okay so i was doing to sooo well inputting everyday trying to work out everyday... i feel like i am starting to loose my focus i have not worked out in like 3 days and i am scared to step on the scale because i feel like i have gained weight!! how do you stay on track when you feel like you are straying???? i dont want to gain all my weight back!!! hellppppppppp


  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    Forget the scale for a few weeks. Don't worry about the number right now. Focus on finding a workout routine that works for you and with your schedule, keep logging the food every day, and the results you want will come. If you don't mind me asking, what was your motivation when you started here?
  • I agree...forget the scale this week! While you are looking for a workout that you enjoy, try doing little things, like 10 squats before every meal, maybe some crunches, stretches, or yoga poses at intervals throughout the day. Go for a walk. Pull some weeds. I found that even being a little active when I don't feel like it makes me feel like I at least did something. :) Don't beat yourself up, just get back on the horse! :)
  • Just go out for a 15 minute walk. Extend it to 30 if you have time. Every little bit helps and the hardest part is just starting it when you don't feel like it one day. Don't let three days become four, and you'll be right back on track! You'll feel great about yourself after you get back in the swing of it.
  • Try to remember why you started this journey in the first place, seek a friend or co worker that can hold you accountable/do the workouts with you to keep you motivated. Don't let a few bad days get you down, get back up and get moving!!! We are here for you, you aren't alone in this struggle!
  • get back on that wagon and dont give up stay focused u can do it u need to have support well here i am add me as a friend ill support u ! u can do it it takes hard work and committment im doing it some days im tired and dont want to exercise it is ok to take a day off but when it goes on three or four i feel guilt too lately i have stayed focused and im doing zumba fitness i find it so fun 1 maybe u need to bump up your excercise routine and try different things verses sticking to same routine now that spring is here great opportunity to get outside ride bike ,walk or a out side sport good luck add me ok and happy easter ! and weight loosing
  • It's important to always log your food for the day if you are truly serious about losing weight. Studies show that after 30 days of doing something it becomes a habit. I found this to be true at first I was like ugh, I have to log my food...but after 30 days went by I didn't even think about it anymore and just did it without realizing. It has now been 80 days for me. Stick with it. Remind yourself that you can do this as long as you put your mind too it. You don't have to work out everyday 3 -4 times a week is good if you can find something you love to do. I found that I love working with Jillian Michaels because not only is she tough but she is fun and the workouts go fast. Stick with it, don't turn it into a chore and keep pushing forward. Like Jillian says.. "think of all the reasons you bought this dvd in the first place." but in your case, think of all the reasons you started this journey in the first place. Kick yourself in the butt to get motivated! You can do it!!
  • hollz118
    hollz118 Posts: 10
    I AM getting married in 6 months!! :D best motivation ever