It's my own fault for posting it but....damn



  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    There should be a sense of common decency among people to not make derogatory comments. Leaving negative comments about someone is allowed and probably accepted. However, to be downright mean is shameful and can do some irreparable damage to an individual if they aren't strong mentally.

    I also understand that by posting pictures for people to comment does open the door for comments...they just don't need to be mean in the process. They should have shown some class. Unfortunately, class is missing among our society today as a whole.

    God made you the way you are and He loves you no matter what. You also look happy and don't let anyone take that away from you.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
  • Don't let the haters get you down. Some people need to feel better than others because they have no self concept. Good for you for doing something positive for yourself. Rock on !
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    As an artist who uses art-related forums to ask for critiques and as a woman who has had an internet forum critique/bash her relationship, I can tell you it's what people on the internet do best. You ask for an opinion and you will get more than just that, you will get the ugliest of the ugly because you can't do a damn thing to them and they all know it.

    Even when you don't ask for them, you get them. I'm active on an art site that lets you post up an "ID" picture for your page and for a while I used bust shots of myself and many times had strangers post things about my weight or if I upset them in a comment elsewhere would leave nasty comments on that photo or my artwork. I had a drawing I did 2 years ago that was a cartoon-like version of my then current self seeing myself as I was at 13 because it was a drastic change in style and personality. Someone commented that it was "such a shame a revolutionary rebel with such potential that young turned into a dumpy loser." When I had words with him he claimed he thought they were made up characters despite everywhere around that image stating it was ME.

    Facebook's prime, though, if your settings aren't set to friend only. On my 21st birthday I wore a pin-up style dress with a shrug on and wore makeup and all that, later that evening I posted pictures from my birthday dinner which included a thigh-up image of me posing in front of a wall decoration the restaurant had, and I thought I looked great. At this time my settings were friend-of-friend on everything and a friend of someone I knew from another website commented on my picture literally the morning after calling me all sorts of things and how no one over 130lbs should wear what I had been wearing, I looked like a cow, etc. I ended up changing my settings and warned everyone on my friendslist that if they did what that asshat did they were going to be looking at more than the loss of a friend on a site.

    But, y'know, that's life. If we're comfortable enough to post our true faces on the internet as we are, then regardless we've opened up a can of worms. Look at all the threads talking about the profile pictures involving body parts or scantily-clad people or other stuff. That's the same judgment. People judge us that harshly in person, too. Yeah you asked the people to judge you, but that doesn't give anyone the room and right to verbally slaughter you. There's critique and then there's insult. What you got was the latter, what you asked for was the former.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    If you look for attention online (which is what you were doing, sorry) you will get hell for it. People hate attention seekers and give them negative attention on the internet. And everyone who uses the internet knows this, so sorry, yes it is your own fault, you are never going to get compliments on a page like that.
  • Belm1974
    Belm1974 Posts: 1
    Yeah, the internet is a cruel place. You are beautiful, my dear. Just don't let it get to you. People say things, cruel things because they can hide behind their screens and because it's easy and anonymous. Just take it with a grain of salt and keep being fabulous and move on. Congratulations on your weight loss, mamacita ;-)
  • You look nice, but yeah, don't post your pics on the internet asking for random strangers to comment. You know what's gonna happen.

    Couldn't have said it better... And not to be rude, but this thread sounds like you're fishing for compliments to make up for it.
  • You are BEAUTIFUL. We all are! People are so damn rude. Didn't their parents teach them if they have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Because people don't know you they can be very cruel. I looked at your photos you posted and also on your profile. I would say that yes you need to lose weight but you know that and doing something about it, good on you, we are are not alone in that rowboat!! You actually look like you have a nice body shape, and once you trim down and get fitter you will be a knockout!

    From your photos you look like you have the most gorgeous eyes, skin, a lovely smile; you are active, lots of outdoor shots, you look like someone with character and fun, and you are spiritual. These things are true beauty - the body can change but your character is you. Those people who made nasty comments - it says more about them than it does about you. Lift your head up, walk tall, smile and be proud :smile:

    About the only personal suggestion I would make is your hairstyle is quite severe - your hair down (looks like you have some curls/waves in your hair) might look nicer?

    Awaiting some success photos now, if you have already lost 30 lb that is a good result!
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    Why even subject yourself to that? Seriously. There are cruel people out there who just get their kicks off making others feel as miserable as they are. I think we beat ourselves up enough. We don't need any added help. For some reason I'm feeling like its a self-esteem thing for you because you felt the need to post your pics on there a 4 am and now you are up here seeking some added attention. They gave you negative you need positive feedback. None of the comments posted truly matters unless you know where your beauty lies.

    Do "YOU" think you are beautiful?

    That's what matters.

    THIS!!! Beautifully said. You are only as beautiful as you feel. :) Hugs....
  • MisFitMom219
    MisFitMom219 Posts: 50 Member
    PEOPLE ARE MEAN...especially when they have the internet to save face...who visits these sites anyway?!?!

    YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. & I hope you know that & you're happy (:

    you are making positive changes in your life. & that is ALL that matters!
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    Lesson learned, I guess. You realize that 'most' people on a site like that act like they're 12. Alright, they may actually be 12. I think you're beautiful and should stick to posting your pictures where people that look at them are more understanding and empathetic. Like here!
  • sarasmile144
    sarasmile144 Posts: 108 Member
    I think that your photos are beautiful- although I do agree with others when they say don't post pics on the net asking for judgement.. people can be so ignorant and cruel.. they hurt without thinking or caring.. sometimes they hurt just for the fun of it.. you don't need ANYBODY's opinion on YOU.. just your own.. look in the mirror and tell yourself everything beautiful about yourself.. every reason that you are worth all the best, and why you deserve a beautiful future AND present, which doesn't allow for being called ugly names by people who are genuinely ugly on the inside.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    There are a lot of wretched people on reddit. Most of them are trolls/basement dwellers//i.e people who say whatever they want behind the safety of a computer screen knowing damn well they aren't the epitame of human perfection either. They get their jollies by insulting others and they tend to do it collectively like little children.

    Don't let anything they say effect you.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I did post in comments that these are not my most recent pictures and I have lost 30lbs so far. Most of the comments didn't bother me too much but a few were downright hurtful.

    "Fat IS ugly!"
    "Be active, eat less; seriously!'
    Seeing that must have been very hurtful. :frown:

    The thing is though, you just posted images, and people reacted solely to those images, not to you as a person. You may have lost 30lb, but according to your own ticker, you are still 120lb overweight. You are on this site because you were 150lb overweight and didn't want to be, what sort of comments did you expect from total strangers on the internet?

    And really, "Be active, eat less" that's great advice for someone who is overweight. Yes it's stating the obvious, but did you expect subtlety?

    Brutal though it is, wrong though it might be, much as it may be hidden and whispered behind backs, that is exactly how a large proportion of society reacts to people who are obese.

    What you need to do is remind yourself that it's only a matter of time until that does not apply to you.

    Use those comments to motivate yourself to get to a point where you can say to people "Saying things like that is hurtful and wrong" and those people will think "Wow, if someone slim is saying that, maybe it is wrong and I need to think about what I'm saying"

    EDITED TO ADD: Though I've been online for more years than I care to admit, I've never used Reddit. These are general observations about people's behaviour online, not about the culture of one particular site.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Because people don't know you they can be very cruel. I looked at your photos you posted and also on your profile. I would say that yes you need to lose weight but you know that and doing something about it, good on you, we are are not alone in that rowboat!! You actually look like you have a nice body shape, and once you trim down and get fitter you will be a knockout!

    From your photos you look like you have the most gorgeous eyes, skin, a lovely smile; you are active, lots of outdoor shots, you look like someone with character and fun, and you are spiritual. These things are true beauty - the body can change but your character is you. Those people who made nasty comments - it says more about them than it does about you. Lift your head up, walk tall, smile and be proud :smile:

    About the only personal suggestion I would make is your hairstyle is quite severe - your hair down (looks like you have some curls/waves in your hair) might look nicer?

    Awaiting some success photos now, if you have already lost 30 lb that is a good result!

    I agree with all of the above, and agree a little extra about your hairstyle if you decide to take some planned and not formal photos. Most people will wear their hair done up for weddings, and one of your photos didn't look planned, but the first one, why is your hair up? Let your curls down!

    And next time, unless you turn out super model gorgeous when you get all the weight off, don't put pictures online for strangers to judge. Because if they can find a flaw and comment about it, they will. And most of us do not look like and will never look like super models. Lucky for them, or they'd have a hard time finding work!
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    18 months after surgery, I still will not post a pic. Even after 100+ pounds lost, I am still obese on the BMI chart. Take a look in the mirror, take a look at before pic, try on your before clothes.... You are making progress... and that is what counts. Remember the world looks at everything through a microscope. Think of the comments models get if they are not ultra thin.. You do not want to ever be unhealthy again... Fat or thin. Make a concious effort to be happy with the changes each day