Question about Exercise and our Goals on MFP?

Hello There,

I am new to posting topics but I had a question about where we set up our goals.

When I started MFP, I led a totally sedentary chair, couch, little to no exercise in my day.

Now that I have been on MFP for a couple of week, I have started to really get into my workouts.....should I be changing this in my goals as I no longer am sedentary?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    If your job entails you sitting around all day, keep it sedentary and log your exercises separately.
  • LaylaSparkles
    I sit around part of the day but I work from home and for the past two weeks I havent done much sitting and I am exercising and walking a lot. anywhere we go in town I walk....and I dont quite understand what you mean about logging my exercises seperately....I want to use this site to the fullest.

    What my problem is, is that I am only netting between 150 - 400 calories a day now which I know is not good, but i am not sure what to do about it if I should be changing my goals in MFP to reflect my now activity level or not?

    Can someone please help me!!
  • alexngbr
    alexngbr Posts: 21 Member
    If you keep your activity level as sedentary then you could log all your walking as cardiovascular exercise. Or you could increase your activity level and not add the walking separately. Whichever's easiest for you but don't increase your activity level and log it as well cos then it'll be counted twice. Hope that helps! Also do try to eat back at least some of your exercise calories if you're not doing that already.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    It seems the issue is more that you're not meeting the goals you have ... than that you need new goals.

    When MFP sets a calorie goal for you, it means that you should eat the calories you have burned in exercise. The reason you're only netting 150-400 is that you aren't eating those. Be aware that people report MFP sometimes counts high, especially for walking, so I would underestimate, but what would changing your goals accomplish that eating some of the exercise calories wouldn't?
  • LaylaSparkles
    Perfect, thank you for the help. I will just try and eat at least some of them back. Its hard though as I am full most days.

    I appreciate the help with this, as I am new to all of this and am just fumbling through!!