you didn't exercise and ate the original calorie goal.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,245 Member
    I do not lie to my diary... but there are days I have not logged. My birthday was one and the Super Bowl was another. I went into it having decided not to log as those days are few and far between and I refuse to live my life enslaved to this. I will also not log when I am on vacation for the same reason. Still, I use this 99% of the time and those other days will not harm my loss in any way. If they did, then I wouldn't have lost the weight and inches I have.
  • ummnadir
    ummnadir Posts: 48
    My friends don't even comment on my page but I comment on theirs. Oh well, I am getting this weight off even if I have no support. At the end of the day, Its about the me and how i feel about myself and right now I am not please with my body.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    At first it's surprising, but then you realize that people lie to themselves all day long.

    "I know I'm 50lbs overweight but I wear it well" just a tiny example...one I may be guilty of. ;)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Yeah, I don't get it. If you're embarrassed, you'd be better off to make it totally private than to underlog routinely. (I'm not referring to being off-the-books for a specific day, btw)
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I don't lie in my food diary and though it's not open to the public, it is open to my friends. I don't lie because that would only hurt myself in the long run. I have days were I go over (and days I go WAY over), but I log everything to be accountable and hopefully to learn from the experience. On the days I am in the red, I just don't click "complete food diary"... and most days I don't click it anyway because I forget or don't feel the need.

    Not sure why people would feel the need to lie or omit things from their food diary. I understand not logging everything (I do, but that's just me) like gum, or a bite here and there. But leaving out things that are 50 calories or more? Sounds like that would be disasterous in the long run... well, it would be for me!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Wow, what an arrogant post.

    Instead of indirecting, why not approach the person directly and discreetly. Is there really any need for a post like this?

    Furthermore, don't psycho-analyse them. It might not have anything to do with other people's perceptions.