finding motivation?? help?

yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
how do you guys deal with losing motivation?

it started by getting this really bad cold...all i wanted was soup and spicy food...kinda thought in my head "who wants to diet when ya feel SOOOO crappy"

then i was goin out to the bars, which lead to drinking, which lead to hangovers, which lead to eating whatever i want the next

any tips to staying focused?


  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    You're going to have a day like that now and again just log it as it happened and move forward.

    Even when I'm sick I'll work out but at a very slow pace and for the full workout period that I would do normally.

    The concern is not falling victim to successive "bad days" and that is a mental conflict I don't know how to resolve and struggle with myself on more than one occasion.

    Good luck and hang in there.
  • Join a workout class and make friends there. They will help to keep your accountable and they really are so much fun! You will actually be excited to go work out and you'll know that if you miss a day, you'll have to own up to it later. =)

    Also, just don't keep your tempting "slip" foods around the house. Only go to the grocery after a good workout and you'll be more motivated to buy healthy and keep the junk from piling up. I also recommend the Hungry Girl 200 under 200 cookbook. It has lots of great recipes for those comfort foods that won't blow your calories for the day!
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    Actually, I was going to say that I love your ticker! That is awesome....My name only has 1 n but I think it rocks. Anyhow, I just wanted to share that.
    As for motivation, go back to baby steps. Do 5 pound increments then you won't feel so overwhelmed...that's how I got past my hump. Then the scale moves and it gets you all jacked up and refreshed :smile:
  • yentasdoitbetter
    yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
    thanks for all the great tips! so i did it! i joined the gym last night and im gonna start going to classes. for the next few weeks, i think i just wanna stick to the cardio equipment but i'll make my way into the classes soon! just a lil shy at first...hehe
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