Zumba? Anyone Tried it??



  • Love it! One of the best workouts you can do! So many calories burned in that hour. I even got the Zumba for Wii to do at home when I can't make it to a class.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Love the DVD's, love the classes! I'm an addict. It's a great cardio and toning workout and there are classes that cater to different fitness levels in my area. I wouldn't have fallen in love with cardio if I hadn't have found Zumba!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I work at our local Ymca, you'd think I would know this!! haha but it still makes me nervous to try something i have never done before! But we have lots of good ppl at our Y, so it should be fun! I'll post how I liked it later!! :P
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    It's great a really fun way to stay fit. My instructors are great the class is fun everyone has a laugh. if you go the wrong way so what! and iot helps get the heart pumping and keep the weight off.

    give it a go you'll love it! Iput it on as high impact aerobics. I go on my own so don't be shy :@)
  • Jojo1859
    Jojo1859 Posts: 58 Member
    I've never gone to a class but I have a few at home videos. They're tons of fun at home; I'm just too embarrassed to go to a class because I know I'm not doing it right.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Me + Zumba = LOVE:love:

    It is so much fun!!!! I usually do a few classes a week at the gym. I love it. They cranck the music and you just go for it. No worries on getting the moves down, it will come to you eventually. That was my biggest fear when I started! Seriously, nobody is paying attention to you because they are concentrating on themselves.

    Try it...you'll like it!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    My sister in law teaches it. She's lost 50 lbs and burns up to 900 calories per class. She absolutely loves it. Goes to the big Zumba convention for the instructors each year. She is total obsessed.

    I have done it on the Wii and DVD's and I think it's fun.
  • dlasky1
    dlasky1 Posts: 1
    Hi, I've been doing Zumba with Marcee's Zumba Party since late December 2010. I am going to be 50. I was overweight, out of shape and needed some help. I love Zumba!!! It is fun and addictive. I am not on a weight watching program besides my fitness pal, but I have removed 19 pounds in a year. ( I was hoping for 40, but I'm still working on it..) However, the inches that have been removed have been amazing! The Zumba that I do is a high impact, dance style moves with great music. (Don't let the weight thing discourage you, I'm working on weight removal, not dieting.) I am very happy with my results. You don't do floor work and you still get definition in your abs. Since the routine changes frequently you never get bored, and you are always working different muscle groups. Give it a try! Join the party!
  • I do zumba three times a week and I LOVE IT. It is really fun and don't worry about being embarrassed.
  • 43freckles
    43freckles Posts: 34 Member
    I LOVE Zumba it's great fun and you burn loads of calories, can't wait for another class to start so i can go twice a week :happy:
  • I teach Zumba, and I think the best part is that it is fun. For me, the hour goes by a million times faster than an hour of Spinning (my arch enemy of workouts :)), because you forget you are working out! Another awesome thing about Zumba is that you can tailor everything to your own fitness level. If it has been a while since you've been in a cardio routine or if you have bad joints, take the jumping out and either tap or march instead. If you are on the other end of the spectrum and feeling a lull in your typical cardio workout, you can always increase your intensity level in Zumba. One thing I would suggest if you've never done Zumba (or a similar dance fitness) is to give it a few classes before you make up your mind about it. In the beginning, I found that getting the moves was the hardest part, but after two or three classes you will begin to recognize a lot of moves from song to song, and that is when you can truly get into in and get your heart rate up.

    For the person who asked about men and Zumba, YES men do Zumba! Now, there are places out there that offer women-only Zumba classes, so I would just give the venue a quick call first. Chances are, women will outnumber men in any given Zumba class, but most Zumba instructors and participants would probably agree that they love when men are in the class. In fact, the creator of Zumba is a man!

    Finally, for the question about whether or not you will see results from doing Zumba--with any cardio routine, in order to maximize results you need to combine it with a healthy diet and some resistance training. I'm two years out of college right now, and I NEVER worked out at all in college. Then I joined a YMCA two years ago, and started going to Zumba classes regularly. For the first year I did nothing but Zumba, and I felt great about myself and became a certified Zumba instructor. Then throughout this past year I have added weights to my weekly workouts, and I'm seeing even more results.

    So to answer your original question, YES, you should try Zumba!!!
  • I've never gone to a class but I have a few at home videos. They're tons of fun at home; I'm just too embarrassed to go to a class because I know I'm not doing it right.

    Try a class!! There is no "right" or "wrong." I promise! :happy:
  • chaniray
    chaniray Posts: 83 Member
    i tried it and it was fun but it was not enough of a workout for me. seemed too easy altho i burned a few hundred calories in 50 minutes.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Do men do it? It does look fun and it looks like it would be a great calorie burn. I have no interest being a creep if Zumba
    is a woman only thing. Honestly I would only be there for the workout...... (and the occasional glance maybe. LOL)

    We have a few guys that take it regularly. At the Sunday class there are more guys...the instructor is awesome and she "sexy-fies" all the moves.:wink:
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    I recommend Zumba - Love it!
  • hisqtangel
    hisqtangel Posts: 32 Member
    Do you like zumba for the wii? I was thinking about getting it but not sure. I just don't want to get bored and keep doing the same exercises all the time. I don't have a gym membership so I stick to my exercise bike and wii ea sports active game I was looking for something else to throw in the mix

    i use Zumba with my wii all the time and I love it!!! You dont get bored or feel like your doing the same thing over and over b/c you can customize your classes!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    Depends on the teacher. Had one teacher that was great and now I am the Zumba teacher (she had to move, so I got certified and teach her classes) and I had another teacher that was awful!!!

    I love teaching it and I add a lot of moves that really works our muscles, so my girls are building muscle and burning a lot of calories. The girls in my class love it and they are seeing great results!!
  • i tried it once... totally not for me, i felt like a total knob... i like exercising, and not much of a dancer... so there you go!

    Thank god, someone who felt the same as me! High five!
  • coolie25
    coolie25 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a coworker that enjoys it the actual class. I have it on XBOX. I bought the XBOX just for the ZUMBA and I love it. I burn so many calories in 30 minutes that it makes me want to work another 30 minutes. My BF does it with me and he loves it.
  • packersfn7
    packersfn7 Posts: 62 Member
    I have zero coordination but I love Zumba. Not only is it an excellent workout, but it is a fun atmosphere where, if you are self-conscious about dancing, you will totally feel comfortable. Highly recommend.