New Girl with Old Story.

joolie3 Posts: 25 Member
I'm new to this community but my story is probably the same as many others on here: I am once again trying to do what I've not been able to do before: change myself and my eating habits.
I've tried many of the non-surgical options over the last 20 years or so: HCG, Atkins, Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, Mediterranean, Grapefruit diet... feels I've been in this place since I was old enough to worry about such things. I have gained and lost probably hundreds of pounds in that time, and while not at my heaviest right now, have that crestfallen hopelessness of one who has been beaten time and time again by her own mind's inability to believe she can be thin, and inabillity to deal with emotions without eating herself silly.

But then...there is hope, and apparently I still have some, which I take as a good sign. I am here in a spirit of humility. My goal this time is really not to lose weight, although that would be really nice (and in the back of my mind is this little girl saying 'of course your'e here to lose weight stupid!). My offical goal is to be nicer to myself, to be honest with myself (hence the tracking of what I eat and forcing myself to look at it), and to be accountable for the choices I am making...and to try and make healthier ones.

So...hello! I am here with my tiny mustard seed's worth of faith. :smile:


  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    hello its nice to meet you. you have quite a story. we all have such different stories. I wish you much success in your journey. you are welcome to friend me
  • danielle7991
    danielle7991 Posts: 5 Member
    I share your feelings! Add me if you'd like to and we can support each other! I'm new too!
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    You can add me if you like...I get the whole being nice to yourself thing!
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    First step in a million miles, congratz! This is the third official time I have lost weight. Even know I know what I need to do it seems "life" always has a way of sneaking up on you. I use myfitnesspal for one of your reasons, but more than accountability for the challenge of it. When I think about eating things I know would be out of my scope for the day and it was not a planed day to eat that way I think, I defiantly do not want to see red on my chart. lol, this has worked so far as it did back when I used fit day and lost over 40lbs. This time I am down 22 (of the 28 I put back on).

    So I say to you, be strong and challenge yourself to change! Not to diet but a eating plan for life! Also explore several foods and food ideas. There ate several foods that taste delicious, and as good as those "not so health, high calorie" ones.

    God bless, stay relentless and good luck!!!
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    You should have LOTS of faith because there is one thing that your story shows: That you don't give up. Now with that attitude you can move mountains. Just gotta keep the faith and stamina up and try to lose it again but if you do- you'll come back. You always have!

    Let's be friends :)
  • briscottcoach
    I love your attitude for life change! I'm almost half-way through my losses and am always looking for people to help AND help keep me motivated!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Hey. Story is familiar. I've been up and down lots, especially since college. I have a determination to make a life change and MFP is great for making yourself accountable. If you need supportive friends feel free to add me! And anyone else who is reading this and needs more support add me if you like!
  • Hailei
    Hailei Posts: 86 Member
    Hi Jolie,

    I kind of have that same feeling, same goal.. I like how you said it, you want to be nicer to yourself... That's kind of the way I started to explain this to myself: "Girl, you just have to stop doing that to you! You deserve better, you know, and time is ticking away, so hurry! :) "

    I just had this urge in my body to change something... And then I started going to zumba with a friend, then I lost a few pounds without even trying too much on the food chapter and then, without any connection to the zumba stuff, I started a board on Pinterest about amazing weight loss transformations. And it just blew me away, the way losing weight changes people. You don't get thinner and that's it! You get younger, more cheerful, healthier, prettier so on, so forth...
    So, here I am, I'm starting a journey that I'm hoping to make me a better person: better looking, with a better health, with a better job, with a better social life :)

    And I think that as long as both you and I and all the people on this site understand how losing weight is not just that, we are on our way to something very special :)

    Best of luck to you, from all my heart! :)
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    The people on this site are great at encouraging. Some of my friends tease about "duct taping" one another to the wagon when we fall off. It's a joke we all get, because we all have been there. Forgive yourself your past mistakes, and take this one step at a time with lots of hope for the future.
    I tend to eat when I'm stressed, angry, worried, depressed, or happy. Any emotion can set me off. I'm doing better with stress, anger, worry, and sadness, but still find myself overdoing it at celebrations... AND my blood pressure is up, and I think it is because I'm trying to use "self control" during the negative emotions rather than finding a fitting replacement. All that just to say I've been there!
    Welcome! Since September of last year I lost 44 pounds, and I have more ahead of me than I care to think about. But I'm taking it one step at a time. I have been blessed by this site and the friends I have on it. Add me if you'd like.
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    Welcome!! My advice is to cut yourself some slack the first week or so. Just log what you normally would eat and it will give you an idea of where you can make small changes. And don't weigh you self every day. I started with once a month and it was nice seeing the weight drop 2-3 lbs, now I weigh in once a week and it hasn't moved for the most part but thats what keeps me motivated. I'm waiting for that next drop. Feel free to friend me if you want! But give it some time and you'll be amazed at how much your eating habbits can change. Good Luck! :wink:
  • repubgurl
    repubgurl Posts: 105
    Welcome! Take it one day at a time and remember the people on MFP are great for support and encouragement!
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You have a great attitude :smile:

    You have to allow yourself some time to adopt new habits. The folks here are great. I have been on for a month and the support has been wonderful!

    Feel free to add me.

  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I too share the same story. I began this journey with so much hope. I had lost about 12 pounds right off the bat, then after hitting a stand still for a few weeks, discovered that I am pregnant. I am staying on here to monitor my diet and exercise through the pregnancy, then am going to hit it full speed!!!!!! Feel free to add me if you like!!! Good Luck!!!!!!
  • YogaLife4me
    YogaLife4me Posts: 31 Member
    I love the way you express yourself! My story is similar to yours. Years of dieting. I've had some incredible successes, and more failures. I'm determined that this time I will change my LIFESTYLE. Feel free to add me!