Dr told me to stop logging :-0



  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I think you might be taking what your doctor said in the wrong way. He was specifically asking about your weight loss and you told him you were "calorie counting." That's what he was concerned about, the fact that you're actively trying to lose weight while trying (with difficulty) to fix this condition. I think he was trying to get you to focus on the immediate issues rather than on your weight until you're feeling better again, not to tell you to stop logging your food.

    Really, you should be glad that your doctor is reluctant to pump you full of drugs and run unnecessary tests. It's not a matter of cutting costs (though that's an important consideration) but a matter of what you really need.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    As long as you're doing this healthily, you're doing the best thing you can do for your health. Everyone gets sick.
  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    If the doctor didn't even discuss what your diet is then he's not doing his job. You can be overeating and still not be getting the correct micro nutrients. I'd suggest you need a second opinion (and maybe a new doctor!)

  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    My experience, need to eat a lot of GOOD food! If i decide not to eat barely at all, like i have been, i get sick, like i am right now. Seems to be a bare minimum of times i have to eat per day. every time i start skipping meals, i. e. breakfast like now, i get sick. Just my experience.
  • madkison77
    Don't stop logging. Your just plain sick! I was ALWAYS sick and have recently started taking JuicePlus Vitamins as well as my regular Vitamin D2 and Fish Oils to ensure i'm not lacking any vitamins and minerals and I feel so much better! So get a few good supplements from your local Walgreens and maybe just add 200-300 calories a day in fruit or veggies only. Logging isn't going to stop you from getting well.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Maybe you ARE run down... and maybe it has some to do with your calorie deficit but maybe there are other things going on in your life that are wearing you out. Either way, you should probably be taking a multi-vitamin. I was told once (not sure if it's true but better safe then sorry!) that you cannot possibly get enough vitamins while eating at a deficit (even if all your food is healthy).
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    He also asked if I've lost weight (think he noticed my notes had about me being obese and I'm not now) and so I told him is been calorie counting and he told me to stop as I seem run down so probably not getting enough vitamins ect!

    Anyway I don't think I can stop logging my food so I've switched my goal to maintenance for the moment and I'm going to concentrate on eating healthier as for the last couple of weeks I've been eating what tastes ok (which isn't much).

    So my question to all of you is do you really think I could be worse off vitamin and mineral wise than i was when I was obese? It doesn't make any sence.

    First of all, congrats on the weight loss! I don't think you should stop tracking, but pay attention to the types of foods going into your body. If seeing a dietician would help, invest in yourself. In the meantime (especially when you're sick), get some oral vitamins. Multivitamin, vitamin D, vitamin C (whatever it is you're lacking... I didn't look at your diary). If you're on an antibiotic currently, I'd also advocate for a probiotic - but that's just my opinion.

    When you're at a healthy weight, you're less prone to sickness - IF you're getting the right nutrients. So I'm guessing you're doctor's being overly cautious, since you're sick right now!
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    veggie, veggie, veggie, fruit, fruit, fruit, veggie, fruit, veggie.....................apple a day keeps the dr away.....will be praying for you
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss, maybe you need to eat the allotted amount of calories you are required for the day, or eat more veggies colorful and green that will help get you, also multivitamins will help if you are not a meat eater. Congrats on your progress..don't let this be your stumbling block,
  • Miss2Mrs2013
    If you have a viral infection, your body is bound to be run down especially after a couple of weeks. Your body will be using all the energy it can to fight the infection. Personally I would check your log and make sure you are taking in enough vitamins and minerals generally. You can eat rubbish, be under the calorie intake and be malnourished. While you are not well, I would stick to a maintenance level as your body will need the extra energy to fight off the infection. Generally speaking GPs are not specialists in any area and I have found that anything to do with weight is their worst area. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Miss2Mrs2013
    ....................apple a day keeps the dr away....

    but if he is cute, screw the fruit... :)
  • roisinbunny
    roisinbunny Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Clare, Firstly, a massive well done on your weight loss - thats a great achievement.! Especially when the other half is reluctant to follow your example..

    I've just read this post from start to finish, some great advice on here but really your GP knows you better than any of us so maybe just delve a bit deeper into what his/her concerns are about your tracking.

    A friend of mine had a similar dramatic weight loss as yourself. She has become more prone to infection & has had regular bloods (every 6 months) which have now confirmed a mineral deficiency. This woman has an EXCELENT diet, I mean she has totally deprived herself of any sweet, processed, treats etc that it's actually scary how motivated she is. This woman eats, lives, breathes fruit & veg and other green stuff I havent heard of! But obviously, something has changed in her body in the past 3 years. Even if you had the best diet in the world (which I know you're trying to get better at), things can develop unbeknownst to us.

    As one of the others said, everyone should be getting regular bloods ( Well worth the peace of mind. I have a good enough diet that works for me, probably could do with more fibre etc but I have IBS which is triggered by those lovely fruits & veg that a lot of people are fond of! Plus, I'll never give up chocolate, life is too short). 6 months back my bloods diagnosed me with hypothyroidism, which finally explains a lot going on. That isn't going to get better by tweaking my diet & I have to go on meds.

    Definitely get a full blood work done, just for reassurance. And then get them done regularly. And keep tracking, if only to have a record that you can then show to a qualified dietician when your bloods come back in order & you can try another route.

    And get well soon:))
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    Thanks again for all your advice I do eat nuts and seeds I get graze boxes through the post and they are in little pre portioned punets but I always log them under the silly names they give them.

    As for vegetables I'm trying to up them I most of which have to come from frozen due to money problems and the fact my other half is not in on this health thing at all and insists on eating loads of crap in huge quantities. So the most I get fresh wise usually is a bit of salad and the occasional stir fry. As for meat he refuses to buy anything like that as its "too expensive". Not that thats any excuse and i have managed to sneak a few more healthy things in this week and I got some eggs for protein. I know I should put my foot down but he always takes it like a personal attack.

    The whole Dr thing over here is different I think as I'm in the UK where we get free healthcare so its all about saving money with the drs. Like he didn't give me antibiotics this time as he said I just need to see how I go ect same with blood tests they have to think you need one before you get them.

    I really do agree with you all that my diet is awful and has slipped for a while I really didn't realise how much until you all pointed it out just goes to show how easy it is to slip back into old habits.

    Thank you again everyone :)

    From my psych studies:

    1) People's diets tend to mimic those who are closest to them. You really should try to convince your other half to be more like you not you like him since he seems to be the one with the bad habits.

    2) If he sees is as a personal attack, this is not a food issue, it is a mental issue. What are you attacking? Why does he think you are being aggressive to him? Step back for a moment and reason it out. Is it him or is it you? If it's him, what can you do to alleviate that pressure? In my general experience, the person that feels attacked is either trying to stick to 'habit' which they feel that you are attacking them for their 'habit' or they are feeling 'fear' which is fear of change. Either one will send anyone into a defensive position, but point out the logical conclusions and they might see different. No change and things don't get better, change, and things CAN get better. Taking charge of your health shouldn't be an attack to him but should inspire him to do better, if he is wise enough to realize that.
  • schap08
    schap08 Posts: 1
    I have looked at your food diary. There appears to be mostly processed food with questionable nutritional quality, also hardly any protein. No wonder your body is reacting! You may have developed some food sensitivities as a result of your diet. Show your doctor your food diary and be open to suggestions for improvement.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I see a lot of recommendations for multivitamins, but as a woman I'd recommend staying away from them. They are finding some pretty significant links between breast cancer and other cancers and multivitamins. Better off getting them from food than a pill. Good luck!
  • crystallayne
    crystallayne Posts: 109 Member
    You totally could be lacking vitamins! Morbidly obese people can starve to death. I think switching to maint. is a good idea. You might think about increasing your antioxidant levels like black tea or grape juice. Just a thought!
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    Grape juice is glucose and fructose. Stay away from it, eat grapes. if you must, get the fiber from them. Apple juice has a lot of grape juice in it too, it's not that healthy at all unless it says 100% apple juice, at which point, it's still a lot of glucose and fructose. Just eat the fruit.
  • GardenKat99
    You know, I think most GPs get around half a day of nutrition training, just the basics, so unless your doctor is a trained nutrionalist, i'm not sure he/she is qualified to comment, especially if they didnt do a vitamin/mineral analysis. Best bet is to eat some good old fresh fruit and veg :)

    No kidding re: Docs and nutrition training! Find a Dietitian and work with them .... be sure to find one that has experience with weight loss patients. Most do, but like docs there is a range of who you can find. Weight loss is complicated, it is not always "food in equals food out" .....
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks again for all your advice I do eat nuts and seeds I get graze boxes through the post and they are in little pre portioned punets but I always log them under the silly names they give them.

    As for vegetables I'm trying to up them I most of which have to come from frozen due to money problems and the fact my other half is not in on this health thing at all and insists on eating loads of crap in huge quantities. So the most I get fresh wise usually is a bit of salad and the occasional stir fry. As for meat he refuses to buy anything like that as its "too expensive". Not that thats any excuse and i have managed to sneak a few more healthy things in this week and I got some eggs for protein. I know I should put my foot down but he always takes it like a personal attack.

    The whole Dr thing over here is different I think as I'm in the UK where we get free healthcare so its all about saving money with the drs. Like he didn't give me antibiotics this time as he said I just need to see how I go ect same with blood tests they have to think you need one before you get them.

    I really do agree with you all that my diet is awful and has slipped for a while I really didn't realise how much until you all pointed it out just goes to show how easy it is to slip back into old habits.

    Thank you again everyone :)

    From my psych studies:

    1) People's diets tend to mimic those who are closest to them. You really should try to convince your other half to be more like you not you like him since he seems to be the one with the bad habits.

    2) If he sees is as a personal attack, this is not a food issue, it is a mental issue. What are you attacking? Why does he think you are being aggressive to him? Step back for a moment and reason it out. Is it him or is it you? If it's him, what can you do to alleviate that pressure? In my general experience, the person that feels attacked is either trying to stick to 'habit' which they feel that you are attacking them for their 'habit' or they are feeling 'fear' which is fear of change. Either one will send anyone into a defensive position, but point out the logical conclusions and they might see different. No change and things don't get better, change, and things CAN get better. Taking charge of your health shouldn't be an attack to him but should inspire him to do better, if he is wise enough to realize that.

    Basically he is 140lb over weight always eaten the way he has and doesn't want to change! He sometimes dabbles with the idea of being healthy but it never lasts. I feel really mean saying this but its the only awquard part of our relationship.
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    I'd suggest getting a second opinion from an MD. Perhaps also find a reputable nutritionist.