Looking for motivation!

Hey everyone! I'm Amanda, I'm 23 years old and I enjoy doing almost anything that will keep me busy. I enjoy being on the water in the summer time and playing in the snow in the winter. I have a wonderful niece and nephew that I adore and want to be able to run around with. My weight loss goal is to be around 150 lbs, I am currently at 199 lbs. My inspiration is that I've done a lot harder things. About a year ago I quit smoking for GOOD! Which I am totally happy with, but comes with a downside, weight gain. This is just the last step to making my life the healthy life I would like to live. I needed something that was easy for me to sign in to and enter my food/exercise throughout the day so I love the app MFP has for my phone!

I'm hoping to keep my motivation up and reach my goal by my brother's wedding in June!


  • salesse
    salesse Posts: 11
    My name is Saelsse and I am right around where you are weight wise, I am 26 and looking to lose around 50lbs! I actually did so about a year and a half ago.. i did P90x and lost about 45lbs...i was a little smaller at that time but it definitely worked.. its hard for me to do things twice.. so this round im trying INSanity!! yikes! i have a wedding in July. mY Wedding.. 7/14 and lookin to lose at least 40-50lbs :))

    GooD LUCK! What are you doing food/excersise wise to get to your goal??
  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm Tiffany and love this site and phone app. I have about 20 lbs to get to my goal, that will put me at total loss of 85. I've lost the majority several years ago.

    Saelesse, I'm doing Insanity too! 1st round. I'm hoping it will help me break my plateau!
  • awillcox
    awillcox Posts: 5
    For exercise I go to Zumba three times a week and go for runs when I have time. For food I'm kind of just feeling things out right now, this is all new to me, but I'm excited to learn! :smile:
  • Jessintherain
    Jessintherain Posts: 67 Member
    We're very similar, in terms of age and goals.

    I'm doing P90X which I love, and staying on top of my logging on MFP.

    It can be hard to stay motivated, but if you stay dedicated and celebrate all the little victories (not just lbs lost, or sizes down but also the number of minutes you can run, push ups you can do, etc) you'll stay positive, and eventually reach your goal.

    At least, that's what I'm hoping.... :P