How many days a week do you work out?

I am new to regular/consistent exercise, how many days a week do you work out? Do you plan your workouts ahead of time? How do you make sure you get variety? And how do you prevent burnout?

I want to make exercise a part of my lifestyle... I want to get toned and fit for life, not just to look good for summer.



  • clean115
    clean115 Posts: 59
    I do walking and calisthenics at home and use the elliptical, treadmill, and stationary bike at my college gym. I also try to try new strength training machines... you have to observe people on them to see how they work. I do it whenever I eat more than my goal or when I have time to spare.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I am new to regular/consistent exercise, how many days a week do you work out? Do you plan your workouts ahead of time? How do you make sure you get variety? And how do you prevent burnout?

    I want to make exercise a part of my lifestyle... I want to get toned and fit for life, not just to look good for summer.


    I work out 6 days a week... and I make my workout time non-negotiable. I know what time every day I'm going to work out and I do it. Period.

    What are you doing for workouts? I'd love to help you -- I'm a big believer in all the beach body programs :)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    5 to 6 days.
  • clean115
    clean115 Posts: 59
    I don't plan them ahead because if I don't do it for whatever reason then that's a failure. I have been working out most days... I just do it when I can
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    5 or 6 days here sometimes 7....
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Cardio workout every day - have not taken a break in the last 6 weeks. Weight lifing every other day. I use differnt types of cardio equipment (rower, elliptical, bike), Wii Fit, walking, etc. to mix it up every day so as not to get bored. Average daily calorie burn is around 800.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Usually 5 days...sometimes 6. On the off days I still try to get in a 2 mile, 30 minute walk at lunchtime...just because I want to! :bigsmile:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Working out three days a week generally.

    I walk for 30 min 5 days a week tho.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Six days a week and sometimes some light cardio or active rest activities on my rest day. I split up every day to make sure I'm working all the muscle groups throughout the week and enough days in between each for rest and recovery. Lifting 5x a week and doing some cardio (usually 30-40 min elliptical) about 2 or 3x a week.
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    6. When I first started I did every single day til a trainer said I better have one day of rest or I'd come to a stop in my weight loss for not letting my muscles recover.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I usually work out 6 days a week, first thing the AM after my son gets on the bus. But for the past 5 weeks I've been going 7 because I was stuck and need to break through that wall.
  • kevinwk
    kevinwk Posts: 77
    7 days for cardio and 5 days incorporating resistence training. Once you start, you will actually crave getting in your work outs, no matter how many. It simply becomes part of your lifestyle.
  • shanzie227
    shanzie227 Posts: 9 Member
    I don't plan them ahead because if I don't do it for whatever reason then that's a failure. I have been working out most days... I just do it when I can

    If you don't quit, you can't fail.
  • mmklinemm
    mmklinemm Posts: 58 Member
    5 to 6 days a week. Spin class 4 days/wk and yoga/body flow 1-2 days/wk, plus I run about 1-2 miles before each class. Then on the weekends, I usually run 3.5 miles on Saturday or Sunday. I stay home with my kids and going to the gym is the 1 hour I get to myself each day. It's mandatory for my sanity and my family's happiness. :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Cardio 7x a week and strength training/conditioning a little bit each day switching off different parts of my body :)

    For cardio I do 4-5 days of running outside/treadmill and the remainder I do Zumba/kickboxing/elliptical/bike

    I rarely take rest days, but I take it easier some workout days compared to others.
  • Happyhealthybabe
    I workout 6 days a week, I aim to do Cardio at least 4 times a week for 30mins if not more depending on how busy my day is, and I do 2-3 sets of toning exercises 6 days a week. I'm very active as it is with the job I do so I don't want to put to much extra stress on my body.

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  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    i run sunday, tuesday, thursday, friday. i lift monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday and saturday when possible. wednesday is the only day i rest consistently, simply because i have class from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm. i'd say about every other week, i also take friday off.

    tl;dr- 5 or 6 days.
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    Usually 7, but I always go easy one of those days by just walking or playing wii for an hour. I work out with my boyfriend when he comes home, so he keeps me accountable for it. When I get bored with the elliptical, I do some zumba or some tae bo, or take a run. I also strength train every other day.
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    As often as I can.
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    6 days a week and I plan them... I try to workout in the morning, but if I don't, I make I come striaght home after work and do it. I'm doing dvd programs. It helps me have plan. Good luck and once you get going with daily exercise, you'll start to love it.