daft question

I've seen a ton of stuff on here relating to 'starvation mode' but nothing to say how you can tell if your eating to little ? Does anyone know if there are any tell tale signs?

I'm currently struggling to work out what to do as i recently upped my calories to 1390 (BMR approx 1500) but my weight loss has stopped. I've had people say i should try eating more again but i'm worried thats the wrong thing to do as i have no idea how to tell if i'm not eating enough or if 1390 is too much for me.

I know i keep harping on about this but i'm really struggling to decide what to do.



  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
  • RachRice29
    How long has it been since you've upped your calories? It can take your body a few weeks to adjust.

    I did the same thing last month and upped my calories from 1200 to 1600 (which was so, so scary!). I gained a few pounds, and sat at a standstill for about 3-4 weeks, but now I'm dropping weight again. It really does work, just make sure you give it a fair shot.
  • Jennbaker68
    What I have noticed , on my tracking, is the amount of carbs in that calorie consumption,
    that is turning into sugars.I had been mainting my weight but not losing and I was not
    eating enopugh calories either.

    "Hidden Carbs" is what I call them, look at the nutritional breakdown, and look at how much
    sugars a week. I found that the amounts of carbs the tracker allows for me is WAY WAY
    to much. I have to find my calories from low carb sources. Just started this week.

    But I know in the past this is what has happened to me.

  • lynette111
    lynette111 Posts: 77 Member
    You didn't state whether you are exercising and if you are if you are eating your exercise calories. You don't look like you have much to lose so your calorie deficit should be only about 250 calories from TDEE. If your BMR is 1500 and you exercise then you are not eating enough. Always eat at minimum your BMR amount of 1500 and more if you exercise. Good luck.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Go here http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/mbf/ find out what your body fat % is.

    Then go here http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ and find out what your BMR is. If you eat less than that number then you are eating too few calories. There is a chart on that page that will tell you how many calories to eat to lose a pound a week according to your activity level. They have done all the research for you and are giving you the tools you need to lose.

    Physical ways I can tell if I am not eating enough is that I get dizzy, lightheaded, weak, tired, sleepy, hungry, muscle cramps. It's different for everyone.
  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 95 Member
    A lot of people on here seem to think that eating below your BMR slows weight loss. I've just upped my calories today so can't tell yet if it's going to work but general consensus seems to be that you should eat at least that to keep your body ticking over and out of starvation mode.

    Somebody else will probably be able to help with the 'science'!
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thankyou, the more advice i can get the better so all your comments are greatly appreciated. As far as exercise goes yes i do but the amount i do and what i do varies. I do try and eat back my exercise calories and it's about 4 weeks since i upped my calories.

    I hadn't really looked at my carbs but generally i seem to be within the limits i have set.

    I just hope something moves soon because i'm really starting to lose all hope of ever being a healthy weight
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Don't give up! I have pm'd you.

    If your bmr is 1500 you need to be eating more than that. that is what your body needs for basic bodily functions.

    I use the fat 2 fit calculator as posted above to get my maintainence calories for my goal weight.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    There is a couple of things. The biggest thing is, you need to estimate your TDEE. Your BMR is a good starting point but if you can detail what you do for a living and what your exercise routine is, then we can figure out your caloric needs. As you approach your goal, you need a smaller calorie deficit to fuel your body so it will allow you to lose weight.
  • butterfly10398
    I experienced it.... I was eating 1100 calories and GAINING weight... I also was having EXTREMELY irregular, too frequent, periods, and my hair started falling out AWFUL... I upped my fat to 30%, lowered my carbs to 40% and upped my calories to equal 1 lb weight loss a week.... During the 1st week I lost 4 lbs, the 2nd week I lost 2. I'm on my 3rd week now....

    Don't be afraid to play around with the numbers until you find what is right for you.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I've seen a ton of stuff on here relating to 'starvation mode' but nothing to say how you can tell if your eating to little ? Does anyone know if there are any tell tale signs?

    My husband was on a VLCD (very low calorie diet) for a year. His symptoms of too few calories were:

    1. Tired all the time. If he sat down after work, he was sleeping within 30 seconds.
    2. No desire for fun of any sort - including romantic fun.
    3. Unable to focus or concentrate for extended periods of time.
    4. Preferred mindless, mind-numbing activities i.e. watching television
    5. Avoided any activity. Always. If something didn't allow him to sit, he didn't do it.
    6. Short temper due to suffering from tjos tortuous "medically supervised weight loss program"
    7. Loss of interest in hobbies.
    8. Headaches and shakes. No amount of water made his headaches go away.
    9. Dizziness and loss of balance or coordination.

    I hated when he was on that program. If you feel run down, tired, like you cannot keep up with your life. like you don't want to go do stuff or if you think a good way to pass the weekend is just to sleep all weekend... you may not be getting enough calories.
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thankyou so much, ive just been on the fat to fit site and it gives my BMR as 1555 (harris benedit) and my tdee as 2013 (lightly active). From what you've all said i'm guessing i should be aiming at about half way between?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Thankyou so much, ive just been on the fat to fit site and it gives my BMR as 1555 (harris benedit) and my tdee as 2013 (lightly active). From what you've all said i'm guessing i should be aiming at about half way between?

    1600 -1700 would be ideal. Does that include your exercise?
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Not all of my exercise is included no so i'd have to add it on as & when. I go hiking whenever i get chance which burns alot of calories because we cover long distances & alot of hills. Unfortunately i can't predict too far in advance when i'll get out so i can't really add it into my tdee as its as & when
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Not all of my exercise is included no so i'd have to add it on as & when. I go hiking whenever i get chance which burns alot of calories because we cover long distances & alot of hills. Unfortunately i can't predict too far in advance when i'll get out so i can't really add it into my tdee as its as & when

    On the days you didnt include in your calculatikn you should probably add another 200-300 calories.