Profile Pics...



  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I don't understand not having your picture on here, noone need know your name, or where in the world you live, its not like anyone can follow you home on here...

    I think that people can see me when I go shopping, they could follow me home and see where I live if they so wished, they usually don't, and that is more likely to happen then someone find out where I live by me posting a photograph of myself on a site that is open to the world, and if I wished, could make more anonymous, in fact I have quite a lot of detail on here, but I have facebook and twitter too, and it would be easier for people to find out about me like that.

    I look how I look, its rather like my Father, who always refused to talk on the videos we took, saying he sounded bad, we told him he sounded the same to us as he always did and that he only sounded different to HIM, so we now have no video of my Dad...any and all people can see you in your real life, why would you hide from people who are also trying to lose weight and get healthy?
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I don't understand not having your picture on here, noone need know your name, or where in the world you live, its not like anyone can follow you home on here...

    I think that people can see me when I go shopping, they could follow me home and see where I live if they so wished, they usually don't, and that is more likely to happen then someone find out where I live by me posting a photograph of myself on a site that is open to the world, and if I wished, could make more anonymous, in fact I have quite a lot of detail on here, but I have facebook and twitter too, and it would be easier for people to find out about me like that.

    I look how I look, its rather like my Father, who always refused to talk on the videos we took, saying he sounded bad, we told him he sounded the same to us as he always did and that he only sounded different to HIM, so we now have no video of my Dad...any and all people can see you in your real life, why would you hide from people who are also trying to lose weight and get healthy?
    I have already explained it. I posted my pic. Someone made an offhand comment that surprised me with how deeply it hurt me. It demoralized me and negated all of the progress I had made.

    I will not post my photo here, it's too raw. I think it's important to respect people's personal choices. You don't have to understand it, but please do respect it.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I don't understand not having your picture on here, noone need know your name, or where in the world you live, its not like anyone can follow you home on here...

    I think that people can see me when I go shopping, they could follow me home and see where I live if they so wished, they usually don't, and that is more likely to happen then someone find out where I live by me posting a photograph of myself on a site that is open to the world, and if I wished, could make more anonymous, in fact I have quite a lot of detail on here, but I have facebook and twitter too, and it would be easier for people to find out about me like that.

    I look how I look, its rather like my Father, who always refused to talk on the videos we took, saying he sounded bad, we told him he sounded the same to us as he always did and that he only sounded different to HIM, so we now have no video of my Dad...any and all people can see you in your real life, why would you hide from people who are also trying to lose weight and get healthy?
    I have already explained it. I posted my pic. Someone made an offhand comment that surprised me with how deeply it hurt me. It demoralized me and negated all of the progress I had made.

    I will not post my photo here, it's too raw. I think it's important to respect people's personal choices. You don't have to understand it, but please do respect it.

    I know, but one stupid ignorant person made a thoughtless silly remark, if you had met them in a bar, would you have stopped going out? I DO understand it hurt you, but I don't understand you letting it beat you
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    Ok I have been on here a lot and when I look and see how many peeps have joined...why cant they take the time and fill out a profile or for that matter add a it really to much to ask..I mean it would be nice to see a face instead of the generic blue pic generated. I dont get it...
    Some people don't want their faces on the site.
    I happened to post progress photos a few weeks ago, progress that I was REALLY proud of, and someone told me that I am still fat and hopefully I'll lose more, but "good job".

    It still bothers me and I will never post my photo again here. So. Everyone has their reasons.

    don't let that person thunder on your parade, you have lost 1lb that is great, don't ever worry about what some one says. There are alot more ppl out there with negative actions than positive ones. They more then likely werent doing to well w/ there weight loss efforts.
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    Ok I have been on here a lot and when I look and see how many peeps have joined...why cant they take the time and fill out a profile or for that matter add a it really to much to ask..I mean it would be nice to see a face instead of the generic blue pic generated. I dont get it...
    Some people don't want their faces on the site.
    I happened to post progress photos a few weeks ago, progress that I was REALLY proud of, and someone told me that I am still fat and hopefully I'll lose more, but "good job".

    It still bothers me and I will never post my photo again here. So. Everyone has their reasons.

    those people are morons, sorry to hear they rocked your confidence, dont let them knock your progress, keep on doing what your doing :-)

    my profile pic was taken yesterday, its a glmpse of me been the real me as recently Ive been very untrue and non existant, its been a very stressful few months in my household thats stopped my progress and basically stopped life, I took this yesterday because my situation came to an end and Im happy that I can be me again and start over and get that body I desire,
  • runningdiva77
    i'm sorry to hear that sue! :( well, i always keep my pics up to date
  • Lee510
    Lee510 Posts: 46
    Ok I have been on here a lot and when I look and see how many peeps have joined...why cant they take the time and fill out a profile or for that matter add a it really to much to ask..I mean it would be nice to see a face instead of the generic blue pic generated. I dont get it...
    Alright. You talked me into it. Remember, you're asking for it!:laugh:
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Ok I have been on here a lot and when I look and see how many peeps have joined...why cant they take the time and fill out a profile or for that matter add a it really to much to ask..I mean it would be nice to see a face instead of the generic blue pic generated. I dont get it...
    Some people don't want their faces on the site.
    I happened to post progress photos a few weeks ago, progress that I was REALLY proud of, and someone told me that I am still fat and hopefully I'll lose more, but "good job".

    It still bothers me and I will never post my photo again here. So. Everyone has their reasons.

    what?:noway: :mad:
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok I have been on here a lot and when I look and see how many peeps have joined...why cant they take the time and fill out a profile or for that matter add a it really to much to ask..I mean it would be nice to see a face instead of the generic blue pic generated. I dont get it...
    Some people don't want their faces on the site.
    I happened to post progress photos a few weeks ago, progress that I was REALLY proud of, and someone told me that I am still fat and hopefully I'll lose more, but "good job".

    It still bothers me and I will never post my photo again here. So. Everyone has their reasons.

    what?:noway: :mad:
    I am angry at myself for letting it get to me the way it has, but I can't seem to let go of it. The comment is gone because I reported it, but it's still burned into my head.

    This was a safe place for me, a site where I see nothing but support. I even understand where the comment was coming from. But in one fell swoop, it sucked every bit of the pride I had in what I had accomplished out of me, and after three weeks, it bothers me just as much as it did that day. I don't even think he understood what he was saying to me, (which, strangely, makes it worse). It's true, I am still fat. I don't feel as confident as I did before that day, but I am on track, too, and do feel a lot better. I can't protect myself from such comments because people can be horrible to each other. I am disappointed that I do not have a thicker skin.

    And I find it appalling and disgusting that someone on a site like this, (and as much as I hate to say it, especially a man), would say something like that.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I've wondered the same about about people not posting pics and such, but to each their own.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    why do you care so much about how other people do this?
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    You no like my ***** cat? She hogs my Wii Fit balance board. LMAO!
  • BrownEyedJerseyGirl
    BrownEyedJerseyGirl Posts: 97 Member
    Perhaps they work in a sensitive job and want to be able to interact without running the risk of being recognized. Or, perhaps they have acquaintances/co-workers on here and want the same level of privacy. Or perhaps they are camera shy (like me) and the only recent photos they have is their government photos (license, passport).

    I can understand wanting to put a face to the profile but I guess I don't see it as a big deal since my friends list is for support and I don't need to know what someone looks like to be supported or be supportive.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Unfortunately, people are often judged by their appearance. So, if you are attractive, people are usually drawn to you and are friendly. Sometimes if you are not very attractive, old, or still pretty obese, people don't have a positive vibe from you, so those people often feel better not posting a photo. I have noticed most of the people who display close-ups or photos in work out attire are not much overweight, if at all, and are fairly young. Just a few examples? Cleavage shots (they're everywhere, they're everywhere!) for young women and ab shots for young men. JMHO

    Oh yeah, since I'm the one looking at my photos the most, I post the ones I enjoy looking at most.
  • BrownEyedJerseyGirl
    BrownEyedJerseyGirl Posts: 97 Member
    You no like my ***** cat? She hogs my Wii Fit balance board. LMAO!

    I like your proile pic
  • terrirz
    terrirz Posts: 53
    Ok I have been on here a lot and when I look and see how many peeps have joined...why cant they take the time and fill out a profile or for that matter add a it really to much to ask..I mean it would be nice to see a face instead of the generic blue pic generated. I dont get it...
    Some people don't want their faces on the site.
    I happened to post progress photos a few weeks ago, progress that I was REALLY proud of, and someone told me that I am still fat and hopefully I'll lose more, but "good job".

    It still bothers me and I will never post my photo again here. So. Everyone has their reasons.

    wow...thats terriable..:(..Im sorry that someone could be so mean...
    I havent posted a picture of me yet because Im still quite embarrassed by my apperance that Im not ready to openly share that part of me yet. I have decided this time after many attempts of dieting that I was gonna join this website and share that I was "fat" and that takes alot for me to do, I dont normally even tell my family when Im dieting, but I need the support this time to succeed.. and this site and my family have been very helpful at keeping me on track!! I will eventually post a picture of me but it will be a long time before I do..:)
  • KissMyAx
    KissMyAx Posts: 129 Member
    What's completely disturbing to me, are the ANONYMOUS blue square profiles with the white silhouette, (no pic) and then they send friend requests asking to be friends!.....YEAH! THAT'S going to make me accept you!! SMH!!!
    Also the girls that take pics of their legs, boobs, *kitten* or are posed in provocative ways as to draw attention! Uggghhh!!!! I would LOVE to just be able give them a slap! And NO, I'm not jealous! I just believe in being classy and not trashy and using this site what it is really meant for! NUFF said! :)
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    some people don't want their face all over the internet...makes sense!!
  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    I use an iPad, not a laptop and it won't let me add a picture...
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    Personally, I hate the blue squares too. I understand not wanting your face on here (for whatever reason you chose), but I wanna see SOMETHING... a pet, a flower, a inspirational saying,.... anything other than that blue square. It just creeps me out, lol.