Recording Progress.. Do you cheat?



  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Ok so maybe the title was a tad misleading, but it looks like most? everyone didn't read the post? Or maybe I just didn't ask properly.

    I DO log everything I eat. It wasn't what I meant to ask but to elaborate, If I'm 2200 calories over, so be it. I also eat whatever I want to. I try to eat healthy/ier for sure, but I still go out for dinner and eat cake. Cause I like it.

    To reiterate what I said and was asking,

    I like to log on the LOW SIDE of what I LOST. Thinking about it now, though, the advice fits anyways. Accountable to self, etc. So I should just log what the scale says, and not worry if it goes up later. Mostly I just usually feel like if I lost 3lbs in a week that it MUST be a joke. So I'll log 1.5 lbs instead. Etc.

    Anyways, thanks for your input :) GO US. :DDD

    I log my weight losses, usually after three days of losing I'll jump up a little bit, maybe a pound, but within a couple of days my weight is dropping off again, and I log once it goes below my last lowest. Now if I was consistently gaining, I wouldn't do it this way, but since I know I'm eating healthy and the fluctuation is from salt/water, I just ignore it.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I log everything as accurately as I can. I also only weigh once a week and log whatever it is, good or bad. I figure if I cant be honest with myself, then what's the use of doing all this. I log all my recipes into the recipe calculator to get as accurate account as I can. I also weigh, measure, etc everything. It's all second nature now.
  • returningmyfatsuit
    returningmyfatsuit Posts: 35 Member
    I try to overestimate the amounts I eat because I feel it gives me a safety net.


    I do this too. Sometimes. Happy I'm not alone! :)
    It's not cheating but think of it this way - if sometime in the future you reached a plateau and wanted to look back at your history to figure out what to do next, you'd really want the history to be as accurate as possible otherwise it isn't a useful tool if you didn't put the exact numbers in at the time, if you see what I mean? Part of what I find useful about this site is the ability to look back at things and compare what I was doing at certain points.

    Saying that, it's important that you do whatever works for you!

    This is a really good point I hadn't thought of! Thanks! This is why I was asking, I think this is a reason to log more accurately :D
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    LOL I noticed people didn't seem to get the post at the beginning.

    I do what you do too. I didn't to begin with but honestly when I you know I lost 2lbs then gained 2lbs and then lost 2lbs again I didn't want everyone on my feed praising me for the second loss b/c well I feel like it's just where it ought to be.

    Also I decided I didn't like logging gains. So I don't.
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    I weigh myself once a week and round up to a whole pound weight as my "official" weigh in. I do weight myself in between and watch my food/ exercise if I am not making progress towards my goal.
  • mayatiger
    mayatiger Posts: 45
    LOL I noticed people didn't seem to get the post at the beginning.

    I do what you do too. I didn't to begin with but honestly when I you know I lost 2lbs then gained 2lbs and then lost 2lbs again I didn't want everyone on my feed praising me for the second loss b/c well I feel like it's just where it ought to be.

    Also I decided I didn't like logging gains. So I don't.
    ^^^^^ this
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I don't get it. You'd only be cheating yourself.


    You are only playing head games with yourself. It is what it is, why make it more complicated?
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Your body keeps an accurate journal regardless of what you write down...
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    All your cheating is yourself. No I log everything as best as I can.

    ^^^This. All you are doing is cheating you and sabotaging your own goals
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 71 Member
    I don't think you're cheating yourself at all, I think you are giving yourself a psychological safety net, and that's fine. I myself have a specific day that I record my weight, and then it all evens out over time.
    I think where this honesty about recording comes much more into play is if you find your weight is increasing. Because the instinct there is to lie/not record/not weigh at all. And you can't do that. You have to confront where you're at, create a new game plan and move forward. It's fine if your weight goes up one week and you don't want to record it. I gained literally 10 pounds when I went on a long train trip and ate meat while traveling after being strictly vegetarian for a year. I didn't record that weight. But two weeks later it was gone and the scale kept going down. I knew that weight wasn't real, and recording it just upset me. But if that weight had been real, it would have been vital for me to say "OK, I gained ten pounds. What did I do wrong? What will I do to get it off again?"

    This process is supposed to make you healthier. Not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. We're all learning to be honest with ourselves about how we're treating our bodies, and hopefully trying to treat them better. You do what works for you. I like to think no one is here to judge. I mean, maybe they are, but f*** 'em.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I log everything as it is. I have my diary open but it's for me and for my own accountability :)
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    The scales at my gym weigh lower than the ones in my house by about 2 pounds. I will sometimes alternate between the two ;-)
  • returningmyfatsuit
    returningmyfatsuit Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everyone. Some good insight. :) I appreciate it!

    Of course I properly log my food, and i log my weight even when it's up (unless it's not weigh in day ;p).. Psychological safety net sounds about right!

    And after reading your many comments I decided it's probably ok. Unless it starts to be a problem. lol
    Maybe I will try something new anyways though. We'll see how I feel! :D