Do you log your high calorie days?



  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    I always log. I can't get frustrated if I see how often I was binging.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't have high calorie days on purpose. They do happen though, so I log them!
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    what? why on earth would you not?
    do you not log when you burn a lot more calories than normal, since it's not a regular occurrence? my guess is no, so why would you not record when you eat more than normal. pretending you didn't eat more than normal doesn't make it not happen.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I log absolutely everything. If I lie to myself, well...I'm just lying to myself! Be honest and use the tools that MFP provides for you to control your lifestyle change and reach your goals. Just my opinion...
  • rla331
    rla331 Posts: 27 Member
    In my 225+ days on here, there is only one day I haven't logged it all. That was yesterday, my birthday. And only because I ate so much random crap (out all day) that I didn't feel like looking it all up and trying to find things to compare it to etc. Otherwise, I log it all...the good, bad and ugly! (there's been lots of ugly!) It's definitely an accountability thing for me.
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    I do as best I can. Today has been a really high calorie day because I took someone out for their birthday breakfast. It was a local restaurant and there's no nutritional info anywhere for it, so I'm just trying to estimate it and quick add the calories. All I know is that it had to be a lot. :D I don't do that very often but I want to have something logged even if it might not be accurate.
  • reka74
    reka74 Posts: 70
    Yeah... Just log them in and look at the red...
    You have many more days to make better choices and you will make them. Look at your great results! 64 lbs gone already! Congratulation on your success!
  • MisFitMom219
    MisFitMom219 Posts: 50 Member
    I log EVERYTHING...Even my 4000+ days are in here...guilty sure, but they prob would have been worse without logging! Plus I'm just anal & like to keep track of everything!

    agree with earlier posts --don't lie to yourself... I find keeping my high cal days logged helped me spot a trends in my eating habits! Now those high cal days have become few, far & in between.

    ps. i can't even keep my average days as low as your high cal days! impressive (:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I log it all.

    sometimes it takes me longer to log the food than it does to eat it. especially if i've been to the buffet restaurant. that annoys me to the point that the amount of time to log is more of a deterrent than the worry about calories and i end up eating less.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    I log it as best I can, depressing as it is. It would be an even bigger calorie day otherwise. Sometimes it is hard alike when I am at a party or shower and there is a smorgasbord of goodies and I eat a tablespoon of about everything, but I give it my best guess.
  • josharp4
    josharp4 Posts: 1
    In response to the comment about eating 1000 - 1300 calories a day......Myfitnesspal tells alot of folks to eat those amounts of calories! I know several people on here that are on 1300 calories a day. NOT their choice....
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    I log everything every day. Of course the way I have my calories set I still have about a thousand calories deficit when I go into the red, so I am good with ending up with a negative number for the day a couple of days a week.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    UGGGGGGGGG, yes I do. This whole entire weekend a bust for me. Back on track in am. I did do my 30DS today.
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    I log everything, everyday no matter what!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I don't have special high calorie days, so I log everything~
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    I log it that way I'm aware of what I've been eating. Otherwise, I could quickly forget and overeat regularly.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Usually. It helps me to see what really works and what doesn't.
  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    Do you log your high calorie days?

    Yes. My body knows about the calories, why shouldn't my brain?

    Exactly! That's why I log everything.
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    I do log them because I want to see how frequently I'm cheating. Sometimes I think I haven't had a "cheat day" in a few weeks and it turns out I had one a few days ago! Sometimes I will also try to compensate the next day by being under. But I agree, the guilt factor sucks. Also, I'm down to my last 3 lbs so going over by a few hundred calories will result in weight gain!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Yes, why wouldn't you? You still ate it.