Newbie and some queries

Hello! I am glad to find myfitnesspal where I can start my diet program.

I am totally new to having a diet plan to losing weight and I am concern over the breakfast part. I was told that I am supposed to have a good breakfast every morning to kick start the day. The problem is that I could never eat in the morning. If I have something in the morning, I would probably feel sick the rest of the day. At best, I only have a glass of water until noon time when I would have my lunch.

The only time I have breakfast is the morning is when
a) I reached home after working overnight and plan to sleep through lunch
b) I am sick and I plan to sleep through lunch till dinner time.

Is it a must that one must have breakfast in the morning?

Another concern I have is that I seemed to over my sugar limit everyday. I am a coke addict and is trying to cut down my intake of coke. I tried substituting it with 100% fruit juice watered down by water. I am largely successful as I manage to cut down from 3 cans of coke per day to an occasional glass of coke. But sugar level for fruit juice is high. The fruit juice I picked are either 100% pure fruit juice with no added sugar/preservatives (they are expensive) or freshly squeezed juice - but even then, the fruit juice is naturally high in sugar.

And lastly, I never exercise. I am too shy to go to the gym even though my estate has a very nice gym. None of my friends are into exercising so a gym with all those assorted equipment looks daunting. I don't even know how to operate the tread mill. Instead, I try to walk instead. After trying out a few days, I am reasonably sure that I could hit 10,000-12000 steps per day. My pedoemeter tends to undercount my steps and I don't wear it at home so the actual number of steps could be even higher.
Would all the walking be sufficient to work off the excess calories?

Thanks for helping out a newbie.


  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    First off, I know it's bad but I never eat breakfast. Second, Instead of soda or fruit juice drink water with a lemon slice. Third, Sometimes the only form of exercise I get is walking. It seems to be working for me :smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    1. You don't need to eat breakfast. I eat two large meals a day and I've maintained my weight loss for five years.

    2. This site counts all sugars the same, be they fructose (fruit) sucrose (sugar) or lactose (milk). Cutting back on Coke is a good idea, since they are empty/no nutrition calories. You'll fine tune your intake after some practice.

    3. Walking is great. You don't have to go to the gym. But if you do, you will be able to figure out the machines, they are pretty self-explanatory. People in gyms are very helpful. They were new once, too.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    1. I used to feel the same way about breakfast. But eating breakfast really has helped me to lose weight. I usually eat either a small nonfat yogurt or a piece of fruit or oatmeal for breakfast all of which have only 75-150 cals. It doesnt have to be a big breakfast just something to get your metabolism going and not leave you starving by lunch.If you cant eat anything maybe try a protein shake in the morning.

    2. try to cut back on coke and eventually eliminate it from your diet as well as the fruit juice because it is really empty cals that dont feel you up. I drink the carbonated flavored waters they are 0 cals 0 sugar. and have the carbonation.

    3. As far as the exercise any movement helps walking is a great exercise and my exercise of choice. You dont have to go to the gym to burn cals, just fit in ways of getting extra movement into your day. I hope this helps. I have lost 99 lbs in 18 mths. I know you can do it.....:smile:
  • kate_415
    kate_415 Posts: 5 Member
    I was the same way! I swore that breakfast wouldn't help me, but would make it worse. I started drinking healthy homemade smoothies that were not so heavy in my stomach. I have been doing that for about two weeks now and didn't get to do it today, I can feel a total difference. You have to feed your body for it work the right way. Find something that works for you. I think about it like this: A car needs gas to run, but not every kind of gas is good for every kind of car.

    Here is one of my fav recipies, lots of fiber, and healthy fats:

    Dannon - All Natural Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 3/4 cup
    Coconut Milk, 1/4 cup
    Instant Nonfat Dry Milk Powder, 3 tablespoons
    Bananas - 1
    Natural Peanut Butter Crunchy, 1 tablespoons
    Honey - Clover Honey, 2 teaspoons
    water-two tablespoons

    Blend and enjoy!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Sometimes we need to retrain our bodies- can't tell you how many people I know who don't like breakfast or think they will get sick. Sounds like you have kind of a funky work schedule? Think of breakfast for what it is- a break in the fast you have had while you slept 8+ hrs. Maybe breakfast for you is in the evening? Many people don't like eggs. It is important though to start that first meal with a balance of protein and low glycemic carbs- meaning not sugar.
    It sounds like you have a serious sugar addiction, which I understand, used to have it bad as well. And that sugar addiction is creating a cycle of demands that your body is cravying. Time for you to take control- congrats on your first step- logging in your food. I would strongly recommend don't try to find another vice to replace the cokes. Juices can be just as bad for you as soda- I don't recommend diet drinks, but if you are in transition, perhaps replacing your cokes with a coke zero- seriously they taste the same- I have maybe 2 or 3 a year now- but when I want a coke it does the trick. (And not diet coke- that is just gross)
    Invest in learning about sugar addictions, find out what it is doing to your body. There are a lot of websites- one book that opened my eyes a few years ago was "Sugar Busters". Its hidden in everything processed!
    Here is my email-if you want some online support from someone who knows where you are- - feel free to contact me with questions

    Exercise- the key here is to set a goal. Each week- write down your goal. If its to walk 30 minutes great! Whatever it is, start moving, I promise you will see changes so fast, you'll feel good and in a few weeks you may be ready to take on that gym- and if its free- even better! :) Congrats on coming on here- that is so great-welcome!!
  • PinkTissue
    PinkTissue Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for all your comments. After much consideration, I decide to try cereal with chocolate milk. I have not eaten cereal before and was pleasantly surprised that it tasted like desert after adding cold chocolate milk. The only thing is that I have to re-think my lunch & dinner - I ate cereal today and I am over my calories!