I'm ready to give up.



  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Every 5 pounds I hit a plateau now. It is annoying. Have you measured your inches? Have you started watching your sodium?
  • Then give up. Feel the misery of being down when you could just go on and find a solution instead. It makes me laugh to think about it. I've had 10 years of constant plateau and never even reached in my mind to give up. I was frustrated of course, but I never stopped looking for a solution.

    Not exactly a motivating post there... Let's try to keep constructive! :) I think reaching out for help is an attempt to find another solution. . . right?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    How would giving up solve your problem?
  • Tribbey143
    Tribbey143 Posts: 388 Member
    weights will break you're non losing streak! I just bet-cha!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    When I first started working out and trying to eat healthy I didn't lose a single pound for over 3, 4 months. Talk about wanting to give up. but I didn't! and am glad I didn't because once the first 2 lbs came off they continued to come off every week by 2. but after 25lbs it's slowed down. Slow and steady win the race. LOL DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE CONTROL! DRINK WATER AND KEEP WORKING OUT. PUSH urself to new levels. Do some strength training.... weights.... run, walk, run, walk, jump.
    It will come off if u don't give up. but if u give up ull never reach ur goal.
  • 4alison4
    4alison4 Posts: 54
    LIFT. The heaviest weights you can. Works wonders, particularly for women.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    I've always just dome cardio. I honestly don't even know what to do i the weight room. All the machines confuse me.

    ....Then ask, Ask one of the employees to take you around show you how to use the machienes and some basics. Simple as that. They all do it and for free!

    If all you do is cardio then you will not get the resuts you're seeking.

    If you're not into going to the gym buy some dumb bells/ free weights go to bodybuilding.com and learn some exercises there.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Dont quit, I have lost 16 since January almost the same as you. It seems like it should be more but I would rather lose it slowly and healthy than fast and gain it back. Hang in there!
  • Agreed! Don't give up. Add some strength training. Muscle burns fat....and even after your workout. 13 lbs is great! Keep up the hard work. It's ok to get discouraged from time to time, the important thing is getting back on that horse! GL!!
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    Dont give up...13lbs isnt a small result, its big. stick with it, you got this

    I agree with this post!

    A question to ask yourself...are you pushing yourself as hard as you can...I use to think that I was working out hard...until I did bootcamp...now when I go to the gym...I push myself in my cardio...even if it is a level or an extra 5 minutes on this or that. I make sure I sweat it!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I've always just dome cardio. I honestly don't even know what to do i the weight room. All the machines confuse me.

    Most gyms will offer a tutorial class on how to use the weights, and even if you have to hire a trainer for a session or two it could help.... OR you could use the internet to read up on weight lifting, and watch videos on form like the rest of us.

    Also, you're not in a plateau. You've lost 13 pounds in three months. If you want to give up, go right ahead, but you'll only have your own dramatic display and lack of patience to blame for not reaching your goal.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    Then give up. Feel the misery of being down when you could just go on and find a solution instead. It makes me laugh to think about it. I've had 10 years of constant plateau and never even reached in my mind to give up. I was frustrated of course, but I never stopped looking for a solution.

    Not exactly a motivating post there... Let's try to keep constructive! :) I think reaching out for help is an attempt to find another solution. . . right?

    I don't mean to be harsh. That's my way of facing the problem. I just gave her 2 obvious options, give up and regret for giving up, or keep going until you find a solution. I'd love to motivate people and help them instead. I'm all in it.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You are halfway to June and halfway to your goal. I'm not seeing the problem.

    Exactly. How do you know you've hit a plateau? How long has it been since you lost?

    Beating yourself up is not going to solve anything. Keep going and don't put so much energy into a number, it's all about how you feel.
  • I've always just dome cardio. I honestly don't even know what to do i the weight room. All the machines confuse me.

    Start with free weights if the machines are scary to you! There are lots of exercises you can do in the privacy of your own home too if you get some 5 lb. or 10 lb. free weights. Target has them for pretty cheap. If you belong to a gym -- ask for a tour of the equipment! Don't be shy! They do this for people all the time and it's a great way to loosen up and feel comfortable with something new (and learn how to do it the right way). They are totally happy to walk you through and show you all about it.

    If you're really interested in mixing it up - google these exercises and incorporate them into your new routine:

    1. walking lunges (try it with 5 lb. weights)
    2. squats
    3. bicep curls (try it with 5 lb. weight to start)
    4. deadlifts
    5. leg curls
    5. bench press

    For more instant gratification. . .
    Check out this total workout plan (with instructional links on the exercises!)

    Also this is good for a beginner woman for arms/upper body (with pictures):

    Good luck!

  • Trying getting some free weights, little dumbbells or ankle/wrist weights, and perhaps add them to your walks/jogs/runs/cardio... It'll add a bit of weight training, which helps with metabolism :-)
  • Don't give up. Get some perspective. Think how long it took to put those pounds on. You've taken off 13lbs in 3 months -- I'm sure it took lots longer to put those pounds on! So, honey, you're already ahead!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    It is annoying! I'm meeting a nutritionist tomorrow. So much of this is a numbers game and the food is key! I have no issues wroking out, but the food can make or break you! Maybe shock your body w/ switching up the meals and time of day you workout. Also, if you're doing weights, you may be gaining weight /muscle . So make sure you measure and have a trainer take your skin fold test for body fat results. YOu may be losing inches!

    good luck, stay at it!!
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    I've always just dome cardio. I honestly don't even know what to do i the weight room. All the machines confuse me.
    Do you belong to a gym? Ask one of the staff members to take you around and show you how to use the machines. All gyms will do this for you for free.
  • candctaber
    candctaber Posts: 274
    Don't give up! You can do it! We all hit that point where we have to change things around, just look at how far you have come! If you gave up now you would regret it!

    Stay positive & we will keep the support coming! :smile:
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I've reached a second plateau. I wanted to lose 27 pounds from January 2012, to June 2012 and I've only lost 13. I don't know what else to do. I'm doing everything correctly and am not seeing even a small result.

    As they say, everything works; nothing works forever. If you're going to let the fact that you got over your first plateau slide into nothingness, go back to being a fatty. Motivation comes from within and only you can keep yourself going with it.