Ok so is it okay to be pissed off at the following situation

kiminita Posts: 150 Member
I was hanging out with my friend last night and we decided to order pizza and wings. We've both been trying to watch what we eat lately so this was going to be a nice treat. She knew she had to leave soon, and so did I but she never fully disclosed what time. She ended up leaving before the food arrived. Now I am stuck with a pizza and wings with some sauce she wanted (and is really gross). I don't know more than 3 people in my town so I can't just call someone to come eat. I tried eating some of it last night and actually got sick from it. I text her and asked her to come by with a friend so it doesn't go to waste, and she keeps talking about her diet and how she has to get back on it. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with $25 worth of food (that I paid for, btw) that is absolutely against whatever diet I've been trying to maintain. I'm not mad at her for trying to get back on better eating habits (theyre not by the way, she's doing this cut out carbs entirely thing and probably starving herself in the long run). I'm more upset that in making that decision, she hasn't even considered the way it could be diet sabotage for me. I know I make my own decisions, so it's also about the fact that now I'm most likely going to waste this food (and money that it costs). Is she being inconsiderate or am I over reacting??
I know, I definitely think too much. I'd also like to acknowledge that I DO understand I had the choice not to order the food, ask her when she'd be leaving, etc. But her "I've got to get back on my diet" is annoying in the context of having left all this food at my house when she knows I've also been trying to "get back on a diet."

Just needed to rant. Thank you for reading this far :)


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If she had eaten the food, it still would have cost you the same amount. You haven't lost anything. Eat what you want and throw out the rest. Just because there is food in front of your face doesn't mean it has to go into your face.
  • dibdobw
    dibdobw Posts: 89 Member
    Id be pissed off too. One for leaving before the food was ready, two for noting half paying ate or not half regardless of whether she ate there or not. And finally, for going some where, where the food was high calorie and made you feel bad. xx
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Can it be divided into single servings and frozen? If not, I guess just toss it and suck up the loss.
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    I did consider freezing it. It's not so much she didn't throw down cash on it. It's slightly I that I hate to waste food (even though some may not even define this as food). It's the inconsiderate part that gets me.
    "Let me order this awful food with you, not eat it, and then refuse to help you not waste it because I'm trying to get back on my diet and I don't give a rat's a s s about your goals"
    LOL am I reading too much into it?

    I mean I don't expect her to ruin her goals either, but...
    oh gosh I need to get over it. lol.
    anyone want some pizza and live in Champaign, IL??
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Wrap it in brown paper, put it in a parcel and mail it to her. :grumble:
  • twalton67
    twalton67 Posts: 16
    You could always freeze it in single servings. It wont go to waste, ans you can treat yourself every now and then. I do that when we make homemade pizza, because we all like something different. That way I can have pizza once a week on my own terms.
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    Just throw away what you don't want and look at it as a lesson learned.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I did consider freezing it. It's not so much she didn't throw down cash on it. It's slightly I that I hate to waste food (even though some may not even define this as food). It's the inconsiderate part that gets me.
    "Let me order this awful food with you, not eat it, and then refuse to help you not waste it because I'm trying to get back on my diet and I don't give a rat's a s s about your goals"
    LOL am I reading too much into it?
    Yes, I think you are definitely reading too much into it. She wanted some food, but then it turned out she had to go. Not everyone is focused on your diet.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Don't make too much out of it if she is a good friend (sounds like you have only a handful in town). I'd write it off as bad judgement for both of you and let it go at that. Lesson learned. Toss it in the trash and let go of all associated guilt.

    I just dumped a dozen cookies in the trash because I refuse to eat them and only my 3 year old will eat them (my niece baked them with the girls while I was out of town)....probably could have froze them, but I really don't even want the temptation around. In the past I never would have done this! I find myself giving more scraps to the dogs or tossing stuff, but since those changes in the past 6 weeks I've also lost 20 lbs, so no hurt feelings here!
  • booyatribe
    its okay to be pissed off..
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I'd be upset too. It was a decision that, from what you said, was made by the both of you. If she knew her time crunch was going to cause her to not have the food (and really with delivery I always expect to be waiting an hour or so) then it was inconsiderate on her part to not only just leave before the food meant to be consumed by you both got there, but to not ask that maybe you save her some and she would come by later.

    Maybe she had second thoughts, I don't know, but that's rude when you were active in the decision and someone else has paid for it. You wasted money and now you're going to have to waste food. If she changed her mind she could have at least said so instead of scooting off and playing the safe route of having a telephone be the communication tool where she's not only nowhere near you, but could hang up if she chose to.

    I'd let her know that the next time she wanted to buy something neither of you otherwise eat because of your eating habits, she better come through on her end. It's like going to an expensive restaurant, ordering a $50 lobster, then saying you're not hungry and you're allergic to shellfish.
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Throw away the portion she would have eaten. That is HER share. Then throw awy the portions you would have shared with your other buds. That is their share. Then forgive her and ask her if she needs a gym buddy or a walking pal. Enjoy!
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    I did consider freezing it. It's not so much she didn't throw down cash on it. It's slightly I that I hate to waste food (even though some may not even define this as food). It's the inconsiderate part that gets me.
    "Let me order this awful food with you, not eat it, and then refuse to help you not waste it because I'm trying to get back on my diet and I don't give a rat's a s s about your goals"
    LOL am I reading too much into it?
    Yes, I think you are definitely reading too much into it. She wanted some food, but then it turned out she had to go. Not everyone is focused on your diet.

    True enough. Thank you for that honesty. I think though it's that she wasn't considerate that really bothers me.
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    I understand completely where your comming from! I think you have every right to be pissed at that situation...i would be! Im an over thinker too lol!! It would be different if she didnt order that food with u! I hate wasting money on anything but expecially food...i feel like i have to eat all the food cuz it always costs so much more to go out to eat! That was pretty crappy of her to do expecially when it was supposed to be a treat for u both! She should of gave u money for it! Just dont give into eating it all cuz u will feel horrible afterwards mentally and physically! Good luck with ur journey and i guess now u learned not to order that much food with ur friend! Just stick to your healthy diet or get a lil treat for u so u wont feel yucky for eating it! And u will be having success for sticking to your healthy lifestyle and she might crash for doing her "diet" hope u feel better for venting!!!:tongue:
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member

    I'd let her know that the next time she wanted to buy something neither of you otherwise eat because of your eating habits, she better come through on her end. It's like going to an expensive restaurant, ordering a $50 lobster, then saying you're not hungry and you're allergic to shellfish.

    You got it right on the nose. It's like....REALLY?

    I mean we're really good friends. She's like 7 yrs younger. We've been room mates before. I don't know why I'd expect her to be more considerate, considering *some* of the things she's done in the past. And this isn't intended to portray her character negatively in any way. I think her age has something to do with it. At 19 I wasn't exactly thinking about how the consequences of my actions. So this is why I let most things go with her.
    But I totally let her know that I considered this an act of sabotage on my dietary goals... lol
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I think there are probably other issues with this friend or you are harbor ing feelings towards her that run deeper than this situation..although its annoying, I wouldn't waste energy being pissed off about it...it sucks u spent the cash but just toss it or give it to a neighbor if u don't want it...we can only control the controllables.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    That's rude. I'd ask her to give you the $25 or at least half of it... considering she helped order and then ran off without having any.
    She tried to sabotage your dietary goals, don't let her do it!
  • Danardeener
    Danardeener Posts: 255
    Wrap it in brown paper, put it in a parcel and mail it to her. :grumble:

    Ha ha ha...love it!
  • JenSmith1104
    If you feel bad wasting it, then find a homeless person to give it to.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    Yeah I'm not really understanding the problem. If you don't want it just throw it away.