Living with parents

Sometimes (aka almost always) it drives me crazy! It makes it so much harder to chose what you eat... tonight for example, along with buying all my fav chips and dips (I know... not everyone in the house is on a diet...) they bought the bread that has twice the fat and half the fibre. Or they'll bring home Mc****s for dinner and act surprised when I ask to make an omlette instead. Then they think I might have a problem when I use the treadmill daily.

Sounds like something miniscule but if you live with your parents, you might understand.


  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    ...Or they'll bring home Mc****s for dinner...

    HAHA didnt even realize i did that...... dont know about u guys but everyone here called mcdonalds "mcd icks"
  • xlolitabandita
    When I lived at home, while my parents encouraged me to be very active and play sports, they fed my brother and I horribly. They grew up in very poor families and were hardly ever allowed snacks or anything extra, so I guess to make us happy they fed us junk food? Always keeping whatever cookies and chips i requested, a freezer stocked full of pizza rolls and chicken nuggets. While I think it's great and perfectly fine to allow children a special snack every once in a while, it shouldn't be their whole diet. Well, all of us ended up over weight even though we all played sports and went to the gym often. Now my mom always make sure they all eat their vegetables and keep their portions in control. No more bacon cheeseburgs and pizza for dinner. It might catch up with them one day and you won't seem so crazy after all. Now I just have a pizza-loving-beer-guzzeling-super-skinny boyfriend who eats and eats all day and never gains an ounce. -.- It's hard when the people in your life are unsupportive or live a different lifestyle, but they'll eventaully come around or atleast leave you alone about it. I think most people are just afraid of new and different things sometimes.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I live at home but my family lead such different lives we rarely eat together apart from weekend. My Mum died a few years ago but my Dad is supportive and gets outnumbered if he suggests something daft as my sister is trying to lose weight too. Helps me and my Sis tend to do most of the food shopping. :)

    When I go visit my Gran though she doesn't get it and thinks nothing of piling my plate overly high or giving me a huge portion (aka 2 people's portions!) of chips complete with 3 or 4 sausages. She's not quite grasped the fact I can't really eat all that. I've taken to just planning the day I visit her to go out of the window calorie/healthy eating wise and be my 'bad' day as such and make sure I eat better the rest of the week.

    You've got my sympathy having it all week though.
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    I go through the same thing. I hope that one day I may be able to actually find a decent job or 2 more so I can move out and actually eat healthy and have no one to complain about it.
  • N_Bridgeman
    N_Bridgeman Posts: 45 Member
    I also have the same problem. I don't live at home, but I try to go visit my parents about once a month for a weekend or so. But they eat quite poorly. Im going to their house for easter and I am so nervous about what we will be eating (lots of fatty foods, with appetizers and desserts and alcohol with each meal). If I turn things down it hurts my mom's feelings. My parents are over weight, and I think they worry since my weight is in control. I love them so much, but dread visiting....
  • CrazyGraciegirl
    Same for me. I've been trying lately to get my mom to help me eat healthier. I guess all in all, it really is just making you stronger being used to turning down all the temptations. :D
  • midoswife
    midoswife Posts: 35 Member
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    I am sure you likely have done this--but I am going to ask anyway-- have you sat down and had the 'talk' with your parents? About how you're trying really hard to do the right thing in a healthy manner?
  • tanga_gurl
    tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
    I live with my parents, they are pretty good most times especially my mum as she needs to lose a bit of weight too, dad on the other hand when he is home, he likes "decent" meals or takeaways so I just make my own separate.
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    Exactly why I started eating alone a long time ago. I rarely eat with my family. Everyone just makes whatever they want to eat. If anyone doesn't want to cook, then they are SOL.
  • Kailel
    Kailel Posts: 61 Member
    ...Or they'll bring home Mc****s for dinner...

    HAHA didnt even realize i did that...... dont know about u guys but everyone here called mcdonalds "mcd icks"

    We do that here too... that and Rotten Ronnies. xD
  • ilovereese13
    I'm going through that too! I'll keep all my healthy foods in a basket and go to that for snacks but then they buy cheesecake, doughnuts, pie and oreos and it makes it hard lol but it helps to have healthy stuff lying around. Otherwise, if you're hungry and that's all there is that's all u'll eat :)
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I'm going through the same thing right now. I moved back in after graduating while I do the job search. I'm fine for breakfast and lunch (where I prepare food myself) but dinner is a whole other game. My mom, dad, and I all work. I'm the last one home (usually 8:30) and so they always want to eat before I get home - but often don't - so the solution becomes going out to eat. Or, if they do make stuff at home I have no control over what is made, or how. So all those nifty healthy sneak-ins I figure out when I was living at college are no longer used. :grumble:
  • Indy_Cent
    Indy_Cent Posts: 45
    I had the very same problem when I lived with my mom. Unfortunately, it is still believed in some places that being "husky" means being healthy. My mom loves sodium and carbs, which kills me because the apple does not fall far from the three...

    I was NEVER able to "diet" at home because, "why, you look so healthy and strong!". I am still very much struggling now on my own due to the unhealthy ways I learned at such a young age, and every time I visit my mom I basically have to plan accordingly. To be fair, I'd probably rebel and pass on her delicious cooking if it wasn't so stupidly delicious... *sigh*

    Of course, if changing our lifestyles were easy, we would need support and encouragement on here.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I get it. I don't live with my dad anymore-- got lucky that my boyfriend was fortunate enough to find a job before graduating school. I on the other hand haven't been so lucky to find a job after graduating. Anyway, my boyfriend and I live together and luckily he doesn't mind the healthy foods, he too is semi-health conscious. My dad and his mom on the other hand, aren't. I cringe when we go visit them every once and a while because I know it means going out to eat for lunch and dinner (the only two meals they both eat). Neither one of them keep their fridges stocked with food and if there is any food it's nothing to make a meal of or isn't a healthy snack.

    I'm sorry you're in the situation you're in, maybe suggest to them you could go out and grocery shop for them. That's one way you can gain control of the food situation in the house. Offer to cook meals, it'll force them to eat your healthier food option, maybe even convert them to eating more healthy food all together.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    hahaha. My kids complain bc "we never have any good desserts in the house", they know better than to even speak the word McD's to me, they get 2 choices for each meal (take it or leave it, but you're eating all the veggies), and I don't watch TV, so why should they?

    Just wait. Your children will complain about you too. :wink:
  • Kal_n_130
    Kal_n_130 Posts: 119 Member
    Im in the same boat! It sucks! i try to buy as much of my own food as possible.. but then my mom gets mad when im filling her fridge up with my food... can never win.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Just unpacked at my parents' today. These are people who not only eat breaded dark-meat chicken SKIN ON with mac & cheese as a meal (no vegetables!) but they buy desert flavoured yogurt instead of fat-free & keep NOTHING in this house that I would even remotely consider eating.

    Not only that, they DESTROY my self esteem. They kick me... constantly! If it wasn't for the fact that I'm DEAD BROKE I would NEVER have moved back home!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    If I turn things down it hurts my mom's feelings. My parents are over weight, and I think they worry since my weight is in control. I love them so much, but dread visiting....

    Oh, honey. I wouldn't worry too much about hurting her feelings. Just tell her "thanks, but I'm alright"... & don't eat it. I do that all the time when my BF's family tries to feed me something disgusting. It's not so bad... it's just hard the first time, that's all.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I know how you feel. I live with my parents now, too. The thing that really sucks about it, here, is my mom complains every time I cook something. Now that it's hot out, I'm not allowed to use the oven or the stove because it's "too hot" and my mom doesn't want to set the AC on anything under 80 degrees. She also doesn't want me cooking because it "makes the house smell" and she doesn't like the mess. (I clean it up afterwards, she just doesn't like that it's a mess while I'm cooking.) God forbid someone actually USE the kitchen, lol. Can't wait until I don't live here anymore and I can cook actual meals.