Does anybody else eat due to stress?



  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    am actually the opposite. If I"m stressed out I feel worse if I eat. I can go with water and my coffee all day if the level of stress is high...
  • SlimSammy2012
    The GF dumped me last week and the urge to eat 10 pizzas, two gallons of Ice Cream and 10 lbs of French Fries! But, I ain't gonna do it! Can't wait to see her face when I get the Hot Bod and she can't have none!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    yep, yep. It is why I am here in the first place. I have always been in great shape, then I went back to school, got mega stressed out and coped with alcohol and food. Led to 25 pounds in about a year.

    Keeping the binges in check has been a huge battle for me as far as weight loss goes.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yeah although stress in large quantities can make me lose my appetite too.
  • SlimSammy2012
    Yeah although stress in large quantities can make me lose my appetite too.

    <~~~Needs a pair of those Stockings!!
  • emilyhawarah
    I stress eat every time I am in the same room as my mom or my ex-husband. It sucks.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I eat for stress... and sadness... and boredom... and happiness, excietment, confusion, sleepyness... when I'm angry, worried, unhappy, sick, scared...

    An emotional eater at its finest, and the love handles will agree :drinker:

    Ahh, you're my twin.
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    Usually stress and the accompanying depression puts me off food entirely. I'm usually too absorbed in the negativity to bother with anything more. I'll eat but...not much...
    On the flipside, when I'm super, duper happy and I'm with family/friends/etc having a good time, I throw caution to the wind, eat what I like (not gorge, mind you) and don't bother with calories until the day is done.

    Not sure which is worse. :o
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yes, I am an emotional eater. If I am feeling tired, bored or even happy sometimes, I turn to the sweet and carb filled foods, and it can be very, very hard to resist buying them somedays.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    That's how I became overweight, I started having annxiety attacks, so I ate and ate. Then my daughter was born with a birth defect that required major surgery at 10 months old, so I ate for 10 months straight dealing with the "what if" questions, then she needed another surgery 6 months ago at almost age once she was all healed I decided that I needed to focus on me, and that's what I did.

    I still eat when I get stressed out, but I don't eat chips or pizza or anything like that. I make healthy choices.
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    Conveniently, I don't stress eat. If I did I would have gotten much larger over the last couple of years. When my stress level reaches critical I deflect by watching Sci-Fi on netflix. No joke, I can't stop - it's ridiculous. I have to "check myself" and analyze my actions to ensure I am not mentally blocking my stressors by "escaping". Really when it comes down to it, I think stress eating is a "hormonal escape" while my issue is a "mental escape". They are both coping methods that lead to deficiencies in self regulation.

    I actually -USED TO- have a tendency of not eating when I am stressed, which resulted in 3-4 days of 600-700 cal (mostly coffees and random snacks) and then binging hard for a few days. That is how I got here!
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Yep, and it's much worse now since I'm trying to quit smoking. It's really hard sometimes to say no to certain things..

    I am right there with ya!! I was wearing the patches and was perfectly fine. After 6 weeks of wearing them and starting to forget to put them on, I stopped wearing I can't think about anything but food from about 7 pm until bed, which is around midnight or so.

    AND on top of that, I am an emotional eater from hell, and lately I've been feeling really crappy, so guess what...I'm snacking!! At least it's not too bad when I work out.
  • timgardiner
    timgardiner Posts: 2 Member

    Yes ..... loads of us eat when we are stressed. Love, life, money, work, kids, cars, wife,/husband ...... you name it, it stresses us and we seek comfort in one of natures basic "life sustainers" ..... food!

    It's natural, it's certainly effective, but unfortunately it's contraproductive if we know we are overweight and realise after the stress food that we maybe should have held back a bit longer. The best bit is, once we realise that, it slowly becomes a lot easier to find other stress relievers that don't add the calories on to our already over burdoned stress meter. Tell yourself in front of a mirror at least once each and every day that you are a winner, get a "new look" haircut, slim your wardrobe down, get a lover .... whatever!!! Just convince yourself that you are the best and NO-ONE can tell you differently. In other words, grab the world by the b***s and DARE it to contradict you!!!!
  • arcticbutterfly
    arcticbutterfly Posts: 24 Member
    The GF dumped me last week and the urge to eat 10 pizzas, two gallons of Ice Cream and 10 lbs of French Fries! But, I ain't gonna do it! Can't wait to see her face when I get the Hot Bod and she can't have none!

    Im laughing, not at your loss but your comment! So funny : )
    I hope you feel better!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    yes last week was one such a week where family problems meant i ate junk non stop. and unfortunately ive a lot of stress in my life right now however, i need to get the weight off so being good from today on and getting me moving along again!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I used too... But since I've increased my cardio I've noticed that I really don't get that stressed anymore, and if I do, the cardio releases it!
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    i do it all the time i am stressed and the moment thats becomming more apparent as ive gained about 2kg in weight instead of losing it. so im having to stop myself from buying the treats all together to go for the fruit in the house instead of the biscuits. its hard but we all do it so dont feel so down about it. if need be just try to go for a walk or even a quick jog to destress.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I was incredibly stressed last night, and all I wanted was to go to Jack in the Box or Carls Jr to get something (ANYTHING) deep fried and delicious. It's weird because normally i don't have that urge.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    I've noticed over the past year or so that it is related to sleep. If I'm not getting enough, I lose the ability to resist and have less ability to plan meals and log my food.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    My husband was under considerable stress the past few months and lost close to 20 pounds. (He's not a big guy to begin with) I told him if he mentioned his weight loss to me one more time, I was going to do horrible things to his food. I WISH I lost weight when I was stressed because I'd already be at my goal weight! When I feel stress, I self-soothe with mounds of food. I need lots of exercise to manage my stress, and I've been fine for a while now, but this morning the stress reached Threat Level Midnight. I actually called into work to say I'd be late and then made my husband go out to breakfast with me. I didn't binge, but the need for my favorite food was pretty strong. Although, I think spending some time with my husband is really what calmed me down.