For the 500,000 time EATING MORE WORKS



  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    best thing to do as you lose weight is start to increase your calories slowly.

    you really want your deficit to end up being within 20% so that you do not lose weight so fast that you lose too much muscle

    muscle helps burn more calories

    plus, the more you exercise and the more weight you lose, the fitter you get---- the more calories you will burn daily.
  • Jentheoriginal
    Jentheoriginal Posts: 18 Member
    I know there are a million and one topics out there about this
    But I feel there needs to be one more confirmation for those ppl struggling at 1200 calories and not losing
    Here is my story of how increasing calories worked

    I've been on this site 100 days and lost maybe 4 pounds in the first 40 days while struggling to only eat 1200 calories
    after that nothing.....for 60 days I just stayed the same
    1 week ago I took advice from another thread and found out my BMR and TDEE measurements and increased my calories to 1500
    and this week lost 1.5 pounds....

    So for those of you who "Can't stay under 1200 cals" it's really not necessary
    Just thought I would share my success

    I'm really confused by your post. I'm sorry to ask this, but you said you've been on for 100 days, lost 4, then nothing in (40 and 60 days, respectively). So thats a total of 100 days, and a total of 4 pounds lost out of 100 days, but your ticker says 26 lbs lost. This confuses me greatly! Did you lose 22 pounds overnight? If so, I need your secret!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I know there are a million and one topics out there about this
    But I feel there needs to be one more confirmation for those ppl struggling at 1200 calories and not losing
    Here is my story of how increasing calories worked

    I've been on this site 100 days and lost maybe 4 pounds in the first 40 days while struggling to only eat 1200 calories
    after that nothing.....for 60 days I just stayed the same
    1 week ago I took advice from another thread and found out my BMR and TDEE measurements and increased my calories to 1500
    and this week lost 1.5 pounds....

    So for those of you who "Can't stay under 1200 cals" it's really not necessary
    Just thought I would share my success

    I'm really confused by your post. I'm sorry to ask this, but you said you've been on for 100 days, lost 4, then nothing in (40 and 60 days, respectively). So thats a total of 100 days, and a total of 4 pounds lost out of 100 days, but your ticker says 26 lbs lost. This confuses me greatly! Did you lose 22 pounds overnight? If so, I need your secret!

    Lol sorry I am not a miracle :wink:
    I started MFP 100 days ago but had previously lost 22 pds doing a crossfit program and that took me 6 weeks, but I had set my ticker to show that loss too
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    Have add my experience. I increased my calories the last week--and have lost 4 pounds. I didn't go over the minimum goal that MFP has set, but tried to hit it every day. I did have one day that I was over by a whopping 100 calories :-)

    Four pounds, eating about 1800-2000 calories a day. I worked out 5 times the last week, for an hour each time.

    Meanwhile, I have coworkers who are subsisting on powdered drink mixes and complaining that they can't poop. Not to mention the complaining about hunger. Ugh...they don't want to listen to me either.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I lost 2.5lbs consecutively for the last 2wks after upping my cal's to 1600. Totally works I couldn't agree more!!
  • Jentheoriginal
    Jentheoriginal Posts: 18 Member
    Lol sorry I am not a miracle :wink:
    I started MFP 100 days ago but had previously lost 22 pds doing a crossfit program and that took me 6 weeks, but I had set my ticker to show that loss too

    Fair enough, thanks! :)
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I haven't lost anything in ages but reading through these comments has convinced me I need to up my calorie intake from 1300. What's the worst that can happen, apart from putting on 10lbs :laugh:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I agree! But people are going to do what they think works best for them anyway. It's hard for some people to wrap their mind around the fact that eating less doesn't always = losing more weight. I just don't understand why someone would eat 1200 or less calories a day when they could be eating more and still lose weight, or even lose more weight. Oh well.
  • agranados87
    agranados87 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for posting this. Apparently, I am eating way under calorie.. I have been steadily loosing weight, but I am going to give this a try. According to my calculations, I need to bump up to eating 1700 cals on non-workout days.. I'll see how it goes! Thanks :)
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I never understood why people say they feel like they are starving on 1200 calories. I feel completely satisfied, eat every 2 hours, and always stay within my calorie range. PLUS, I've lost 68 pounds doing this for 5 months. I guess this just goes to show you that really everyone is different!

    It just depends on the individual. My BMR is 1338 and my TDEE is 2449, so if I were to try and only net 1200 calories a day? Well, I'd be starving myself, hungry, grouchy and threatening to eat small animals and children. It just depends on your activity level, your metabolism, etc.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Don't eat less...move more!

  • SlimStacey74
    SlimStacey74 Posts: 74 Member
    I coudn't agree more!! I am eating the most calories ever (healthy) and along with exercise, the weight is just melting off. I have been on here for 3 months and I have lost 30 lbs!! I started off big, like 5 lbs for first 2 weeks (prob water) , but even after that, I tend to lose about 1-2 lbs per week, with an occasional 3 in there sometimes, when I've really had some good burns that week. I eat between 1800-2200 calories per day!! I don't feel hungry, I eat right, get my burns in and the weight is coming off. Its soo simple, I can't believe it's taken me this long to get it right! :happy:

    SW: 221
    CW: 191
    GW: 130-135

    I am right on track to hit my GW by Oct 31st!! I cannot wait!!!!
  • sweetebonyprincess
    sweetebonyprincess Posts: 53 Member
    bumpty bump
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I think it helps people to keep a food journal for 2 weeks before they start calorie cutting. Realizing how many calories you were eating per day and how drastic a drop 1200 is does help to quiet the fear that 1300 or 1400 or even 1800 calories a day will make you gain a ton of weight rapidly.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I think it helps people to keep a food journal for 2 weeks before they start calorie cutting. Realizing how many calories you were eating per day and how drastic a drop 1200 is does help to quiet the fear that 1300 or 1400 or even 1800 calories a day will make you gain a ton of weight rapidly.
    I totally agree! I tracked for a week before starting in earnest and I wasn't eating much more than my goal cals already. But my activity levels were none existent. I have to eat more to compensate for exercising way more.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Don't eat less...move more!

    But if you move more you have to eat more because your net will go down...
  • sidel80
    sidel80 Posts: 2
    I don't think it was really emphasized in the comments to the original post, but I'm guessing it's not only upping your calorie intake, but also the quality of the calories you're consuming, right? I wouldnt eat a bigmac or two for purposes of reaching that calorie goal.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I don't think it was really emphasized in the comments to the original post, but I'm guessing it's not only upping your calorie intake, but also the quality of the calories you're consuming, right? I wouldnt eat a bigmac or two for purposes of reaching that calorie goal.

    It all depends how you define quality food. So long as you can achieve your macronutrient goals, any food is good food, but the chances are 'junk' is less likely to get you there.

    Me personally, wouldn't eat McDonalds unless I was dying in a desert, and even then only after I was absolutely sure there were no lizards/camels/large, scary looking spiders to snack on.
  • ili_s
    ili_s Posts: 66

    It's about making smart food choices. However it doesn't mean that we should totallyd eprive ourselves of the bad foods. Anything is acceptable once in a while as long as it stays a once in a while food and doesn't creep into your diet.

    The thing with allowing yourself to eat more calories and still getting to where you are going is that you can fill up on the good foods, thus deminishing feelings of hunger and being less likely to crave bad foods.

    Once you get off the sugar (addiction) train your body will no longer crave the bad foods as much.

    I have amuch easier time saying no to things now and getting a piece of fruit or celery to munch on, which I equally enjoy.

    I also want to acknowledge that some people can eat at aorund 1200 cals. If you are very tiny in height and weight then your BMR might actually be around that mark, and that is why being on that level works for you.

    It's all about finding your BMR and eating between that number and 20% above your BMR.