Female new to weight training..How do I lose the self concio

I am cardio person and I love it. The elliptical and Zumba are so much fun to me and I really enjoy it but I know I will not get results I want doing only those. So today was my first day of lifting.. I got to gym kind of early because I didn't want to be in front of alot of people (no luck). I felt so self concious being there. I just had the "all eyes on me" feeling. I couldn't wait to be done with the work out so I could go on the elliptical. I have notes and information on the work out I want to do so I can do them correctly and I keep them with me while I work out to reference but I feel like I am just being judged by all the people there.

Anyone have any recommendations or anything to help me to lose this feeling? It is all very discouraging and I feel so out of place there.



  • 1natacha
    1natacha Posts: 14
    Does you gym offer weight lifting classes? I take bodypump. I stand in the back. It really helps.
  • chgn4me
    chgn4me Posts: 28 Member
    Honestly, I don't know. I will have to look in to that.
  • chgn4me
    chgn4me Posts: 28 Member
    Bump.. Any other thoughts?
  • cyncetastic
    cyncetastic Posts: 165
    Everyone is a little nervous when it comes to stepping out of their comfort zone. Here's a couple pointers:

    - Even if you're not feeling confident, act like you are. Its a mind over matter type of thing. Just like when you smile even when you're not feeling particularly cheerful, it will make you a little happier

    - No one is probably actually looking at you. Or at least not in a "Geez, what's up with that chick?" sorta way. Try to zone them out. Put your headphones on and concentrate on your workout.

    - A lot of gyms offer a short personal training session free. Talk to an employee and see if you can get something like that. Tell them you want to become more familiar with the weight training equipment and you'd like someone to show you how to do some basics.

    - Are you able to find a gym buddy? Maybe someone on this site lives near you and wants to team up? Maybe someone else you know? It's always easier to tackle new situations with someone else on your side.

    Good luck - it does get easier!
  • arc_82
    arc_82 Posts: 9
    Honestly, just do it! Anyone who is watching you is likely just trying to pick up new moves.

    I think it is still weird in a lot of gyms to see women lifting. Just be confident! The guys tend to stare at me when I'm lifting, but it is just because there aren't many other women doing it, I lift pretty heavy (in comparison to the majority of women around me who are lifting 5 or 10 lb weights), and I'm confident in my movements.

    If you want to be more confident, practice at home, too :). Not actually lifting, but just doing the moves. Watch videos on youtube or on bodybuilding.com. Do the moves in front of a mirror to be sure you're doing it right.

    Also, does your gym offer free personal training consultations? Most gyms do. Maybe having someone walk you through what you want to do will give you confidence.

    Kudos to you for lifting!! It is a really important part of getting healthy and fit.

    Edited to add: it is not weird for women to lift. There just aren't many of us in comparison to the guys lifting and dominating the weights sections :).
  • STurbs33
    STurbs33 Posts: 134 Member
    Just get in there and do it. That's probably not the advice you were looking for, but it's the honest truth.

    I felt the exact same way as you just two weeks ago. I felt like everyone was watching me as a crossed over into the weights section and starting doing barbell squats. It took me about 15 minutes on being on the treadmill (which I really don't enjoy) to actually walk over there in the first place. But once I started doing my own thing, I was focusing on myself and the music pumping through my headphones. Maybe a couple of people looked at me, but they didn't look shocked or appalled that I was there. I got through most of my workout and was happy with what I had accomplished. My only regret was wasting so much time on the treadmill. I've gone back to the weights every time since, each time feeling a little more confident with myself.

    To help with that whole confidence thing, it really helps me to have a motivational/inspirational song playing on my iPod. It gets you in the mindset to really do what you set out to do.
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    great question! bump :)
  • ShanaGore
    ShanaGore Posts: 58 Member
    I love Zumba as well, I found a Zumba class that incorporated weights into the class. We used dumbells of different weights, the step, ball ect to get the weight lifting into our workout. It was highly effective.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I know EXACLTY how you feel. I always feel awkward with those complicated machines and the men grunting and sweating everywhere (no offense men, but you intimidate me!). And I had been going to the gym for years and it never really wore off.

    So instead I dropped my gym membership and do my strength training at home. You can find lots of youtube videos for exercises and intructionals online for workouts you can do, even without equipment. I've been doing this for weeks not and STILL love it, and notice alot of improvement. AND IT'S FREE.

    Plus I have heard alot that the machines make you use muscles in odd ways that isn't really good for you. Core workouts help you with your balance and all around muscles, not just isolation.

    Reccomend it! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I am cardio person and I love it. The elliptical and Zumba are so much fun to me and I really enjoy it but I know I will not get results I want doing only those. So today was my first day of lifting.. I got to gym kind of early because I didn't want to be in front of alot of people (no luck). I felt so self concious being there. I just had the "all eyes on me" feeling. I couldn't wait to be done with the work out so I could go on the elliptical. I have notes and information on the work out I want to do so I can do them correctly and I keep them with me while I work out to reference but I feel like I am just being judged by all the people there.

    Anyone have any recommendations or anything to help me to lose this feeling? It is all very discouraging and I feel so out of place there.


    Just Ignore that feeling & concentrate on you. :smile: Remember you're doing it for you, and you can do it. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If all else fails, picture them naked. LOL
  • mgero212
    mgero212 Posts: 96
    I started doing circuit/strength training to mix in weights, using my own body weight and cardio to burn extra 3X a week. I felt the same way you did when I started with my routine and I did notice a few woman looking at me but then a few weeks later one of the women came up to me and asked how I was doing a certain move and what it worked. I learned that they were trying to learn something new since they don't use free weights, a bozu ball or a exercise ball in general. If anyone is looking, its because they are curious to see what you are doing and if they can copy it for themselves.

    Who cares what other people think. You are doing something to better yourself and thats what is important. If you can do Zumba (my favorite class) then you can weight train.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I know how you feel. I have the same problem. Mostly because every time I have lifted in the past I have attracted unwanted attention from men.

    Do you have a program you plan to follow? Have you seen a personal trainer?

    I suggest getting a plan that you want to follow. Having something to focus on will help. The New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great book and program and costs less than $20. If that isn't enough try seeing a trainer for a couple sessions to help boost your confidence in the weight room. Or you find another female friend that you can lift with.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Honestly, people are usually too concerned about themselves to worry about what you're doing...

    although sometimes at the gym I'll see people that I think are staring at me while I'm lifting weights and just a few weeks ago my husband noticed too and whispered to me, "If they're watching it's because you're so amazing they want to figure out how to look like you!" lol

    Seriously, don't stress. You'll get more confident over time!
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    Does you gym offer weight lifting classes? I take bodypump. I stand in the back. It really helps.

    Bodypump FTW!
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I am going to suggest you read this article:


    And know you don't have to go to a gym to get strength training. However, if you have the membership you probably want to use it. For other strength training I would suggest you check out:

  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    People are a lot less harsh than you think, though I understand where youre coming from. I feel self conscious too if people are judging my form or something. Though there was a past thread on here, and it was interesting that most people agreed when they see people not in perfect shape working out they're just inspired and think its awesome. If people are looking at you, they may just think you're a badass for stepping away from the cardio machines where most women stay. It's really mostly in your head.

    If it really bothers you, you could always buy some free weights and lift at home and then go to the gym afterward. You can work on every muscle group with one pair of dumbells. But just remember people really don't think that much about what you're doing in the gym, and if they do notice you they probably just think its awesome you're getting a well rounded workout.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    I agree with above "just do it" advice! Start with what you're confident with and just keep at it. Once you build your confidence with your routine then you won't even think about it and just focus on the training. It's just switching your mindset to your exercise versus your environment. If your gym offers free intro sessions with trainers that would be a good thing to do when they're slow and the gym is empty too so you can take what you've learned and apply it on your own. You'll love it once you get your mind into the workout! :flowerforyou:
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    Buy the book. Read it.

    It starts you out slow, has meal and workout plans. You build your strength and confidence at the same time. I love it!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    You've gotten great advice so far. Just remember... most of the guys are too busy looking at themselves in the mirrors to actually be looking at you... so just make sure you're not standing between them and the mirror!

    In all seriousness, though, just keep at it... just like you'll get stronger the more reps you do, you'll get more confident the more times you go back and lift. There's nothing wrong with being self conscious, and it WILL get better with time... just keep at it!

    Good luck :-) Jen
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    Does you gym offer weight lifting classes? I take bodypump. I stand in the back. It really helps.

    If the BodyPump you do is anything like the aerobics class they do at the gym here with the Barbie weights, it's not weightlifting. That's still cardio.