Will you change your sugar consumption after watching the 60



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Don't need to cut as I already intake very low sugar and mosty in the form of fruits. In my opinion Lustig can be alarmist but I tihnk makes some good points. The most informative information was not Lustig's but the info on the part of the brain sugar activates and how it causes a responses similat to cocaine. I had read this before in the book The Amen Solution by Doctor Daniel Amen who is a Neuro Psychiatrist. I personally have issues with cravings if I don't limit my sugar intake.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Nope. Unless you're a diabetic, sugar (whether natural or refined) is broken down the same exact way in the body. The only difference is consumption and fortunately I can offset it with exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Nope. Over the years, there have been studies, videos, etc that show everything is good or bad for us. A few years ago, it was fat. Don't eat fat. So, I'm going to continue going the way that I have been. I don't have any physical conditions that give me a reason to watch my sugar, so I will carry on with my life as it was.

    Exactly this ^^
    I am a 3rd year at my university studying nutrition. And from what I have been taught so far all sugar has been PROVEN to do it cause cavities. It is just quick energy and has no nutrients itself, but nothing actually bad about it. It is "bad" in our diet because so many people are lacking nutrients from veggies and such since we fill up on soda/candy/sweets and skip the nutritious stuff.
  • Bergiere
    Bergiere Posts: 39 Member
    I didn't watch it, but I've already cut back my added sugar intake. I'd give it up entirely, but I just have to have my ranch dressing for salads. :smile:
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    No. Too much of ANYTHING is toxic. Just limit your intake.
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    heck yes! I just restarted on this journey and cringe when I think about all the junk I ate. Whether it is true or not...how good can sugar be? fruit only for me now...maybe a little dark chocolate
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    No, I plan to accomplish all my life goals before age 40 anyway. I figure I can live at least that long with apples in my diet.
  • EvEboEvie
    EvEboEvie Posts: 115 Member
    Cut it off but the question is: Will you change your sugar consumption after watching the 60 Minutes segment?

    I don't want to debate the validity of the studies or episode, that's already been done elsewhere. I'm wondering about a planned or actual change in behavior for yourself or family.

    I had already eliminated or drastically lowered my added sugar intake a few months ago and feel great. Even baby carrots taste sweet now!

    I don't count the sugar in fruit because I want the benefits of fruit and am not trying to lose a drastic amount of weight. Disclaimer: I did have a bowl of Talenti mint chip ice cream last night, rare splurge.

    I am very interested in this episode (haven't yet seen it), but I will say that I share a very similar attitude to you regarding sugar.
  • uberrach
    uberrach Posts: 67 Member
    Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [7/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16717]

    This is the actual lecture from Dr. Lustig that was posted online back in 2009 with the Mini Medical School for the Public. Watching this lecture was probably the best 1.5 hours of time I've ever spent on the internet. If you're actually interested in the science behind the claim Sanjay Gupta is exploring, it's all right here in this lecture.
  • Corrie_Lynn
    Corrie_Lynn Posts: 53 Member
    Maybe instead of doing a study on sugar (which is natural), maybe they should do a study on all the artificial crap they put in food these days. Yes, keep sugar to a minimum, I think we all know that. But what about all the manmade sugar substitutes, preservatives and artificial flavorings that are in food. I'm much more aware of putting that type of stuff in my body than natural sugar. Like I said, obviously you need to keep it to a minimum, but I agree with the comment that said the study was a little on the alarmist side. They're always coming out with new studies, and most of it goes way overboard one way or the other. In my mind, the more natural I can eat the better.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    First, let me say that I did not see the show, so I'm not going to speak specifics here.

    But, really, when it comes down to it, is not most of this common sense? We all know that sugar is not good for us (also, certain fats, too many carbs, etc.) So really we just need to use the brains that God gave us.

    I have not removed any food from my diet. Never did as I was losing weight, and not now as I am maintaining. With that being said, it didn't take me long to figure out that if I fill up on unhealthy things, it is nearly impossible to stay within my calorie goal without being HUGELY hungry! The "bad" things are just too high in calories. And as I continue to try to be healthy, I've started watching my macronutrients, so overall, much of the "forbidden stuff" is gone from my diet on an everyday basis.

    But if I thought that I'd never be able to splurge again, I'd just give up. Moderation and common sense should rule here! This is a lifetime commitment.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Nope. Over the years, there have been studies, videos, etc that show everything is good or bad for us. A few years ago, it was fat. Don't eat fat. So, I'm going to continue going the way that I have been. I don't have any physical conditions that give me a reason to watch my sugar, so I will carry on with my life as it was.

    Exactly this ^^
    I am a 3rd year at my university studying nutrition. And from what I have been taught so far all sugar has been PROVEN to do it cause cavities. It is just quick energy and has no nutrients itself, but nothing actually bad about it. It is "bad" in our diet because so many people are lacking nutrients from veggies and such since we fill up on soda/candy/sweets and skip the nutritious stuff.

    ...only if you don't brush. :wink:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I would have answered this question sooner, but I was too busy drinking a cup of maple syrup for breakfast.

    Real answer: I will stick to my apples and bananas and other real food that just happens to contain sugar and not worry about it too much.
  • Rosiered2
    Rosiered2 Posts: 87 Member
    I PERSONALLY have a problem with sugar.......if I eat very much of it at a time, I turn in to someone that will literally attack the pantry looking for more sugar.....I've learned to take in very small amounts at a time.......I have some kind of turn on switch in my head and sugar is the key. The less sugar I take in, the less cravings I have (WAY LESS) and the more weight I lose. When I look back at my food diary, days with higher sugar automatically mean out of control eating and higher calories and less weight loss.....I think any of us can use those food diaries to figure out what our triggers are and learn to "control" those triggers instead of those "triggers" controlling us....education is the key
  • uberrach
    uberrach Posts: 67 Member
    Maybe instead of doing a study on sugar (which is natural), maybe they should do a study on all the artificial crap they put in food these days. Yes, keep sugar to a minimum, I think we all know that. But what about all the manmade sugar substitutes, preservatives and artificial flavorings that are in food. I'm much more aware of putting that type of stuff in my body than natural sugar. Like I said, obviously you need to keep it to a minimum, but I agree with the comment that said the study was a little on the alarmist side. They're always coming out with new studies, and most of it goes way overboard one way or the other. In my mind, the more natural I can eat the better.

    Dr. Lustig DOES talk about the use of HFCS and the difference between glucose, sucrose and fructose and the ways that each are processed metabolically.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I already avoid refined sugar for the most part. I find that refined sugar in combination with fat, starch and/or salt is hard to resist, and sets me up for wanting more and more of it.

    Now sugar packaged in nature: fruit and vegetables--those I will eat liberally because they aren't stripped of all nutrition other than calories, and they have fiber.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I thought the report was a little "alarmist". This guy has produced some questionable studies in the past. When I started my weight loss quest, I cut WAY back on sugar and will try to maintain that after I meet my goals. It's just a good idea not to load up on sugar, whether or not you are chunky or thin. Oh, and his recommendation of not eating more than 100 added sugar calories per day; nobody could meet that requirement, so I guess we will all meet an agonizing death from that last stick of gum.

    Sugar calories or grams? Traditionally added sugar is calculated in grams. i have no idea how many added sucgar calories I have but I do keep under the 30g's RDA for women 90% of the time.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I did not see the piece but I cut sugar from my diet years ago. It does terrible things to you. I have diabetes on both sides of my family and even though I was thin I ended up with gestational diabetes while pregnant. Thankfully it went away but I don't want to develop diabetes later in life. I still enjoy dessert here & there and have a piece of dark chocolate a day but I try to stay away from processed foods in general. Sugar & sodium are lurking in everything. A lower carb diet works best for me.
  • lisa2265
    lisa2265 Posts: 2
    i think that , like with anything else, its moderation. i have been slowly changing the food habit of the family and because i am fortunate enough to stay home, i make most everything from scratch. IMHO processed foods and artificial sweeteners are worse than a little sugar here and there.
  • judygogo
    judygogo Posts: 2 Member
    When you get cancer, the Doctors tell you to cut out sugar because the tumors feed on it.