fitbit ultra

I have been looking some thhing up calledfitbit ultra which tracks my sleep and my daily activitys and up loads it all straigh to my computer ... im liking the sound of it

my question is has any one got one or tried it ??
thoughts please


  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    I have the original fitbit and I like it. My problem is that I don't use it consistantly. But I think it's a great little tool to get an idea of how active you are being throughout the day.
  • Juawill
    Juawill Posts: 16 Member
    Been using it since 2/1 and love it. It tracks my steps, the stairs I climb, calories burned and uploads all this to You can configure to transfer its data over her to MFP. It shows up in your exercise log as Fitbit Adjustment and it varies, depending on the amount of exercise you put in. Search the forums here because there's a lot on Fitbit. Some activities, like treadmills, don't record on Fitbit. So, on MFP input the start time, duration and type of exercise performed. Between MFP and Fitbit, I've changed how I eat and exercise, all for the better. The thing with Fitbit, however, is that you always need to have it with you. It's a small clip that can clip to a pants pocket or a shirt or, I'm told, even a bra. You get a docking station which you connect to your computer. Whenever Fitbit gets within several feet of the docking station, it uploads its data.
  • pomjt
    pomjt Posts: 47 Member
    i like the idea of it as im very competetive with my self so i will try to beat the scores and i like the fact it will assess my sleep pattens aswell
  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    I LOVE my FitBit!!
    I got it last month.
    There is a FitBit User Group here at:
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I ordered one and I'm waiting to receive it. It looks like an awesome little gadget.
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    I have the classic & LOVE LOVE LOVE it.. I wear it 24/7 (except when I'm in the shower - it's on the charger then).. It's a great tool for weight loss.
  • Dawn200321
    Dawn200321 Posts: 64 Member
    I love my fitbit! I wear it all the time
  • Mersch
    Mersch Posts: 1
    I just got the Ultra and love it. Wear it everyday and love how it links up to fitness pal. Tracked sleep for the first time last night. Pretty good. Tells you how efficient you were, how many times you woke up, and how much was actual sleep vs. tossing and turning. Great little tool. Much better than your avg pedometer.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I adore my FitBit. I never take it off except when I shower. I recently had an issue with my unit and I contacted customer support to try and resolve it and they sent me a free replacement. All I was looking for was a fix to my issue. They were great. Makes me love it even more now!
  • tljoseph1
    tljoseph1 Posts: 3 Member
    I wear it compulsively! It really motivates me to get up off my butt and do....something, anything! It's syncs very well with MFP.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Some activities, like treadmills, don't record on Fitbit.
    This actually isn't true. It does record steps taken on treadmills. It also records steps taken on an elliptical machine, stair master and revolving stairs. What it doesn't record is exercise that doesn't involve some sort of stepping, like exercise bikes, rowing machines, or the hand cycle machine.

    I use mine in the gym and it successfully counts my steps on the machines listed.

    Edit: Note that though it does records steps on a revolving stairs machine (I don't know what else to call it), it will not count the floors you climb. This is because the Fit Bit uses a barometer to measure elevation change. On a machine, your elevation doesn't change and thus it doesn't know you are climbing stairs.
  • robneilhendrix
    My coworker tried it out first for our Medical Monitoring division at work to go with another device we use and he kept it for himself. I'm a corporate worker, programming to be exact, my exercise is limited to playing with my son, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and my walking around doing errands and yard work. The fitbit ultra helped him track all of that stuff so he knew if he had to start finding the time for the gym since MyFitnessPal had helped him to curve his bad eating habits to the point he couldn't reduce what he ate and is allergic to a lot of the "Better for you" foods. He also says it tells him a lot about he sleeps. His results in 2 months were so good, my sons mom and I both got one and I'm actually on here activating it now.
  • pomjt
    pomjt Posts: 47 Member
    great im sold just ordered mine
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    Check out the group "Fitbit Users" in the community. It has over 3,000 members.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    I have one and I love it...
    Only thing though is that it's never tracked my sleep. I wear it most nights and it never shows up.
    However, I love knowing exactly how many calories I burned during a workout, how many steps I took in a day, and how many calories I burned in a day.
    Overall, it's a good investment!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Tammy, do you activate the stopwatch feature before you sleep and stop it when you get up? Assuming you've done that, have you tried changing the sensitivity setting from normal to sensitive?
  • pomjt
    pomjt Posts: 47 Member
    the only thing im not sure about is the website as lookedat it today and it doesnt find any of my foods or meassurements tracking is much better on here
  • pomjt
    pomjt Posts: 47 Member
    plus its already telling me ive burnt 1400 calories ...( not got the fitbit yet ) and not logged any thing in to it ??
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Check out the group "Fitbit Users" in the community. It has over 3,000 members.

    Thank you. The fitbit instruction manual is pretty lousy. I stopped using mine, because I walk on a path with mile markers and could see that it was way off in terms of recording how far I had walked. I tried to figure out how to adjust the length of my stride and gave up. The Fit it Users group is just what I need. Didn't know it was there.