Starting p90x Monday, Who's with me???



  • mobean11
    mobean11 Posts: 2 Member
    I am with you@!!!!!! BRING IT!!!
  • chaniray
    chaniray Posts: 83 Member
    i'm starting today.
  • megfanelli
    megfanelli Posts: 2 Member
    How do you log these excercises? There are no P90X entries. The individual excercises are not in there either.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    I've been doing P90X for years and the consensus from everyone's HR monitor is they are about 650 calories per session. Obviously, X Stretch is not and Plyo is a little more but you get the idea. And I don't eat my calories back either. That is already part of the equation for my daily intake.
  • moterry
    moterry Posts: 2
    I also started P90X on Monday, 4/2... so, I now have three days behind me. Only 87 more days to go for this round!
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    I've been doing p90X for awhile now. Now I'm doing a mix of P90X/X2 and Insanity. Absolutely awesome programs. The results have been great for me and I'm still going!
  • Im with you! But I'm a little worried that my calorie count is wrong. I'am 26 years old 5"11 , 210 pounds . It has calculated me at 1940 calories a day???? Could this be correct? Just started diet this morning. Im also trying to build mass
    Also says

    Protein- 73

    Please help!!!
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Calories are in the ballpark, maybe a touch low but I don't know your bodyfat percentage. 2100 might be more your target.

    The carb/fat/protein ratios recommended by MFP are not very good, you should manually set them at 40/40/20. Really punch up the protein if you want to lose fat - it's the basis of every good fat loss diet.

    It's a point of contention these days, but losing fat and gaining muscle mass are usually considered mutually exclusive. Gaining muscle mass requires a calorie surplus, losing fat requires a calorie deficit. So you pick your battles - which is more important to you right now?
  • Thanks for the quick response! My body fat percentage is a High 28.9 hoping to get it down to 18. How much protein would you recommend? I've ate 2 meals today and have already hit 70 grams. Seems I could save some money on protein powder:smile:
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    If you're that high, then yes, your target is 1900 calories per day, and you should be losing between 1 and 2 lbs per week. Your target weight is 180 and your targets are 190/190/42 grams of protein/carbs/fat.

    Don't overdo the protein powder - there is a lot of stuff in there besides protein! No one really knows what potential side effects there are to taking too much glutamin/arganine, etc, etc - one shake a day is the limit (2 scoops)....

    Focus on lean proteins and fibrous carbs - chicken breast, lean beef, eggs, white fish, and fibrous greens - broccoli, beans, spinach, asparagus, etc.
  • What is P92X/Turbo Fire Hybrid... I have never heard of that one
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    P90X2 is the newest version of P90X, it came out around Christmas. TurboFire is another program from the makers of P90X (Beach Body LLC) - not Tony Horton, I think it's Chalene Johnson. Some people mix the two together.
  • I just started the P90x today.... core synergistics is awesome... total body workout. hope i'll survive the 90 days challenge.
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    I had planned on starting this past Monday but chickened out! I have read a lot of blogs of people who have tried it and failed, doing it and said it hurts like heck and some that have succeeded and absolutely love it. Some of their stories scare me to death! BUT... this Monday Im gonna give'r a go! I have about 15-20 more lbs to go till im where I want to be and some serious toning to do too... I really hope this works for me! All the motivation any of you P90'ers can offer me would be greatly appreciated.... I'm *freakin out*
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Be brave! It's entirely achievable for ANYONE. Believe me, I was a mess when I started! Modify, modify, modify where you need to do so...
  • picante2
    picante2 Posts: 1
    p90x....will have to look into ordering this program!
  • Kaa2294
    Kaa2294 Posts: 4
    I am 6'2" and 170 pounds.I am currently trying to lose some fat and gain some muscle.
    I'm trying to reach 2200 cals a day,with 220g protein,220g carbs and 50g fat.What do you guys think about that?Should I lower the cals or get them bigger?
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    about 4 weeks in. but not consistent.. But very much Love the program
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Ive just completed week 2. I have done it in the past a few times. started/stopped.... whined...BUT I didnt follow the nutrition plan. I NOW do the portions....and Im not 100% by the book but Im getting closer day by day. I read an awesome article about how after 2 weeks of t his type of intensive program there are often NO results. This is when most people quit (like me, the first few times) I have not seen any results as of yet. I AM GOING TO PUSH ON. and wait for some results. This time I am committed to doing it right and getting thru it all.
    Do your best forget the rest.
    Dont smash your face.....
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    If you're at 8% as your profile says, I think you're at cross purposes in trying to gain muscle AND shed fat. If you want mass, you're going to have to exceed your TDEE by a good margin, probably 20% as a starting point. Your TDEE is probably around 3000 calories, and you'll need to consume more than that. Do you have Venuto's "Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle"?