So how do we know 1200 cal is the magic number?



  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member

    Ok, so if 500 cal/day = 1 lb/week, how many cal deficit per day is .81 lbs/week?

    That would be 3500 x .81 or 2835 (per week) / 7 or 405 deficit per day
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I forgot to mention. the calculations above were based on the Harris Benedict Formula.

    If I use the Katch-McArdle Formula which is supposedly more accurate because it takes lean body mass into consideration, the number seem even more off base.

    Using the Katch-McArdle formula, my current BMR is 1352.
    My current TDEE is 1655, so to lose 1 lb per week, I'd have to eat 1155/day, which makes no sense, since that is under 1200 and also under my goal weight BMR.

    All I know, is I've been consistently losing 1 to 2 pounds per week, eating between 1300 and 1500 cals per day, so that's what I'm going to stick with (MFP recommends 1500 for me). It seems that works best for me, and makes more sense than any of these calculations ever could.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Forget the numbers - it's just a easy (and free) way to keep track of your eating, drinking, and exercise. No need to go to silly meetings (WW) or eat special foods (JC). If 1200 doesn't work for you, eat less.:wink:
    Sorry but I think it is kind of rude to say. There is nothing "silly" about WW meetings. Many people, including myself, need the support and motivation that those meetings provide. And it is rude of you to say something like that just because you don't need to participate in something like that.
    ^^ This!

    Might be "silly" to you, but I get a lot of the WW meetings and enjoy hearing about new recipes and great "food finds" at our local stores. Not too mention the stories of other members who are wonderful motivators and very inspiring!

    Just because they're useful and inspiring, doesnt mean they arnt silly.

    I also warm up my throat before singing by doing voice impressions and making noises.... Yes its useful.. but its also silly.

    Saying something like "you don't need those silly meetings" implies that they are stupid/pointless/worthless and they shouldn't participate in them because they don't work. That is a rude assumption based on one person's opinion.
    I wouldn't say "you don't need to make noises before singing, because it is silly". If that is something that works for you or whoever, then good for you. I wouldn't tell everybody NOT do to that because I personally think it is dumb/pointless.

    And it is also along the same lines as saying "you don't need to attend those silly AA meetings". It is just a rude comment.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Forget the numbers - it's just a easy (and free) way to keep track of your eating, drinking, and exercise. No need to go to silly meetings (WW) or eat special foods (JC). If 1200 doesn't work for you, eat less.:wink:
    Sorry but I think it is kind of rude to say. There is nothing "silly" about WW meetings. Many people, including myself, need the support and motivation that those meetings provide. And it is rude of you to say something like that just because you don't need to participate in something like that.
    ^^ This!

    Might be "silly" to you, but I get a lot of the WW meetings and enjoy hearing about new recipes and great "food finds" at our local stores. Not too mention the stories of other members who are wonderful motivators and very inspiring!

    Just because they're useful and inspiring, doesnt mean they arnt silly.

    I also warm up my throat before singing by doing voice impressions and making noises.... Yes its useful.. but its also silly.

    Saying something like "you don't need those silly meetings" implies that they are stupid/pointless/worthless and they shouldn't participate in them because they don't work. That is a rude assumption based on one person's opinion.
    I wouldn't say "you don't need to make noises before singing, because it is silly". If that is something that works for you or whoever, then good for you. I wouldn't tell everybody NOT do to that because I personally think it is dumb/pointless.

    And it is also along the same lines as saying "you don't need to attend those silly AA meetings". It is just a rude comment.

    dammit, you missed the point.. I knew i should have just written it out.


    when someone says something that offends you on the internet.... and the full intent of the post is an unrelated subject.

    just ignore it.

    I think they're silly.
    I think WW doesnt work.
    and I find alot of stuff like that is for women with particular personality traits.

    that said.. its completely irreverent to the conversation at hand. nothing you say will change my opinion on it.

    I did not say it doesnt work for you.
    I did not say it doesnt work for anyone.
    I did not say to get rid of it.

    I just clearly stated my opinon on it.. an opinion I just made up in the last 30 seconds and have little thought into.

    so why would you bother putting so much stock into a dumb online opinion?

    Ignore the catty comments, and focus on the point someone is trying to get across.. if you can do that both here and in real life, you will be a much happier person that is not nearly offended so much.

    You're welcome. :smile:
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Forget the numbers - it's just a easy (and free) way to keep track of your eating, drinking, and exercise. No need to go to silly meetings (WW) or eat special foods (JC). If 1200 doesn't work for you, eat less.:wink:
    Sorry but I think it is kind of rude to say. There is nothing "silly" about WW meetings. Many people, including myself, need the support and motivation that those meetings provide. And it is rude of you to say something like that just because you don't need to participate in something like that.
    ^^ This!

    Might be "silly" to you, but I get a lot of the WW meetings and enjoy hearing about new recipes and great "food finds" at our local stores. Not too mention the stories of other members who are wonderful motivators and very inspiring!

    Just because they're useful and inspiring, doesnt mean they arnt silly.

    I also warm up my throat before singing by doing voice impressions and making noises.... Yes its useful.. but its also silly.

    Saying something like "you don't need those silly meetings" implies that they are stupid/pointless/worthless and they shouldn't participate in them because they don't work. That is a rude assumption based on one person's opinion.
    I wouldn't say "you don't need to make noises before singing, because it is silly". If that is something that works for you or whoever, then good for you. I wouldn't tell everybody NOT do to that because I personally think it is dumb/pointless.

    And it is also along the same lines as saying "you don't need to attend those silly AA meetings". It is just a rude comment.

    dammit, you missed the point.. I knew i should have just written it out.


    when someone says something that offends you on the internet.... and the full intent of the post is an unrelated subject.

    just ignore it.

    I think they're silly.
    I think WW doesnt work.
    and I find alot of stuff like that is for women with particular personality traits.

    that said.. its completely irreverent to the conversation at hand. nothing you say will change my opinion on it.

    I did not say it doesnt work for you.
    I did not say it doesnt work for anyone.
    I did not say to get rid of it.

    I just clearly stated my opinon on it.. an opinion I just made up in the last 30 seconds and have little thought into.

    so why would you bother putting so much stock into a dumb online opinion?

    Ignore the catty comments, and focus on the point someone is trying to get across.. if you can do that both here and in real life, you will be a much happier person that is not nearly offended so much.

    You're welcome. :smile:

    the original comment said "no need to go to silly meetings". that is flat out telling the person NOT to attend WW meetings because they are "silly". That is just bad/stupid advice to give, and flat out wrong. It is the same as someone giving the advice here " no need to go the stupid gym or work out, it is a waste of time". It IS related to the conversation here, because bad weight loss advice was given, and this is a weight loss forum.

    And FYI - You may THINK ww is for "women with certain personality traits" (which is another completely RUDE ASSUMPTION), but you are WRONG, because I've seen PLENTY of MEN at the meetings as well. I would suggest that you educate yourself about something before forming an opinion about it.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Forget the numbers - it's just a easy (and free) way to keep track of your eating, drinking, and exercise. No need to go to silly meetings (WW) or eat special foods (JC). If 1200 doesn't work for you, eat less.:wink:
    Sorry but I think it is kind of rude to say. There is nothing "silly" about WW meetings. Many people, including myself, need the support and motivation that those meetings provide. And it is rude of you to say something like that just because you don't need to participate in something like that.
    ^^ This!

    Might be "silly" to you, but I get a lot of the WW meetings and enjoy hearing about new recipes and great "food finds" at our local stores. Not too mention the stories of other members who are wonderful motivators and very inspiring!

    Just because they're useful and inspiring, doesnt mean they arnt silly.

    I also warm up my throat before singing by doing voice impressions and making noises.... Yes its useful.. but its also silly.

    Saying something like "you don't need those silly meetings" implies that they are stupid/pointless/worthless and they shouldn't participate in them because they don't work. That is a rude assumption based on one person's opinion.
    I wouldn't say "you don't need to make noises before singing, because it is silly". If that is something that works for you or whoever, then good for you. I wouldn't tell everybody NOT do to that because I personally think it is dumb/pointless.

    And it is also along the same lines as saying "you don't need to attend those silly AA meetings". It is just a rude comment.

    dammit, you missed the point.. I knew i should have just written it out.


    when someone says something that offends you on the internet.... and the full intent of the post is an unrelated subject.

    just ignore it.

    I think they're silly.
    I think WW doesnt work.
    and I find alot of stuff like that is for women with particular personality traits.

    that said.. its completely irreverent to the conversation at hand. nothing you say will change my opinion on it.

    I did not say it doesnt work for you.
    I did not say it doesnt work for anyone.
    I did not say to get rid of it.

    I just clearly stated my opinon on it.. an opinion I just made up in the last 30 seconds and have little thought into.

    so why would you bother putting so much stock into a dumb online opinion?

    Ignore the catty comments, and focus on the point someone is trying to get across.. if you can do that both here and in real life, you will be a much happier person that is not nearly offended so much.

    You're welcome. :smile:

    the original comment said "no need to go to silly meetings". that is flat out telling the person NOT to attend WW meetings because they are "silly". That is just bad/stupid advice to give, and flat out wrong. It is the same as someone giving the advice here " no need to go the stupid gym or work out, it is a waste of time". It IS related to the conversation here, because bad weight loss advice was given, and this is a weight loss forum.

    And FYI - You may THINK ww is for "women with certain personality traits" (which is another completely RUDE ASSUMPTION), but you are WRONG, because I've seen PLENTY of MEN at the meetings as well. I would suggest that you educate yourself about something before forming an opinion about it.

    so is it safe to assume you REALLY dont get the point and are easily offended?
  • WissaSA
    WissaSA Posts: 4
    We are all made differently, so there is no exact "magic number" However, doctors and nutrition experts need to set a standars that's an "average" of the ideal number of calories you need to eat if you want to lose weight so people will have some way of knowing how low of a calorie plan is advisable and safe.

    When you figure the 1,200 calories, pleae remember to add on all the calories you burn through exercise. It works like this: if you exercise and burn 500 calories, you daily calorie total should be at least 1,200 + 500 = 1,800 calories per day
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Here is a guide for setting weekly deficits, and on top of this when you workout you should eat those calories back. So if you are on 1200 cals and burn 300, you should eat 1500 for the day.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.