


  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 93 Member
    you can only do what you can do, habits take awhile to create so they are gonna take awhile to break, I've been working on my healthy eating and exercise and then I will slowly tackle quitting smoking, it's hard to do it all at once, take pride in small steps!!!
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 121 Member
    I have been addicted to aspertine in diet soda's for years. After reading so much about the side effects of aspertine (memory loss, increased appetite, breast cancer, etc.) I have given them up for three months now. Occassionally I crave my diet soda and I can not stand the taste of regular soda so I give in to maybe one on the weekend but I am seeking an alternative because the side effects scare me.
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    If it was so bad for you the FDA would not allow it to be sold and consumed. I like diet soda every once in a while...So I know that the fake sugar prob. gives lab rats cancer. I'm ready to take that risk. As for popcorn, if your so worried about the micropop stuff, purchase an air popper (they still sell them in stores, or check your local thrift shops/good will) and pop your own. Much, much cheaper and no additives. Some people choose to eat organic, but what they don't tell you about organic produce is it needs to be washed well because it often is fresh picked and comes in contact with bugs, animal feces, bacteria, paracites, and the ground it's grown in, most organic produce does not get prewashed or a cholrine dip like regular produce. So you maybe putting yourself at more risk for food poisoning or other infections.

    Stick with food that looks like food, is your best bet. You have to eat what is best for you, not what others think is best for you.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    only "take away" or "add" things to your life you can live with forever....

    if you can live without pop or diet pop forever than give it up - i personally can't - so i have limited my intake of diet soda....

    if you can make the gym 3hrs a day every day for the rest of your life than by all means get your *kitten* there - i work full time and have 2 kids so i schedule my workouts in advance so i know what i'm doing so that nothing gets neglected in my life including me and my workouts....

    my point is this....simply make changes to your life that you can NOT cut yourself off from the things you love and enjoy....make them a part of your life but in moderation.....

    i have had chinese takeout every thursday for the past 4+ years, i drink diet coke, i eat cake at bday parties, i eat pizza occasionally and i have lost about 80lbs doing all those things....i just dont eat a huge piece of cake, i dont eat a 1/2 a pizza, i dont get the fried saucy chinese....i make it work for me....i will not feel deprived or i will feel like i'm on a diet and then i will quit and essentially there is nothing to quit here if i make changes i can live with...

    move more and eat better....that is the best way to lose weight....good luck in your journey...denise
  • NoMoreFatTony
    NoMoreFatTony Posts: 22 Member
    I try to stick to one soda a day.

    But, used to drink a 2 liter a day!!!!!

    As for the popcorn, I make my own. Take 1/4 cup of regular popcorn and put it in a brown paper bag. Fold over the open end and microwave for 2 minutes. Add some spray butter and a little salt or whatever flavorings you like.
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    I quit cold turkey last year late summer. have not missed it once.
  • Jnett92
    Jnett92 Posts: 2 Member
    Giving up diet soda is a challange but you can do it! I limited my soda to one a day until eventually I didn't want one. If you need a way to level off the caffine cravings, Crystal Light has a product that has caffine, "Energy" in a strawberry flavor. That helps a lot but it has the aspartame as well so it is not much better. Good Luck!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    If it was so bad for you the FDA would not allow it to be sold and consumed.

    That's not necessarily true. The FDA is a victim of political pressures and big business as any other government agency, and actually have a strict level of scientific proof necessary to "ban" things. But most of the studies aren't done on humans because the expense and length of time (likely decades) that would be necessary to complete clinical trials with sound science. So the studies are done on rats/mice at accelerated rates and aren't conclusive enough for bans in most cases. Doesn't mean it's good for you. And worse, it doesn't mean it isn't bad for you. I wouldn't use FDA approval as a benchmark for quality/health.
  • I'm allergic to aspartame so I was never able to have a Diet Coke.

    Then my husband and I saw the Soda Stream machines last fall. We tried it out and bought one immediately (we are suckers for live demos, lol) but the sodas you make at home are GOOD! The regular ones have less sugar than normal Cokes and they use cane sugar instead of corn syrup. The diet drinks use Splenda!

    I also really love Arnold Palmer instant teas. They use Splenda too and I probably mix up two of those every day.
  • YES!!!! You CAN dO it! I recently stopped drinking Diet Pepsi. My favorite thing in the world. I found it made me feel more hungry than when I have been having water. It's hard... But what's even better is knowing that you are doing something healthy for yourself! I feel better without it. It also doesn't taste as good after a few weeks. Slowly cut back and then take that final leap! You can do it!!!!
  • susieqa6699
    susieqa6699 Posts: 42 Member
    The caffine headache is MURDER when you stop cold turkey. Stop slowly, I used to drink 5 to 6 diet sodas a day. I stopped by dropping a can per week. I now have 1 can per week on Thursday when I go out to lunch at work. I wouldn't drink soda on the weekend and by Monday I had a killer headache that went away shortly after I got to work. It took going to the dr. to realize it was caffine withdrawl.
  • cutting out the soda was pretty hard!! I drank 3-4 20 oz diet Pepsi a day, now I dont even crave them :) I just started cutting back every two weeks or so I would drop a 20 oz, and then when I was down to one a day I went to a can a day, then I just decided to try none for a week. That was it, now I only have one once in awhile and its usually when I am out. I be sure to have my water with me all the time, that helped a lot. You can do it, just have faith in yourself :)
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
  • Hey, coke is one of my biggest vices. It tastes so good, but I know I have to cut down..if not eliminate it. GOOD LUCK!
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    Whew... i had a long standing 'coke' addiction. My first drink not in the bottle was a 6oz glass bottled coke... not kidding i was 10 months old, parents didn't get it back then haha. I drank 3-5 cokes a day when we could get them all the way up until I was 20 or so... I realized I had to cut back, did it gradually as you're doing. I drink maybe 3 coke zeroes a week now (and only the 12 oz cans- too worried with fountain drinks I love those too much), never could get into diet coke. (just wasn't a fan- everyones different). I drank CB2 when it came out a a low carb coke, haha.... so I've run the gammit.

    I mean they probably wont kill us, but water is what your body needs, not the other stuff. It gets easier. :)