Not doing very well - need help!



  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    You have the right idea should be looked at as a life change to healthy foods! The body wants good food (fuel) put in it so it has the energy to move and the weight falls to where it is meant to be! I know it's frustrating when you have a big number ahead of you to lose but you can do it...your body WANTS it! Don't look at the whole number but perhaps 30 at a time and ALWAYS pat yourself on the back as you achieve it!! Good luck...add me as a friend if you like!!!!!
  • LatishaRay
    LatishaRay Posts: 3 Member
    Do you have some free exercise classes in your area you can go to. I go to zumba and Im going to start step class and maybe water aerobics and any other free exercise class i can do. I hope you do will because I believe everyone can do it. Just stick to it. Try writing out of schedule of all the exercises you want to do and on what days and each day check it off that it was done. That always helps me.
  • jayarrr
    jayarrr Posts: 18 Member
    I too am struggling. I'm working from home full time now and feel totally isolated on a daily basis, to top it all off, I live in a very small village, where civilisation is about 7 miles away. Looking for friends for general chit chat and motivation (I suppose that should be the important one), if anyone wants to add me
  • antonia1112
    antonia1112 Posts: 4 Member
    hi, i know the place you're in, i have been there too. i would love to encourage you and could love encouragement in return.
    my only advice is to write everything you eat down and then enter it in at the end of the day. (but also think twice about what you are eating before you eat it - think colourful, crunchy and fresh)
    Also excersise brings on energy, so push yourself to do something, even just a 20 minute walk to get yourself moving and motivated.

    good luck
  • antonia1112
    antonia1112 Posts: 4 Member
    message me. i am a lifetime weight watchers member (who has gone off the wagon due to stress and emotional eating) but i know all this tips and tricks, i just need to put them into place.
    i may be able to give you some tips
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Don't try and cut out the things you love entirely, just make sure you have to earn them. So if you really crave a pizza, make sure you are burning off sufficient calories in excercise to eat it - before you eat the pizza not after (as it's easy to think I'll burn it off at the gym later then not go, or only burn half the calories or worse).

    I am much more likely to stick to a diet if I can justify occasional indulgences rather than live off salad. If I know I'm likely to be eating out that evening, I go swimming before work etc.
  • Mammoth1234
    Do you have some free exercise classes in your area you can go to. I go to zumba and Im going to start step class and maybe water aerobics and any other free exercise class i can do. I hope you do will because I believe everyone can do it. Just stick to it. Try writing out of schedule of all the exercises you want to do and on what days and each day check it off that it was done. That always helps me.

    Good advice! Yes I'm a member of the local gym (the fact that I'm paying for membership guilts me into going) and I'm going to try and start yoga again, as I used to do it and loved it. I'll try writing out the schedule to see if I stick to it :)
  • Onipaa808
    Onipaa808 Posts: 19 Member
    same way here
  • bcunning
    bcunning Posts: 81 Member
    That is a very good idea, I find that when I exercise regularly, my hunger cravings are much less, and my self esteem is much increased, which makes everything easier.

    Also I wanted to say that I love your profile, I always appreciate a good sense of humor.
    Good advice! Yes I'm a member of the local gym (the fact that I'm paying for membership guilts me into going) and I'm going to try and start yoga again, as I used to do it and loved it. I'll try writing out the schedule to see if I stick to it :)