So...desk jobs kill?



  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    I don't think it necessarily shortens your life because even high paced jobs such as EMT, etc...I would think have a higher chance because of their stressful work. I think like everyone else, as long as you get up and move around and don't sit all day. Go out for a walk at lunch or just going home for lunch like I do is so much better!! I think all the exercise I do outside of work makes up for having to do my desk job.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    I have a desk job and the only times I'm 'officially allowed' out of my desk would be if I have to go to the bathroom, ask someone a question, or when I'm on my official break (2 15min breaks, and a 30 minute lunch). Numbers, numbers, numbers! =D So 8hrs of work + about an hour and 45 minutes spend driving to and from.

    Anyway, I do choose to use the restroom that's farthest away from me, get up and stretch on my breaks....and when the boss isn't looking/not around I also get up and stretch/walk. =D And once I get home for the day I *try not to spend the rest of the evening in yet another sitting position.

    But, there are these new computer/desk models...Just Stand

    The part of it with the computer monitor and the keyboard can be raised so you can stand while you do your work (you can also stay seated if you want). My office has ONE of these desks....don't know how but we got one for free to 'try out'. The idea was that everyone in the office could try it out and decide if they liked it, and if they did could request one from our manager. She did get some request, which were shot down b/c there's not enough money in the budget this year, =(
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Buy or rig a standing desk.
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    From the articles I read, the exercise does nothing to change the fact that sitting at a desk job for more than 6 hours a day shortens your life span. Working at a desk job also increases your risk of certain types of colon cancer. Yes, the exercise and walking helps you burn calories and it keeps you more in shape, but it does not negate the bad effects of sitting.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I am a hairstylist and barber. I definitely don't sit all day. But even so, I get up early before dawn and go to the gym and take the early classes in cardio and weights. This burns about 500 calories a day and has helped me lose a bunch of inches on waist and hips.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Buy or rig a standing desk.

    This wouldn't necessarily be a good idea for everyone. Standing in one position all day isn't really that healthy either. Unless you can move around standing isn't likely to make much difference than sitting, except perhaps to promote varicose veins.
  • mrswinstead
  • graebnerkm15
    graebnerkm15 Posts: 33 Member
    Cops, Probation officers, Prison gaurds, firemen, and almost any tradesmen are on their feet most of the day. The today show did a piece on a treadmil for your desk. It looked weird, but I would you use it.

    I am an intern with a probation office and I wish I was on my feet more! Granted if there is a day full of home visits or something I will be walking around more but otherwise I'm up to my eyeballs in paperwork at my desk :(
    I do get up and walk around instead of emailing or calling though and the jail is right next door so I just walk over there a few times a week.
    Unfortunatley internships don't pay so I waitress to make money and I'm really on my feet all day.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I would seriously look into getting one of those adjustable desks that you can either sit or stand at... because while sitting all day isn't good for you neither is standing.. I'm working on trying to get one for my office.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I actually lost a decent amount of weight when I got my desk job (13 years in retail... switched to a Product Support for a medical software company). I lost about 30lbs since I got the job in october. I can control my diet alot easier here. I'm not tempted to run "next door" for some fast food, and I can keep a schedule easier here. Plus the stress is lower so that contributes as well.

    My company encourages fitness to some degree. We have a personal trainer available to us twice a week, and there are several nice trails around the building for summer walking.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    In addition to the jobs already said, anybody that works retail is on their feet all day. Also, waiters/waitresses, cooks/chefs, fast food industry workers, factory workers, meter readers, postal workers, etc.

    I'd say there are probably more job positions that require being on your feet all day than there are ones that require you to sit all day, when you really look at overall scope of employment opportunities.