anyone wanting to lose 100lbs or more



  • poshmonkey
    poshmonkey Posts: 15 Member
    I'm there...I need to lose about 145-150 - anyone who wants to add me, please do - support is awesome!
  • Munjoyhillgal
    Munjoyhillgal Posts: 33 Member
    I am in
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I had over 100 to lose. I have lost 80+ so far. :) Feel free to add me if you'd like!

  • lauriemeridith83
    lauriemeridith83 Posts: 46 Member
    I would join the group too! I've got around 180 pounds left to lose! Feel free to add me and let me know when you start the group!
  • allielite11
    allielite11 Posts: 24 Member
    Good morning everyone! I also have over 100 to lose. I've lost 41 since starting MFP and had lost 10 prior to that. I still have 129 to go to reach my goal. Feel free to add me....I need all the motivational support I can get. :)
  • elri1908
    elri1908 Posts: 160 Member
    I have been thinking about starting a group for people with large weight loss goals. Tried joining one and they all seem to be closed. Really frustrating when we are all here with the same common goal! I think I need 3 people to start a group so anyone interested in joining, add me and I will open it. So I will repost when the group is open.

    I'll join your group any day... I also tried to join the other group, but it was closed. 100 and higher is a daunting number, especially at the beginning. I've even decided to now change my setting from kg's to pounds because in my head it just sounds better that I have lost 9.9 pounds....(instead of 4.5 kgs!) The mind is a strange thing.....(crap is then my current weight is also in pounds and that is downright scary!)

    Good luck to all who have a goal greater than 100! It's a long journey, but it is a journey worth taking!
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Good luck to everyone! Don't give up on yourself! You CAN do this! I believe in you all! If I can do it, anyone can! :)
  • 19510408
    19510408 Posts: 1
    I SO need help with motivation and a few friends who are like minded.

    I need to read "instructions" because I don't know what "add me" means here. :(
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 284 Member
    I do! have well over a 10lbs to shift :) so feel free to add me nice to have friends with a similar goal

    lool just read my post if it was only 10lbs i had left!

    i have about 160lbs to lose so feel free to add me
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I'm right there with you. I have about 100 more to go. Anyone can add me if they like.
  • jannallbb4
    jannallbb4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm interested in joining the group also.
  • Ddubs22
    Ddubs22 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm right there with ya! Looking to lose about 100 more. I added Kate, if anyone else wants to, add me!

  • leahandkelly
    leahandkelly Posts: 2 Member
    I just started and am on my 3rd day...I'm game and need all the support I can get.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    When I started working out and eating healthy in September I didn't have MFP, but since getting it I have found great motivation and receive much support. My total weight that I want to lose it 121 lbs. So far I have lost 55. More then that now, but I refuse to step on a scale right now. I know I am losing inches and that's the important thing. Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • I am looking to lose 100+ pounds. So far I am down twenty so I have a long way to go still. I would love to join.
  • CrzyAte
    CrzyAte Posts: 55
    I have been thinking about starting a group for people with large weight loss goals. Tried joining one and they all seem to be closed. Really frustrating when we are all here with the same common goal! I think I need 3 people to start a group so anyone interested in joining, add me and I will open it. So I will repost when the group is open.

    I am interested in a group as well.

    Anyone feel free to add me I have 100+ to lose
  • JustJassi
    JustJassi Posts: 5 Member
    Yes! I just had my third child and I have 103lbs to lose to be at my goal and BMI... Im ready!! Lets do this. No more excuses!
  • Kathley
    Kathley Posts: 10 Member
    I just joined the site with my daughter and I have exactly 100 more pounds to lose - I have lost 32 pounds since January - so I am really pumped to keep going. I do fall off the yellow brick road sometimes and just wish I had helpful monkies to chase me back - hope you all want to be monkies:)
  • I'd be into the group as well.

    Add me everyone!
  • ddd1468
    ddd1468 Posts: 1
    I just joined today and I am trying to lose well over a 100lbs. This is the beginning of my journey so I will definitely send support your way and hope to get the same!!!!......:happy: