Any 40 year olds out there?



  • keaani34
    keaani34 Posts: 33 Member
    40 here and looking for friends!
  • ejacree1010
    ejacree1010 Posts: 20 Member
    Almost, I will be turning 40 in October and proud of it.

    Take Care,
  • oaks67
    oaks67 Posts: 62 Member
    44 :smile:
  • Hey 42 here! I love my age and wouldn't change it at all. I would love my body to be 20something, but who wouldn't? I know what you mean about the energy levels of our younger friends. Some days I'm good but it really slows down with the day. I've found that if I can get my workout done early in the day it's easier and more effective for me. Nite time I'm just done. :)
  • stefanieceleste0530
    stefanieceleste0530 Posts: 177 Member
    40 for the next 60 days... :happy:
  • docjoe
    docjoe Posts: 65 Member
    44 here. Feel free to send me FR you middle aged people!
  • carrie340
    carrie340 Posts: 36
    I'm 40 feel free to add me fellow 40's!
  • bva205
    bva205 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 45y approaching 46.
  • Englek17
    Englek17 Posts: 1
    I am 48 years young. To date I have lost 23 pounds since my start of joining the gym at the end of December 2011. My husband and I joined together. I am a transportation specialist ( school bus driver ) this is how I went from 135 lbs to 182 pounds. Had high blood pressure and was terribly out of shape. Now since my weight loss I have had a reduction in my medication and have more energy. My goal is that I am completely off my medication by the fall and have set a goal weight of 141. Get a support system. We all know it's not fun doing it alone. Motivation with a friend or spouse will be more successful. Either way I am proof it can be done. Best of luck to you that you reach your goal. :)
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    I am 45 and want to add myself to his "list" of over-40.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    40 here - still cant believe it!
  • I'll be 39 in August :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'll b 40 in TWO WEEKS!! I'm actually looking forward to it, as I'm starting this part of my life in the best shape ever! I still have a little ways to go (in my opinion, others tell me I'm done, whatever) but I'm happily the fittest and smallest I've ever been and loving it!

    Looking forward to my next 40 years!!!
  • worgen
    worgen Posts: 14
    I am 42 but still can take a 20 something and whip his butt behind the woodshed and that is all that matters to me.
  • tdj819
    tdj819 Posts: 41
    About to walk into 40 in a few months AND PROUD!
  • GearJammer
    GearJammer Posts: 47 Member
    I am 48 years young, but days I feel 98 from over doing it the day before. Thanks to everyone here at MFP. I just look at that ticker and say "It's worth every ache and pain" I have not seen this weight in more then 20+ yrs..
  • Suzif89
    Suzif89 Posts: 1 Member
    Any tips for being a 40 something yr/o to lose weight? When I was in my 20's and 30's, it seemed much easier. I am now trying diligently, andprogress is very, very slow. Does anyone else find that being female and in your 40's it is harder to lose weight? I have lost 8 pounds since January, but found this site last week.(I love it, BTW.) I'm hoping for about 2 pounds a week, and I have been working out with a Tae Bo video(I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about.) MY calorie plan says 1200, however I have read in other posts on this site that maybe a couple of hundred more would be better...what do you all think?
  • staceydawn66
    staceydawn66 Posts: 1 Member
    45!! 46 in June!
  • 40 in May so not so very far away. Know how you feel about everyone having more energy than you. I have been trying to loose the weight and keep it off for several years and the last year has been by using MFP
  • lovefool63
    lovefool63 Posts: 35 Member
    Just turned 49 myself....