pb2 vs regular peanut butter

I recently ordered a nice sized bag of pb2 and got it in the mail yesterday....i mixed it up as recommended (2TB pb2 1TB water) and it was not as good as I had anticipated and I LOVE peanut butter. I usually eat Teddies natural unsalted peanut butter.

Ive noticed that many people on here eat pb2 and love it, which is why I ordered it in the first place;
sooo any recommendations on making it taste better?

It was kind of dry and clumpy, should I add more water?
What can I add it in that will taste good?

Any type of easy shake idea or a way to include it in a snack or something.

I had it in a pb&j and it was just okay...let me know Ill take as many ideas as possible...I bought the whole bag of it! haha


  • Morgan803
    Morgan803 Posts: 56 Member
    I too could not eat it alone. Its just not the same as peanut butter, although i decided to try making it in a food processor it had a much better consistancy, i just make it in a big batch and keep it in a container in my pantry, but i love the powder mixed in my oatmeal with some banana, or mixed in chocolate greek yogurt, love to take a frozen banana a little unsweetened greek yogurt and some pb2 blend it up its like peanut butter banana ice cream i add a little protein powder and milk to make a smoothie, just a few suggestions.
  • Brennaohh
    Brennaohh Posts: 47
    thanks for the ideas, they sound good (:
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    the only way i really liked it was throwing it in with shakes or with oatmeal.

    did not like when used like real peanut butter =/
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    I threw mine out! Less quantity of regular pb works forme.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    yeah, i mean...it's a peanut butter flavored powder with all of the healthy fat removed. you can't expect reconstituting it with water to make it taste even remotely like its HEALTHY counterpart.

    I'd recommend blending it in shakes, mixing it with greek yogurt and maple syrup for a nice snack or sprinkling it on top of pancakes/baked goods like you would powdered sugar.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I just got mine yesterday but my goal was always to be mixing in my oatmeal or when I make yonanana's. I used it today in oatmeal and I think it will work fine like that. I doubt I would mix it like you did and be happy with it. Teddie is my favorite as well :smile:
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    yeah, i mean...it's a peanut butter flavored powder with all of the healthy fat removed. you can't expect reconstituting it with water to make it taste even remotely like its HEALTHY counterpart.

    I'd recommend blending it in shakes, mixing it with greek yogurt and maple syrup for a nice snack or sprinkling it on top of pancakes/baked goods like you would powdered sugar.

    I've actually never heard of pb2. Sounds like its a taste supplement? No health value?
  • runningdiva77
    you will get used to it though. add water or milk to consistancy how you like it. :)

    i also add it to my choc. protein shakes- it's great! and really- cutting all that fat/calories and still keeping the protein it has is amazing.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I bought some powdered PB...not PB2 but same idea. I'm just using the powdered kind for my protein shakes and smoothies. :) I have no need really to replace peanut Butter (my first true love)...I love the packets of Justin's...so convenient for stashing in the purse with a Apple for a quick snack. :)
  • DJtrvl
    DJtrvl Posts: 14 Member
    I had to add more water to get it to a consistency I enjoyed, and keep stirring it to get the powder really worked in. I like the chocolate version much better, and 1 45cal batch (2tbsp) is perfect for dipping a granola bar in.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    I love it. Taste just like regular peanut butter to me. I eat it mostly on apples and celery
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    you didn't add enough water, add water until its the same consistency, then its very close to the original, and for the reduction of calories and fat, its a great substitute, its still peanut butter.......
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Definitely add water until you get the consistency you like.

    I use it in sandwiches, but also when cooking. My daughter loves the taste of peanut butter, but hates the texture of peanuts. I use it in granola bars and she loves them. Tried regular peanut butter, but the oil cooked the oats too much.

    If anyone has extra they want to get rid of, I'll pay shipping if you send it my way!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    To get the consistency right you have to stir and stir and stir. The consistency will never be quite the same but it's still tasty.
    I put the powder in chocolate yogurt to make it kind of like a reese's cup. I also dip apple slices in the dry powder and then put the apples in my dehydrator overnight. I spread it over low-cal waffles for breakfast. When I get back to the health food store I'm going to buy the chocolate version and try that in a vanilla yogurt smoothie.
    It is not the same as regular peanut butter. I don't expect it to be the same. It will never replace a spoonful of regular peanut butter and a glass of milk. I treat it as it's own thing.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I too could not eat it alone. Its just not the same as peanut butter, although i decided to try making it in a food processor it had a much better consistancy, i just make it in a big batch and keep it in a container in my pantry, but i love the powder mixed in my oatmeal with some banana, or mixed in chocolate greek yogurt, love to take a frozen banana a little unsweetened greek yogurt and some pb2 blend it up its like peanut butter banana ice cream i add a little protein powder and milk to make a smoothie, just a few suggestions.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I think one of my friends throws it into her protein shakes on a daily basis. I have still yet to order some for myself. They were actually backordered on the choc flavor last time I attempted to order. I wonder if you could whip it up with some greek yogurt too. I haven't tried it yet. It still sounds pretty good.:smile:
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I LOVE pb2....i sometimes eat in with the water and one packet of stevia...usually though i mix it into yogurt, protein shakes, oatmeal, i have even done oatmeal pb2 cookies...delish!!
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    maybe add some peanut oil to it....
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 262 Member
    I put it in my oatmeal or my green smoothies. Typically though I use it as a spread on some toast. I add a tiny bit more water than they say and stir lots! I was using all natural PB before and I think they taste really similar, but I love PB.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't eat it straight up but besides shakes and oatmeal I also do my pb2 banana bites which is 2T pb2, 1 packet Truvia and a pinch of cinnamon. I shake this in a container then cut a banana into small pieces and shake them together, The mixture will do 2 or more bananas and it makes a great healthy treat.