Exercise with kids in tow



  • lynsie86
    lynsie86 Posts: 17
    My son is 18mo and right now I'm trying to find a jogging stroller so I can start taking him with me. The regular stroller is just too slow. In the winter I would either have his dad watch him or take him to the daycare at the gym but it's just too nice out right now for me to go to the gym.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I had to skip my workout (I only workout at the gym at lunch) yesterday b/c of a work deadline so I at least made up for the leg workout. I did walking lunges around my living room (3 sets of 20), plea squats with one of my toddlers (they got to take turns) on my back for the 40lb weights (3 sets of 12), then step ups on my hearth -- not as high as I would go in the gym but with weight, it's definately better than nothing!
  • CalgaryRugbyGirl
    My trio are 1, 3 and 5.. So I feel your pain.. This was/is my biggest challenge..
    I've recently discovered bodyrock.tv
    I am nowhere near the tight-ab little hotties on there, but they have tonnes of no-equipment and beginner modifications for all their workouts.. And the best part is the workout is only 12 minutes.. In the past month I've only lost about 2lbs on the scale, but I've gained 7lbs of lean muscle (mostly in my post-partum saggy abs, I'm quite certain!), and my sides are starting to tighten up..
    For 12 minutes a day, in my living room, my kids either join me, or play elsewhere, but for that short of a time, it can easily be done! ;)
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    Ok this is going to sound a bit insane; I've never actually calculated the calories but 'WOW that's what i call nursery rhymes' and 'The Best of Wiggles' are pretty much non-stop singing and dancing (jumping around). My younger kids (9 and 2-(nearly 3)) absolutely love it! You can really go for it, jumping up and down and twisting etc. I really do get a bit of a sweat on! haha

    I think I may try it tonight and put my HRM on - just for fun! lol

    Good luck. x

    My 2.5 year old LOVES the Wiggles and I definately feel like I get a good workout in dancing with him!
    I also have a good double jogger for him and the baby and we go on long walks. If I really need to fit something more in, I wait for Husband to get home from work and leave them with him.
    I also use them as baby weights. The little one loves it and it gives my arms a good workout too.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Wow some great suggestions.

    I am starting to think some DVD's might be the go. Maybe zumba would keep the kids interested too. If I could fit that in a couple of times a week, that would be great. On my work days, I have about 15 minutes walk from where I park to the office - I have been trying to get a parking spot further away this week (seems crazy, but it's less time stuck in the traffic and I get almost 30 minutes walk most of which is through the park) but they are all full so I end up in my usual spot.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    Mine is only 9 months and I use him as a weight he loves rough housing so baby squats (normal squat holding baby out so when you're down his toes hit the ground) and baby lifts (come out of the squat and lift baby as high as you can) he just cracks up. But wow, 10 kg is getting a bit tough on my knees. Before he was mobile he liked kissy push-ups (normal push up kiss and coo at baby in the down postion). I try and get up early and to 30DS before he wakes up. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I've got to try the aqua jogging thing. Looking forward to when he's older and I can distract him with crayons or play-dough and get in a good work out. I like strollercize, but I only go once a week, if it's not SNOWING like it was yesterday, ugh.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    going to the park, playing football, play tag, doing some playground games such as hopscotch etc with them? its all about getting creative. Ask them what they want to do for fun outside, the majority of things you will be able to take part in too! I have a 4 year old, and I actually work in sports development (getting people more active). Swimming is also great, even at such a young age. Have you any mother and toddler activity groups near you? Some leisure centres do a group where kids play in one room and then in another room the mummys and daddys do a different activity each week, such as dance, zumba, yoga etc! if not, ask your local council for their sports development team and ask them- one of their targets will be getting parents more active!!
  • midoswife
    midoswife Posts: 35 Member
    Read later
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    dancing. my 3 year old loves trying to copy just dance and zumba. if not those, just go on slacker and there's kids stations and they can dance to those songs.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    A double stroller is a great investment, and a good one can hold up to 100lbs. Plus, the extra weight of the kids really adds to the calorie burn. I do think setting them up with art supplies so that you can do a 30 minute dvd is a good idea. It teaches them to entertain themselves, and it is only 30 minutes.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    You know when my cousins are around (both the same age as your kids) I love just playing catch with them and badminton, with catch I put the effort in, squatting to throw at their level and all the running around after their stray balls really built up a sweat, I wear my hrm and I burn an amazing amount of calories.
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    Kids are amazing and have tons of energy. I also have a three year old. It has taken a couple of times of going out but this last outing was for 3 miles (because that's how far he wanted to go!! ) The more we go the far he makes it and the fast he is going. Just give your daughter a little more practice, get them both on there bikes and enjoy your time with them. I also have a 9 and 12 year old that I did the same thing with. They have been running 5k's since they were in kindergarten and now do very well in there age groups. Leading by example with exercise is and incredible gift you can give your children. I love that you are working to give that to your kids.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    I do Pilates and set up an extra mat for my 2 year old. He likes to stick his feet in the air too.