Any Elliptical advice??

So I'm getting my elliptical this week and I'm sooo excited, Ive talking about it all week!!! Is their any advice you can offer???


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Use it! Seriously, so many people by exercise equipment and it turns into a clothes hanger. Mine sits in front of a TV in my bedroom so I won't get bored on it.

    And if you've never used one before, know ahead that your feet are going to get numb and it's perfectly normal and you will get used to it.
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    Okay thank you!!! Yea thats actually really good to know,..i'll be sure to wear good shoes!! I want to lose weight so bad!!!! lol Im picking it up on Weds or Thurs so I am putting it right in front of the TV!!! Thank you!!!!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I love my elliptical! I get up at 6am and use it for an hour on my cardio days. Good luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Okay thank you!!! Yea thats actually really good to know,..i'll be sure to wear good shoes!! I want to lose weight so bad!!!! lol Im picking it up on Weds or Thurs so I am putting it right in front of the TV!!! Thank you!!!!

    The shoes really don't matter. It's because your feet are stationary, so there's little blood flow. But after a while, you don't really notice and it goes away as soon as you get off.

    It's a great workout and because it's pretty much no-impact, you don't feel like you're working out as hard as you are.
  • And if you've never used one before, know ahead that your feet are going to get numb and it's perfectly normal and you will get ised to it.

    So agreed. I do find my self rolling my feet to help keep the pressure off them. It starts for me after about 30 minutes.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    That's great, which model did you buy?
    My advice...use it, change up the programs, work it harder on the days you feel you can, and on the days you don't have the energy opt for a slower rpm, or lower resistance.
    I bought a pro-form comfort glide with ifit & love it. I've had it for 6 weeks now & I'm on it every morning. I love having an elliptical at home.

    I bought a TV to put in front of mine, it makes the time go by so much faster. :)
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Make sure you try out the model you're looking at buying. With an elliptical, you're forced to work in it's movement (as opposed to a treadmill for instance where you walk at your own stride, gait, etc). Some may find the path of the elliptical unnatural as you move according to the machine's path. There are some models that have some adjustment with regards to feet position, etc. That being said, I have owned an elliptical for a few years and it gets regular use. I'm not a runner so I like the low impact cardio workout. Best of luck with it.
  • LinzCurlyQ
    LinzCurlyQ Posts: 94 Member
    Okay thank you!!! Yea thats actually really good to know,..i'll be sure to wear good shoes!! I want to lose weight so bad!!!! lol Im picking it up on Weds or Thurs so I am putting it right in front of the TV!!! Thank you!!!!

    The shoes really don't matter. It's because your feet are stationary, so there's little blood flow. But after a while, you don't really notice and it goes away as soon as you get off.

    It's a great workout and because it's pretty much no-impact, you don't feel like you're working out as hard as you are.

    Oh my gosh! I thought I was weird because my right foot always went numb. Good to know!
  • I LOVE my elliptical, the only advice I would suggest is to buy yourself a good pair of shoes that offer a lot of support. I like to go on for long durations (>hour), and I find the pads of my feet can get REALLY sore from the pressure. Good running shoes should help!
  • For those whose feet go numb . . . loosen your shoe laces on the entire shoe. Don't lace them up tight. Keep the side where the laces go in the holes a bit wider than your foot and then don't tie them so tight at the top. This will help 95% of people whose feet go numb!! Try it!

    Also, do wiggle your toes and change the position of your foot if you can so you aren't pressing on the same spot for the entire workout. Put some pressure on your heels instead of always on the balls of you feet. For me, this seems to work my quads more as well and feels good.

    Pedal backwards sometimes too. It works different muscles and give your feet a change of position as well.

    Good shoes do make a difference as well. But, you have to find what works best for you. Cross trainers don't work for me but super light running shoes do (I don't run - I only use them on the elliptical).

    As everyone else suggested, try different routines with differnt speeds/hills etc. to keep it interesting. Have fun and enjoy your new "toy!!"
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I was told by a physical therapist years ago to not use the handles or use them with a hold just to keep your balance. When people grip them, their posture changes and they could be hurting themselves. I see people at the gym all the time hunched over, gripping the supports. Keep the level low enough so that you can stand up straight and move.
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    Oh okay i see what you're sayin..Thanx!!!!
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    Yea I've seen that before , I know what ur talking about lol
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    Wow!!! Thank you for your advice and yesss i will definately have fun with my new toy!!!!!
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    Okay will do!!!!! That's good to know!!!
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    Ok good to know!!! :)
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    I've had my Elliptical since February 11th ( yes I love it so much and had wanted one for so long I know exactly when i purchased it) and so far I've lost a steady 13.8 lbs to date!!!! Have fun! Love it =D
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    I ordered the Golds Gym,.model 380, do you like urs??
  • Pearl0105
    Pearl0105 Posts: 35 Member
    So I'm getting my elliptical this week and I'm sooo excited, Ive talking about it all week!!! Is their any advice you can offer???

    A while back when I had a personal trainer he stated to push and pull on the handle bars for resistance. Also make sure your form is correct too. Dont hunch over. And lastly make sure you use it! I just started using mine almost everyday now! Before I used to hang my towels on it! :smile:
  • FrecklesMo
    FrecklesMo Posts: 37 Member
    OH MY GOSH REALLY!!! Keep it up! So how long are you on it, and do you get on it daily?