Starting p90x Monday, Who's with me???



  • melnem
    melnem Posts: 26 Member
    I'm starting week 12 today! i will be starting P90X/TurboFire hybrid in 2 weeks.
  • cincymomof3
    cincymomof3 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm starting week 12 today! i will be starting P90X/TurboFire hybrid in 2 weeks.

    That's AMAZING! How'd it go? Were your results what you wanted?
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    does this help you lose weight and do u have to be of a certain fitness level or can anyone do it????

    You can modify the program to your fitness level. There are also some substitutions for the more rigorous interval workouts, like doing CardioX instead of PlyoX.

    Yeah, you will lose weight haha. As they say, "Keep Pushing "Play""...
  • davega33
    davega33 Posts: 2 Member
    I'll start with you guys. I just recieved the P90X2 program. I've completed 2 cycles of the original P90X and it's great. I'll keep you informed how it goes. Just do your best and keep hitting play. The weight will come off and the waist size will definitely shrink! I'm about 3 lbs from my original goal but I'll likely lower it now that I'm almost there. The last few pounds have been tough to lose.
  • sisswright
    sisswright Posts: 65 Member
    I actually started yesterday, and will be doing the P90X Lean workouts and sticking to my 1300 calorie goal, hopefully it will still have the same results. :) I can't wait to find out, I took pictures and measurements :) BRING IT
  • jde8767
    jde8767 Posts: 6 Member
    Tell Pam the blam I said hi !!!!!!
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Just finished X2 last week, I'm going back to do a round of P90X Classic which I started Sunday.

    I'm going to change it up though and get rid of most bodyweight moves - my rep counts are just too high. 60 pushups on bars, 35 declines, etc. Run out of time before i run out of gas. So I'm going to do bench presses/inclined bench presses and whatever else I can think of in place of push-ups, use a row machine instead of heavy pants (I always fear for my lower back on those when I'm pulling 80's) and lawnmowers, etc. Just keep modifying it as I go along to make it harder.

    Of course, this morning's Plyo needs no modification, haha.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Is this a daily workout??

    Yes, it is. You can choose to do it 7 days a week or 6 days a week for 90 days. Here's a link that will give you more information. I highly recommend it!

    Thanks for the above..
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    Im starting on Monday, 4/2. Im excited, nervous, scared, ready... all rolled into one. please add me if you wish. i could MOST DEFINITELY use the extra encouragement. I will also be attempting to try their meal plans with the work out, although my budget could prove to be a barrier in that regard. ;)
  • evincent531
    evincent531 Posts: 4 Member
    I’m starting P90X on April 1st and am terrified! I work out 3-4 times a week right now, so I hope I can handle it… We will see. I just dropped 20 pounds in 7 weeks before joining this site and I have 20 more to go. I’m hoping that P90X will help me with the last 20, and to tone up.

    I’m with ya!
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Ok...I`ve bitten the bullet and ordered this..I`d better get the cardiac paddles at the ready...I`m tired even thinking about it..
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member

    Everyone is intimidated when they pop that first disc in. I remember marking the day on my calendar when the time limit would expire for me to request a refund and send it back because I was certain I could not get through it all.

    That was 4 years and 8 or 9 rounds ago........

    You will get through it
  • niqi85
    niqi85 Posts: 28

    Everyone is intimidated when they pop that first disc in. I remember marking the day on my calendar when the time limit would expire for me to request a refund and send it back because I was certain I could not get through it all.

    That was 4 years and 8 or 9 rounds ago........

    You will get through it

    Wow, excellent job!
  • xrayk8te
    xrayk8te Posts: 16
    Started the lean routine today! Feeling pretty great so far!
  • niqi85
    niqi85 Posts: 28
    does this help you lose weight and do u have to be of a certain fitness level or can anyone do it????

    Yes, it does help with weight loss. When I did it a couple years ago. I only did it for about 50 - 60 days and I lost about 30lbs. Well, the instructions does say to consult a doctor before attempting the program because it is very intense. I can imagine that if someone had a heart problem this program could be fatal. So, I would consult a doctor if you are concerned that it could be too rigorous (I didn't htough because I've been working out on and off for years and it's been pretty intense at times). Hope that hellps.
  • cincymomof3
    cincymomof3 Posts: 329 Member
    I finished 1 round of P90X and dropped from 185 to 163. I'm about 65% throught round 2 and am at 156 and am getting leaner by the day (I'm 5'7' so my goal is a strong 150) .. it you follow the program and don't make excuses for yourself it's an amazing tool.

    That's awesome! Congrats!
  • SkinnyGal08
    SkinnyGal08 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm starting it today! I'm excited hopefully this will give me the results I've been wanting for so long, doing the nutrition plan with it too. Add me :)
  • volleypc
    volleypc Posts: 134 Member
    Several people started P90X last Monday (including me), One person started a group on here for it if anyone wants to join. Good luck everyone.
  • sfootman
    sfootman Posts: 9 Member
    make sure you look at your calorie intake...I started the program last year and was trying to eat the 2400 calroies...but lost several inches, a whole clothing size in 4 weeks, but!!!! I didnt lose any weight. When i reaseared it, that many calories is for those who are trying to maintain the weight and get leaner. You will need to atleast eat 1400 and do the P90X. ...just my experience and research.
  • megfanelli
    megfanelli Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting the lean program today. I recently started a vegan/raw diet due to a tumor on my spinal cord they cannot biopsy or operate on. Anyway I am trying the diet route. I am wondering how I am going to get all the calories I need. Since starting on this diet (Hallelujah Diet) I have felt so rediculously awesome I just have to work out to get rid of all the energy I have. I am not over weight but I was not close to healthy either. This is my 4th growth, the others 3 were removed with sugery. Anyway I am encouraged by what I read with what you can cure with diet and working out and I want to be here for my 3 small children and wonderful husband! Excited to BRING IT!